Chapter 26

Hearing Mama Liu's words, Qin Xiaoyue quickly got up from the sofa and ran to the door.

As soon as Xiao Ran parked the car and took out Chi Ruan's suitcase, he saw his mother in a hurry.

"Where did you take our family Ruan Ruan? It took you so long to come back. I almost thought you were lost. Really, you're such an adult, and you don't know how to grow up." This son is really unreliable.

"I'm afraid the road will slip, so drive slowly. It's not bringing you back safely, so why worry." The daughter-in-law is a treasure, and the son is a grass. Xiao Ran found that his status at home was low again.

"I'm not worried about you. I'm afraid that something will happen to my daughter-in-law. You put Ruan Ruan's luggage in her room and don't disturb our chat." Qin Xiaoyue just wanted to send her son away quickly.

Xiao Ran didn't bother to participate in the whispers between the girls, leaving behind a sentence of "Then you take care of the person" and went upstairs with the suitcase.

After the two of them finished talking, Chi Ruan greeted Qin Xiaoyue: "Hello, Auntie, I'm sorry to bother you." It's not that she doesn't want to say hello, it's that these two people are talking and she can't get in the way!

"Oh, don't bother, don't bother at all! This kid finally did something decent and brought my daughter-in-law back!" Qin Xiaoyue kept smiling, she was so happy from the bottom of her heart, it was so good A girl is his daughter-in-law.You must tell Jinxiu and the others another day to make them envious.

"Hey, Ruan Ruan, Ran Bao said you are good at playing games, can you teach me? Auntie also wants to play a game that young people like to play, what is it called? Keep up with the trend!" Qin Xiaoyue pulled With Chi Ruan's hand, she sat down on the sofa and asked Mama Liu to pour her a cup of fruit tea.

With Chi Ruan as a treasure, who would let Xiao Ran teach him?Maybe before she learned it, Xiao Ran made her shut up.How do you say that?What a handsome guy, but unfortunately he has a mouth.She always felt that this sentence was especially suitable for Xiao Ran.

"Ah, I can play a little bit, not very good." Let her play the game by herself, and she can understand it. If she teaches others to play the game, she may not be able to teach it, and neither will others.But looking at Qin Xiaoyue's expectant eyes, she couldn't bear to refuse.Forget it, let’s teach it first, and if it doesn’t work, ask Natural God for help.

"If you want to learn, the most basic, I can teach you, but some things still come naturally, he understands better than me. Professional players will have a deeper understanding of games and versions. I am an entertainment player, or live broadcast Have fun, or hang out with roommates to pass the time."

Chi Ruan didn't know what to do, wouldn't this be a test for her by her aunt?If she didn't teach and messed up, would she be thrown a bank card and asked to leave Xiao Ran just like in the TV drama?

Xiao Ran didn't expect that in the moment he went upstairs to help Chi Ruan pack his luggage and tidy up his room, his wife had already dreamed up an annual drama.

"It's okay, it's okay, just teach me, if you can't learn it, it's because I'm stupid." It's better to be a daughter-in-law, and she will get angry with her son for whatever she wants, and she doesn't know how to love her at all.

Xiao Ran, who came out of Chi Ruan's room and wanted to go downstairs, sneezed suddenly.Who is talking bad about him again!Tang Muchen?Or mom?

"Mother Liu, let's cook early at noon, Ruan Ruan didn't eat breakfast, I'm afraid she'll be hungry." Sure enough, this man still loves his wife more.

"It's fine if it's spicy, she's not very picky about food." She seemed to be afraid that Mama Liu would not know what to cook, so she mentioned it in passing.

The two people on the sofa showed a look of surprise.

One was surprised that he figured out Ruan Ruan's preferences so quickly, and the other was surprised why he knew his favorite taste.

"Why don't you take Ruan Ruan to have breakfast and then come back?"

"I drove a little slower in the morning and came back a little late. You're going to eat me when you're so angry. I'll take her to have breakfast, so you don't have to call me all the time." , he wants to spoil Hanhan, but he is not free.

Chi Ruan, who was sitting on the side, felt that the atmosphere was a little awkward, and quickly explained for Xiao Ran: "Auntie, it's not that he didn't take me to breakfast, it's that I don't have the habit of eating breakfast, don't blame him."

In the first half of the year in college, unless they lost a bet and brought breakfast for a month, or had morning classes, she would get up and have breakfast with her roommates, but breakfast did not exist.Although she knew it would be bad not to eat, but this bed was too sticky, she couldn't get rid of it!

According to Li Xihan's words, eating is worse than sleeping, and it costs neither money nor effort.So the four people in the dormitory gradually acculturated, and over time, they no longer had the habit of eating breakfast.

When Qin Xiaoyue heard this, she skipped breakfast, and she became very anxious: "How can you not eat breakfast at a young age, you guys, just because you are young, you don't cherish your body, and you will only know when you are old, how painful your stomach is! You still have to take good care of your body when you are young, and now many young people soak goji berries in their thermos cups, which is good for health preservation.”

Sure enough, mothers all over the world love to nag, especially when it comes to the health of their children, the words of nagging are unified across the country!
Realizing that she seemed to have gone too far, Qin Xiaoyue didn't continue this topic.

"What if the Coke Sprite is in someone's thermos, just read those domineering president's articles every day, don't read those weird news and mislead your children." Powerful wife Xiao Dangdao went online.

"Just bully my husband's absence. When my husband comes back, I'll ask him to park your card and collect your car. Let's see what you do!" Although it is said that girls are mother's little padded jackets, this boy also You can't be so irritating!
"If you are going to let Ruan Ruan take care of me, I don't mind. After all, Ruan Ruan of our family is also a salaryman." Xiao Ran didn't care about his mother's threats.She also turned her head and said to Chi Ruan: "I don't smoke, I don't drink, I have no bad habits, and I'm easy to raise."

Qin Xiaoyue has a new understanding of her son's shamelessness, why didn't he find out that he was so thick-skinned before, and let a girl raise him, it's shameful!There was no way to continue talking today, so she got up and ran to the kitchen, out of sight and out of sight.

When she left, Chi Ruan secretly tugged at the corner of Xiao Ran's clothes: "Isn't it okay for you to be so mad at Auntie? Will Auntie be angry?"

Xiao Ran touched Chi Ruan's head, and gently comforted him: "It's okay, the way I get along with her is like this, and she is used to it. Besides, she has her husband doting on her, so it's not my turn. My task now is to dote on you Enough."

"Oh, by the way, I've handed over the matter you posted on Weibo to Lawyer Li, and you don't have to worry about it later. Also, I don't know that woman, so you can't have any trouble because of this matter. I'm angry, let alone ignore me, do you hear me, huh?"

Seeing his serious face, Chi Ruan tried hard to hold back his smile.This man's desire to survive can be said to be very strong.

 Thank you, cute, for the 5 recommended tickets

  Hey hey hey happy fried chicken

(End of this chapter)

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