Chapter 36
Chi Ruan's Wang Zhaojun's full output equipment, coupled with Sun Shangxiang's magical equipment, will definitely do enough damage. Now it's time for a group to determine the winner.

The 20-minute storm dragon king is naturally an ancient creature that both sides want to compete for. Xia Houdun went to take a wave of offline in advance, deal with the line of troops, and join the group faster.

The five people on the opposite side were all in the position of the Storm Dragon King, so Zhang Fei went to occupy his view first, and waited for the other three to arrive.

Maybe it was because Zhang Fei was alone, and he had given all his skills to the Storm Dragon King on the opposite side, and wanted to win the Dragon King first, and then fight with Chi Ruan and the others.

When the three arrived, the Dragon King's blood volume had bottomed out, and Zhang Fei yelled loudly, knocking out the three on the opposite side. Chi Ruan immediately took over the control with his second skill, freezing the three, and then released a big move, instantly beating the disabled three people.

The tiger on the opposite side was so controlled that it couldn't handle the punishment, and the Dragon King who had worked so hard was taken away by Sun Shangxiang.

The dragon was lost, and his blood volume was not healthy. The opponent wanted to withdraw, but was stopped by Xiahou Dun's big move.Sun Shangxiang has the shield of the Dragon King buff, a skill rolls up, the damage explodes, and he gets four kills.

"Ah, stinky Qiqi, another K-head! You snatched me five kills!" This wave of her can completely kill five kills, and the last head was snatched by Xia Houdun. "I'm not happy, I have a little temper! Hmph!"

"I haven't said that you robbed me of four heads. I've been an 'orphan' in the bottom lane for so long. You don't even want me to be tall. Your feelings are really weak!"

[Hahahaha, Ruan Ruan is an old wage earner, this wave cooperated so well with Zhang Fei, and after playing for a long time, I didn't even get a single head! 】

[Miss Xihan's Zhang Fei is really beautiful, this is my dream support. 】

[So what's the use of Han Xin?Didn't it win four against five? 】

[Maybe he came to increase the difficulty of the game, he will grab the mana, he will also eat the line, which will affect the development of teammates. 】

"Okay, okay, that's enough for you two, have you considered my feelings? After a wave of mass destruction, I don't have a single head. I'm just a highland security guard with no emotions!" After fighting for 10 minutes, I finally came back, Let her fight against the wind every day, her mentality is well-trained, this little heart really can't stand it.

Li Xihan left the team without saying a word, and quit the game directly.Seeing this, the other three didn't return to the room, and Zhong Yi and Gu Wanqi went to row together sweetly.

"Wait a minute, I'll go out to get a glass of water." The game made her not in the mood to play games, so she went out to get some air.When he opened the door, he found Xiao Ran standing at the door.

"God? Why are you here?"

"I just watched your live broadcast and heard that you were going to come out to fetch water, so I came here." Xiao Ran pinched Chi Ruan's face, with such a trace of pride on his face, he smiled and said to Chi Ruan: "My Hanhan just said It's great, you've done a good job. There are some things that you can't interfere with, and she's not a child anymore, she can solve it by herself."

Regarding her roommate, he heard her mention it last time. Although from the standpoint of a man, he also felt that this man was very bad, and even made his family unhappy, but they were all outsiders.

Whether or not the game should be broken, how to break it, and what the final outcome of the game is all up to Li Xihan, and it's useless for me to worry about it.

"What you have to do now is to adjust your mood. There are still a group of fans waiting to watch your live broadcast. It is always bad to bring negative emotions to fans, so don't worry about her." He took out the A candy came out and stuffed it into Chi Ruan's hand, "I heard that eating candy when you are unhappy will make you happy, so if you eat this candy, I hope you can give me back a happy fool."

Taking the candy from Xiao Ran's hand, tearing open the package, put it in her mouth, "It's so sweet!" This candy felt sweet to her heart. "I used to like to drink milk tea and eat cakes when I was unhappy. Now I can add one. I named it Ranshen Tang! Hee hee"

Xiao Ran looked at her dotingly: "You have the final say, I'll buy milk tea cakes for you later, if you can't get out now, just eat a piece of candy and make up for it."

"Okay, okay, after eating candy, I feel full of blood and resurrected! Then I will continue to live broadcast, do you want to continue watching me play games?"

"I have to deal with the team's affairs first, and then I'll look after it." The Spring Split is coming up in March, and he still has a lot of things to deal with.

"Okay, you go first." Chi Ruan gave Xiao Ran a heartfelt gesture, then quickly slipped into the room and closed the door.

Xiao Ran outside the door stayed for a while before he realized that his own Hanhan was just comparing his heart, and muttered to himself: "Next time, you won't be able to run away just by comparing your heart, baby." Things, tease her slowly, anyway, she still owes several promises, he can make any request.

"I'm back, what do you want to see me play? Or, continue to bring fans in five rows?"

[With fans, with fans, take me through the catastrophe!I've been stuck on Xingyaoyi for a long time, and I just want to get a mark, it's too difficult! 】

[I want to see you play Diao Chan, but I don't want to ban Shield Mountain. 】

[Wolf off, brother!Diao Chan hit Dunshan, do you want Ruan Ruan to shut himself up? 】

"Then bring the fifth row of fans. If you can't help Dunshan, don't come. If you come, I will use Daji to play you! Humph!" Want to see Diao Chan but can't help but Dunshan, is this really a pro fan!
[A blood book by one person, friends who get on the bus must not ban Dunshan, I want to see Daji! 】

[I think it's okay, the hot woman who was suppressed at the bottom of the box can come out again!Brothers rush to the ducks! 】

"Okay, okay, don't write bloody books, I just want to see Daji, what a big deal! If you dare to get in the car, I will dare to play. Anyway, I will not take the blame if I lose."

[Then I want to see if Bai Qi Lianpo still has a chance! ! ! 】

"No, it's too ugly. I don't want to play them unless they are filled in the top game. Too ugly will affect my experience of this game." Girls play games, who is different? Play some good-looking and showy heroes Woolen cloth!It doesn't matter if you can c or not, as long as it doesn't affect my skin look good.

[Hahahahaha, it's too real! 】

[This is not very normal, girls play games all the time, this one looks good, I play this one, that one is too ugly, so I don't play it.Boys play games all the time, this one can c, I play this one, that one can only lie down, I don't play it. 】

[Boys also have faces, like me!Hahaha, so proud!I am Yangou and I am proud, I advertise for the skin! 】

[It's pretty good, and it also rhymes. 666]

[Heroes don’t matter, but good-looking skins don’t matter. 】

[That's right, I'm a person who doesn't know how to play wild, and I still like the looks of the lightning mouse and Feng Qiuhuang!I spent a lot of money to buy them, and after looking at their proficiency, they were still a blank slate.My friend asked me why I didn’t know how to play and bought it, I said I bought it to appreciate~]

"Tsk, all of you are more ruthless than me, not bad, not bad, very popular~" This group of fans should not be too cute, her mood suddenly became beautiful.

"Suddenly found that it's nice to have you."

 It's really good to have you~()

  Thank you for the reward, thank you for the recommendation ticket

  Caught off guard by changing seasons
(End of this chapter)

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