Madam is an internet addict girl

Chapter 49 The Real King's Glory

Chapter 49 The Real King's Glory.
The next day, after everyone went back to the club, they sat together for dinner at night. There were four people at the table who pushed each other, and I looked at him, trying to open my mouth to say something, but gave up.The final task fell on the newcomer assistant Xiaohe (real name: Wang Mo ID: DH, Xiaohe).

He looked at Xiao Ran, and suddenly asked, "Brother Ran, do you really have a girlfriend?"

Not only did Xiao Ran look puzzled when he heard his sudden question, even the other three people were frightened by Xiao He's straightforward question.Tang Muchen wanted to die at that time, he thought that Xiaohe was a king, but he didn't expect that it turned out to be bronze.

He didn't make any foreshadowing, he didn't see each other for so long and didn't even exchange greetings, he asked Li Ran directly if he had a girlfriend, only Tang Muchen knew about it, suddenly he asked from Xiao He's mouth, Xiao Ran knew it without even thinking about it It was Tang Muchen who said it. Can his little life be saved?

Tang Muchen tried his best to avoid Xiao Ran's gaze, and wanted to pretend that nothing had happened, and continue eating. Xiao Ran glanced at him, didn't speak, and didn't answer Xiao He's question directly. He just said: "It's a personal matter, it's not convenient to disclose it. Who told you, you go to ask who."

He already knew that Tang Muchen was a big mouther. What he knew, everyone in the club would know it within 10 minutes, and everyone in the league would know it within a day.When asking Tang Muchen for information, he felt that Tang Muchen was quite useful, but at other times, he felt that Tang Muchen was too gossip.

After receiving Xiao Ran's answer, the others, including the coach, data analyst, and teaching assistant, all looked at Tang Muchen.

"Don't look at me, brother Ran told me in this position yesterday, the exact words! 'His wife'! I didn't lie to you!" He pointed to the location of the corridor on the second floor, wanting to speak eloquently Restore what happened yesterday.

Xiao Ran looked at him working hard, put down the chopsticks in his hand, and looked around, "Tang Muchen deducted three months of performance salary, I will tell you the truth of the matter."

"Yes! I agree with both hands!"

"I agree with both hands and feet!"

"We have no opinion!"

In this way, everyone sold Tang Muchen with a tacit understanding.Sacrificing one of him can satisfy everyone's curiosity. The captain of Maternal Solo took the initiative to reveal that he has a partner, and they are eager to know who that girl is.Gossip is a thing, regardless of gender, regardless of age.

"It's fine to sell me during the game, but now you have to sell me. Others are offering ADCs. You are stepping on me. No, I can't stand this grievance." He is a bait when playing games, Go out to cheat the opponent's big move, when he is dead, the opponent's skills are almost used, and the remaining 4 teammates will go up and take the head.

"Because we don't need protection, Xiaohe is a team starter, aren't you used to fending for yourself?" Top laners don't need protection, and junglers can also take care of themselves. In his eyes, only the c seat on the opposite side was left, leaving only Tang Muchen shivering in the cold wind blowing in the Canyon of Kings.

"Chi Ruan."

After Xiao Ran only said these two words, he left the dining table and went straight upstairs. Everyone at the dining table looked at each other, not knowing what he meant.

Only Tang Muchen stood there motionless, "Anchor, Chi Ruan, isn't Brother Ran's girlfriend the same as his real estate manager?! I'm such a pig!"

"What housekeeper?"

"Who is Chiruan?"

"Brother Ran, is there a room manager in the live broadcast room?"

"what's the situation?"

"My fans told me before that if I asked Brother Ran to broadcast live, he would give me two planes, and then I went to Brother Ran to broadcast live. When he was broadcasting live, there was a fan of the female anchor who swiped the pool frantically Ruan's name, let her come out, and she came out to buy gifts for Brother Ran, and Brother Ran gave her the room manager. Later, there was a female anchor named Qiaoer, because Brother Ran wanted to solo with Chi Ruan on the matter of room manager, In the end, she lost the duel and spread rumors on Weibo. She was directly asked by a lawyer to sue her for defamation. The court summons was sent to her home, so Qiaoer was discouraged, and she sought out a relationship to solve it privately.

In the end, she didn't even see the rightful owner. As the lawyer said, if there is no shortage of money, she should be sentenced as she should.I wondered how this matter was dealt with so quickly. That woman doesn't seem like someone without a backstage.I bet, Brother Ran must have intervened in this matter! "When Tang Muchen heard about this before, he only thought it was a grievance between the two female anchors, and he just listened to it for fun. Today, when he heard the name "Chi Ruan" from Xiao Ran, he realized it.

"Brother Ran is so angry that she becomes a beauty!"

"I didn't expect Brother Ba Ran to be so protective of his wife. Tsk tsk tsk, it really tortured and killed a lot of single dogs."

"Brother Ran is in love, Master Qingjie."

"Oh, by the way, Brother Ran was watching the live broadcast yesterday. I thought it was a bronze game, and there was Daji who played an iron sword. I just said, 'Brother Ran likes to watch this kind of game', and Brother Ran was very disdainful She looked at me seriously, and said she was Diaochan in the national uniform, and she had run into the top game with Brother Ran, and that Daji who made the iron sword was Brother Ran's mother." Since he had already been fined three months of performance-based salary, he simply told him what he knew. To tell the whole story, sacrifice him alone, to satisfy everyone's gossip.

"National server, I even ran into the top game with Brother Ran, so I should play games very well, right? Brother Ran can build a women's team, and then the two of them, a male team leader and a female team leader, will fight for the king's game together!"

"Am I the only one who focuses on playing games with my sister-in-law and aunt? Have you already met the parents? Has it developed so fast?" Lin Yize, the sister-in-law, called it smoothly, and the man standing in the corner upstairs who was eavesdropping was satisfied smiled.

"No, no, what are you talking about? Why can't I understand a single word?" At one time, Xiao Ran was in a relationship, at another time, he was a female anchor, and at another time, he was meeting his parents. What is it all about?Yu Pei felt that his brain was not enough.

"It doesn't matter whether you understand or not. Anyway, everyone understands. My task is completed. I will rely on everyone to help me for the next three months. I am grateful and considerate." Tang Muchen had just lost three months of performance salary. For the next three months, he can only rely on his teammates to help him. He has endured too much that his age should not bear.

"Silly Chengzi, what are you talking about? It doesn't matter whether I understand or not? Are you itchy? Don't think that I let the economy grow for you in the Canyon of Kings, and my live-action King of Glory will let you. "The top order will always eat the least money and bear the most damage. He has paid too much for this man, but he is still disgusted. Sooner or later, he will have a real king's glory with Tang Muchen to let him know what is meant by society." sinister.

"Hey, I'm like this, you come and hit me!"

 The fifth anniversary of the king didn't look at anything
  Plane update uncertain tonight
  Thank you for your votes

(End of this chapter)

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