Madam is an internet addict girl

Chapter 55 Training Match

Chapter 55 Training Match (5)

"Steady, wait for Xi Shi to come back to life."

In this wave, ST's shooter Bai Yao pushed down the bottom tower through his own personal operation, which helped ST regain a bit of rhythm and slowed down DH's attempt to attack.

In the bottom lane, Lu Bujia and Pei Qinhu pressed the tower. Na Kelulu wanted to clear the line and develop, so she jumped down directly. The line was cleared, and her remaining blood was almost taken away.Fortunately, he made his big move and flew away.

DH has lost one tower in the upper and lower lanes, and the ST towers are all there, so the upper and lower lanes have an advantage. At 8 minutes and 32 seconds, Li Xin, Zhou Yu, and Marco Polo led the line of troops to the second tower on the road.

"If you can't defend it, let it go." Sun Bin was in the middle, Tiger and Lu Bu had just taken down the tyrant, Xi Shi was playing blue, and Ju Youjing had difficulty defending the attack of three people by himself, so he retreated directly to the Highland Tower.

Pei Qinhu and Lu Bu had just finished taking the tyrant and walked to the middle right grass. Both were carried back by Dunshan. Na Kelulu jumped down and killed Pei Qinhu. Li Xin rushed from the top road to the middle road after pushing the tower. There are few people in DH, and they want to push down the middle tower of DH.

Xi Shi pulled to Shield Mountain and led it under a tower of her house. Zhou Yu's fire had already been laid, and Na Ke Lulu's second big move was ready and continued to chase forward, ignoring the defense tower and sitting three on one buttock, taking away Xiao Ran's Xishi and Lu Bu of Yize.

In this wave of zero for three, ST's economy surpassed [-], and it can also push down DH's middle tower. DH's support is Sun Bin, and it's difficult to see the field of vision. After this wave of team battles, ST successfully suppressed DH's field of vision within the second tower, so that they dare not go out to explore the field of vision.

At 9 minutes and 12 seconds, ST pushed DH's first tower in the middle. Taking advantage of the number of people and the advantage of the pawn line, and the shield mountain is still there, ST directly destroyed the second tower in the middle.In this way, the next wave of central soldiers will not slow down.If DH makes another mistake and gets wiped out one by one by ST, it is very likely that the crystal will be pushed away by ST in the middle.

ST first tried to open the dark tyrant, but DH didn't want to let go. Sun Bin raised his speed with his second skill, and the four went straight to the dragon pit.Lu Bu jumped directly into the grass in front of the Dragon Pit, and Dun Shan, who was squatting in the grass, turned his back on his back, and carried Lu Bu in front of his own legs.

Zhou Yu spread the fire, and Marco Polo directly shot Lu Bu a bullet. Lu Bu sucked a mouthful of the shield and wanted to replace the shield mountain, but Marco Polo still took the head.And Dunshan's head was also accepted by Tang Muchen's Pei Qinhu.

But ST's pawn line pushed down DH's second tower on the road, approaching the highland tower.Now the DH only has the second tower and three highland towers left. The disadvantage of the pawn line has to be taken care of, so we have to let go of this dark tyrant and return to the highland to clear the line. ST successfully accepted the first dark tyrant.

The ST who took down the Dark Tyrant wanted to take advantage of the tyrant's buff and rush to the high ground in the middle. Losing her is considered a stop loss.

"Show, Brother Ran."

"Take care of the pawn line and wait for Lu Bu to develop for a while."

Nako Lulu's death delayed ST's attack on the high ground. They chose to retreat, close the DH's wild area, and then go home to collect their own wild area, and open the wave to dominate the DH's high ground.

Lu Bu's economy is in the fourth position in the team. In 12 minutes, there is only a pair of tough shoes, an extremely cold storm, a witch, and two iron swords.

"Lulu is not here, open the dragon and open the dragon."

Na Kelulu has 8 seconds left to revive, and Pei Qinhu, Lu Bu, and Ju Youjing have already taken their positions in Longkeng.

Pei Qinhu and Ju Youjing were fighting the dragon very fast. Dunshan wanted to interrupt their dragon-fighting process, and directly carried back Lu Bu, who only had two armors. beated.But Dunshan directly cooperated with Marco Polo to kill Lu Bu.

Nakolulu came back to life and rushed directly to the dragon pit, because Pei Qinhu and Tachibana Ukyo missed the best time to fight the dragon just now when they wanted to save Lu Bu. When the dragon had a quarter of its health left, Nakolulu arrived , Striking to grab the master.

"I'll go, I didn't get it." Tang Muchen's punishment was a step late, and the dragon was snatched away by Na Ke Lulu, and he made a wedding dress for someone else.

"Withdraw, withdraw."

Originally, I wanted to make a time difference to open the Juggernaut, but because of a mistake in Lu Bu's scouting and positioning, not only did the dragon not get it, but one person was missing.Now there are five players in ST, and only four in DH. The pawn line has almost reached the middle highland, and the middle highland is in danger.

The middle lane was cleared, but DH's mid lane highland tower was left with a trace of blood, and the bottom lane second tower was about to fall. The economy was [-] short, and it was time for the thrilling home defense link.

Dunshan backed Lu Bu in Yize again, and Lu Bu was forced to surrender his ult and retreat.Xiao Ran also pulled Marco Polo and forced out Marco Polo's purification.

"Marco cleansed for 15 minutes and 32 seconds."

The five members of ST held a group, turned on the wolf emblem and rushed forward, backing Xi Shi, but they didn't carry the wall and were blocked by the wall.Lu Bu jumped on the spot, and was shot down by Zhou Yu, Marco Polo, and Nakolulu in seconds. The battlefield was divided by the shield mountain on the left, and his teammates had no way to support him.Marco Polo took the opportunity to shoot down the Highland Tower, which was too crippled in the middle.

There is also a pawn line in the bottom lane, and there is also a dominant vanguard. ST chooses to continue to point towers.

At 14 minutes and 52 seconds, the highland towers in the middle and lower lanes of DH were broken. ST did not continue to fight, and chose to withdraw a wave and take the Dark Tyrant.

Seeing the right opportunity, Xi Shi drew Zhou Yu, cooperated with his teammates to drop in seconds, and directly broke the game. DH reversely pushed down ST's first tower in the middle.

Dunshan flashed back directly to Xi Shi, ST only had Xi Shi in his eyes, and immediately fell off when he recited it. Lu Bu wanted to jump to protect Xi Shi, but he didn't land, and he was gone.

DH lost two people in a row, and the pawn line had already reached the opposite crystal. ST pushed away DH's crystal in one go, and pulled back a round.

"I personally awarded Ran the title of mvp for the loser, this Xi Shi. The card is too accurate."

It's not that Lin Yize can't handle it, it's just that his economy is too low, and he used it to support Pei Qinhu and Ju Youjing.Lu Bu, who has no equipment, can't handle output without output, and can't handle it. "A clever woman can't cook without rice" should be quite appropriate to describe Lu Bu.

"My problem is that I lost points several times, and I was kicked out several times." Lin Yize felt that he had to fight hard, and if he won another round, he could go to eat, otherwise the more hungry he would be, the worse he would be.In case ST makes the second to chase the third, he won't have to eat, he doesn't deserve it.

When Coach Fan came in from the next door, there was no expression on his face, "Can you be more serious, why don't you know how to play after the holiday? If you can't do it, tell me, I'll let the substitute play, don't think you Now sit firmly on the Diaoyutai, there are only a few starting positions, if you want it, I will let someone else take it."

Originally, this game started off smoothly, and he thought it would be [-]-[-] ST, so he took out his mobile phone and prepared to order a seafood feast to encourage them, but he was reversed later.

E-sports is a very cruel profession. Each team has five starters. Everyone fights based on their strength. If your performance is not good, the coach replaces a substitute player and finds that the substitute player is better than you, then you may be dismissed. After changing it, he has been sitting on the bench.

The golden age is only a few years, who doesn't want to play games?

 Rounding up, there is only one time difference between me and the professional player to remember the skills of the opposite summoner_(ω」∠)_
(End of this chapter)

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