Madam is an internet addict girl

Chapter 57 Training Match

Chapter 57 Training Match (7)

ST took advantage of DH's weak line to take down Juggernaut, preventing DH from having any hope of a comeback.

"I'll go out and look for opportunities." Wang Zhaojun completely restricted Di Renjie's output, so Guan Yu could only go out and look for opportunities to see if he could reach the opponent's back row.

At 17 minutes and 50 seconds, the dominant vanguard arrived at the highland tower on the road. Yun Zhongjun relied on his resurrection armor and wanted to go in and sell a wave, but was stopped by Di Renjie with a yellow card, and the blood line was quickly dropped.He withdrew with his big move, was pushed back under the defensive tower by Guan Yu's big move, played the resurrection armor, resurrected and stood up, and was directly hacked to death by Guan Yu.

"Take care of the lower route and pull out the field of vision." Although a Yun Zhongjun was killed in the highland tower on the upper road, the dominant vanguard of the lower road has already reached the gate of the crystal, and was blocked by a wave of soldiers that just came out, otherwise it would be very difficult. It is possible that the crystal was pushed away by Juggernaut.

Before Yun Zhongjun was resurrected, they could take up their field of vision and take out the line of soldiers to relieve the pressure on the line of soldiers.

"I'm going, this Cao Cao is so fierce, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, let me leave the brother!" Guan Yu originally wanted to slash Cao Cao, and then slipped away, but Cao Cao didn't hesitate at all. The blood line was not suppressed, but Cao Cao cooperated with Gongsunli to take the head.

It was hard to get back a little bit of disadvantage, because of this wave of Guan Yu's death, DH could only retreat under the tower.

"This Qin Huai, you pretended to be violent and didn't give me any face." Just because you glanced at you in the crowd, you called your brothers to beat me up.

"Shoujia waits for Guan Yu's resurrection, and the Storm Dragon King, don't go out." Guan Yu's resurrection almost refreshes the Storm Dragon King, if they can grab the Storm Dragon King, they will still have the power to fight.

At 20 minutes and 01 seconds, the Storm Dragon King refreshed.

DH occupies the field of view of the middle left grass, ST is in the middle right grass, Shen Mengxi's big move crippled everyone except Wang Zhaojun, and Yun Zhongjun and Cao Cao had only one-third of their health left.

Wang Zhaojun gave a big move to cover his teammates to retreat, and the bull demon's big move shot Wang Zhaojun and Taiyi real person, Taiyi real person had to drive the wolf emblem and lead his teammates to retreat.

Cao Cao flashed up and wanted to cut Shen Mengxi, but was dodged by Shen Mengxi's golden body, but was beaten out of the resurrection armor by Di Renjie, and stood up again, but Zhao Yun still took the head.

Guan Yu was so big that he wanted to go up to save Cao Cao's Gongsunli. He played Gongsunli's resurrection armor, and then guarded Gongsunli's "corpse".

"Is this the legendary gourd baby who saved grandpa!" Even Cijiu himself didn't expect that ST would make such a mistake.

"Guan Yu goes to bring the string, we go and take the Storm Dragon King."

At 21 minutes and 10 seconds, DH accepted the Storm Dragon King, and the situation seemed to be getting better again.

With the blessing of the Storm Dragon King, DH finally pushed down ST's top lane and the second middle tower, but ST successively took down DH's bottom lane and top lane highland tower. The pressure of the two lines of super soldiers, Guan Yu had to go back to clear the line .

At 26 minutes, DH first caught a Cao Cao who did not have a resurrection armor at the Storm Dragon King, and then kept Wang Zhaojun. He only gave it to himself, and both of them died in battle.

Yun Zhongjun flew to the bottom lane and took two super soldiers to steal the tower. Guan Yu and Zhao Yun hurried back to defend, first killed Yun Zhongjun, and then pushed the super soldiers out of the crystal to prevent them from touching the crystal.

Gongsunli was the only one left in ST, and Di Renjie, Shen Mengxi, and Niu Mo went straight to the high ground tower in the middle of ST with the bloody cannon.

After Cao Cao was resurrected, he went out in a flash and wanted to cooperate with Gongsunli to clear the gun carriage, but the soldiers were cleared, and the two of them failed to survive. At 27 minutes and 08 seconds, ST was wiped out by the group, and the fastest resurrection was the 5-second defender Wang Zhaojun.

"Guan Yu go back, don't let super soldiers steal the house!"

ST's super soldier on the road has already reached the position of the highland tower. In the 27-minute super soldier, if Crystal is not defended, it is very likely that the super soldier will be pushed away by the super soldier.

The next wave of DH has arrived at the gate of ST's crystal. Wang Zhaojun was revived, and his big move was given to the bull demon with residual blood, and the head of the bull demon was taken away. However, both Shen Mengxi and Di Renjie still have half blood, and the line of soldiers has already entered ST's crystal, Di Renjie lost half of the blood.

But DH's own crystal has been touched by super soldiers, Guan Yu uses his body to block the attacks of super soldiers, preventing them from attacking the crystal.

"Persist for a long time!"

Wang Zhaojun played Di Renjie's Resurrection Armor. No matter how many people were attacking him, Di Renjie only had Ta in his eyes.

Guan Yu is working hard to push the super soldier out of the crystal range, Shen Mengxi is creating a better environment for him to point the tower, and the bull demon is trying to protect him with his remaining blood to deceive Wang Zhaojun's skills. All of this is because they want to obtain game of victory.

When the word victory appeared in their line of sight, Tang Muchen was about to cry: "I really almost thought that our crystal was going to be hit by a super soldier, and I couldn't feel it when I pressed the tower push button. Chijiu is amazing! I unilaterally announced that the mvp of this game will be given to Chijiu!"

As long as the crystal hasn't exploded, there is still a glimmer of hope, and the ending may not be changed in the end, but we are worthy of ourselves.

In the end, DH still defeated ST 3:1. Although the last win was very difficult, and there was still a little bit of luck in it, but the game is like this, don't look at the process, only look at the result.Luck is also part of strength.

After the training match, everyone breathed a sigh of relief, and went to fill their stomachs first, and then waited for Coach Fan's criticism.

Xiao Ran went back to his room to get his mobile phone, only to see that Chi Ruan had sent him a message in half an hour, asking him if he finished the training match.

"Just after the fight, our crystal was pushed away by a super soldier in the last blow, but we knocked out the crystal on the opposite side first."

"Then you're quite lucky, you're worthy of God." Chi Ruan was sitting on the sofa watching Qin Xiaoyue's solo platinum promotion match, and if you win this one, you'll be awarded platinum.After she sent a message to Xiao Ran, she kept her mobile phone in her hand, so that she could see the message he sent her immediately.

"After having you, my luck has become very good, thank you my lady luck."

Chi Ruan has no resistance against Xiao Ran like this, and after seeing him for a few days, she feels that his flirting skills have improved a lot. "Who did you learn these words from? It doesn't match our Ranshen's high-cold temperament."

"Words from the bottom of your heart, you can learn by yourself without a teacher." Xiao Ran is completely different to those who care and those who don't. It should be said that this is the truest appearance of Xiao Ran.

"Okay, I have to go to the summary meeting. Everyone made a lot of mistakes today. I don't know when it will end. I will be very busy these days. If you are sleepy, go to bed first. If I finish early Just message or call you."

Yesterday, Tang Muchen and the others were still urging him to create a new group to bring her in, saying that he usually doesn't play five rows with them, and only solo queues by himself. It just so happens that Chi Ruan also plays mid laner, so they can bring his sister-in-law to the top.In the end, he pushed back: "I will take care of Ruan Ruan in our family, so stay where you are when you are cool."

Xiao Ran, the team bully, hates people online.

 This game can be regarded as one of the most memorable games I watched in the Spring Split

  The crystal is not fried, the problem is not big ()

  You can always trust yourself!

  It's really a fw that takes the title!crying liao
(End of this chapter)

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