Madam is an internet addict girl

Chapter 6 Xiao Ran Likes Boys?

Chapter 6 Xiao Ran Likes Boys?
After exiting the chat page, Chi Ruan found new news from the dormitory group.

Xihan is a beautiful girl: "Woooooo, sisters, I'm so sad [crying] [crying] [crying]"

Xihan is a beautiful girl: "Cheng Ziwen doesn't take me to play games, and he still hates my food! People's boyfriends always call their girlfriends to play Yao, and then the wild king takes them away. How come my boyfriend doesn't take me to play games?" [sad] [almost crying]"

Cheng Ziwen and Li Xihan have known each other for almost ten years, but it was Li Xihan who took the initiative to confess their relationship after the college entrance examination.

It can be said that Cheng Ziwen is the light that illuminates Li Xihan.

Chi Ruan also heard Li Xihan say something about her relationship with Cheng Ziwen. Although Chi Ruan is still a noob in love, she always feels that Cheng Ziwen doesn't like Li Xihan very much.

As a roommate, as a friend, as a best friend, Chi Ruan said nothing about the things between the two of them, so he could only comfort Xihan: "It's okay, I'll take you to lie down~"

The words don't convey the meaning: "That's right, be good and don't cry, your boyfriend won't take you, we will take you!"

Ruan Ruanruan: "I haven't had enough live broadcast time this month, I really want to live broadcast for lunch, the water time is long, hehehehe"

Ruan Ruanruan: "I'm such a little genius~"

The words don’t convey the meaning: “Go bah go bah, I’m going to eat first, and I’ll take you to Oita after I’m done.”[email protected]Xihan is a beautiful girl"

Xihan is a beautiful girl: "It's great to have you!!!"

Xihan is a beautiful girl: "When I was reading novels at home after the college entrance examination, those novels always wrote that the heroine was framed by her roommate, which made me a little scared. Comparing my heart!! Meh?"

Ruan Ruanruan: "We are all young people in the new era, those who do not exist in novels."

Xihan is a beautiful girl: "Hehehe, Ruan Ruan, remember to eat on time~ I'll wait for your link."

Chi Ruan quit WeChat, put down his phone, and went to check what else was in the refrigerator.

When Xiao Ran came out of the room, my dear mother was on the phone.

"Well, his plane just arrived this morning, is he resting?"

"The night after tomorrow? All right, tell me when you book the time and place, and I'll take him there."

"Okay, I'm sure I believe in your vision."

Qin Xiaoyue, who was chatting happily, saw her son come out of the room, so she ended the conversation: "Well, let's not talk for now, I will take him with me the night after tomorrow."

After hanging up the phone, Qin Xiaoyue held the phone and looked at Xiao Ran: "Your aunt called and asked if you're home. Let's have dinner together the night after tomorrow. It's New Year's Eve. There are also some of your father's partners who want to treat you. "

Hearing this, Xiao Ran raised his eyebrows.

"Except for my aunt, you can postpone other gatherings if you can. It's best not to go out recently. This epidemic is very serious."

"Okay, let's eat first, it's only this time of the year that I can sit and eat with you."

Even when professional players are not competing, most of them are at the club base.Adjust the team status and play training games with other teams.Sometimes the club will also accept some commercial activities for the players.

Of course, live broadcast is indispensable.

The DH team does not have a mandatory requirement for the length of the live broadcast every month.Xiao Ran is both the captain and the boss. The boss said that there is no need to make money from live broadcasts, and the staff and coaching staff will not ask for live broadcasts.

On the first day the club was established, Xiao Ran told them, "I only look at the results here. On the field, I am just a player and obey the coach's arrangements. In normal times, as the owner of the club, except for daily training, I must strictly follow the requirements. I don’t impose mandatory rules on the duration of the live broadcast. The live broadcast is your personal choice. If you don’t delay your training, 100% of your live broadcast income belongs to you. But if your training is delayed because of the live broadcast, then your live broadcast income will be lost. Competition Good grades, bonuses are indispensable, poor competition results, nothing.”

Therefore, the DH team has won two championships and one second since the start of the expedition, and there are two star players in the middle and shooting.

Hearing his mother complaining about him, Xiao Ran made a decision in his heart.

"You should be proud of having such an excellent son. Your son is also a gamer with more than 200 million followers on Weibo. Don't you think so?"

Qin Xiaoyue sandwiched a piece of sweet and sour pork ribs for Xiao Ran, "What's the use of more than 200 million fans, and I don't have my daughter-in-law!"

Qin Xiaoyue is often at home alone now, and she is increasingly disgusted with the fact that her son does not have a girlfriend.

"You said that you are 1.8 meters tall, and you are also handsome and talented. You need height, height, and good looks. Why don't you have a girlfriend?"

Qin Xiaoyue seemed to have thought of something, looked at Xiao Ran in disbelief, and asked: "Son, tell Mom honestly, do you like boys?"

"Mom, the more you say, the more outrageous you are. I am a gamer now, and there are still many people who think that playing games is a waste of time. I want to find someone who understands me and understands me. And now I want to talk about it more. Take my team to win a championship. I'm still young, and I don't want to fall in love yet."

When Qin Xiaoyue heard her son's words, she thought of the time when she and her husband started a business.

After Qin Xiaoyue and Xiao Guoliang, Xiao Ran's father, got married, Qin Xiaoyue suddenly felt that her current nine-to-five job and step-by-step life could not meet her requirements for better living conditions for her children, so she told her family that she wanted to quit and start a business.

At that time, both parents felt that it was too risky and disagreed with Qin Xiaoyue's idea. Only Xiao Guoliang told Qin Xiaoyue in front of everyone, "Do whatever you want, and I will accompany you to start a business if you want to start a business. I understand your thinking, I I also support your thoughts, and I will help you when the sky falls, so I won’t hurt you.”

Qin Xiaoyue saw that her son had made up her mind, so she couldn't say anything more. Boys are also self-motivated in their careers, and people can never be content with the status quo.

 There is always someone who understands your strangeness and is cute and cute with you.

  If you haven't met yet, don't worry.

  Wait for the traffic light at the next intersection.

  (I took the exam for a week, and I feel bad o(╥﹏╥)o)

(End of this chapter)

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