Chapter 61
"Well, I just finished my work, what are you doing?"

"I'm live broadcasting, three rows with Xihan and Qiqi, just wait for me."

"Don't worry, just play. I'll wait for you to finish the live broadcast. I'll watch the game video first and wait for you."


The barrage of a conversation was cloudy, and I didn't know who she was calling, but she had been live broadcasting for so long, and she had never answered the phone during the live broadcast before, and the barrage instantly boiled up.

[For the first time in history, answering the phone during the live broadcast! 】

[This woman has really changed after a winter vacation! 】

[Ruanruan when calling and Ruanruan when playing games are completely two people, tsk tsk tsk. 】

[Is it just me who is curious about who called? 】

[Blindly guess the boyfriend. 】

"It hasn't changed. I'm still the boy I used to be. Whoever calls is the person you think of." She doesn't care whether telling fans that she has a boyfriend will lose popularity or fans.Girls need a sense of security, in fact, boys also need a sense of security.Compared with the number of fans, she cares more about what Xiao Ran thinks.

[Remove and cancel. 】

[Ye Qingjie, the dream is shattered! 】

"If you want to cancel it, you can just cancel it yourself. You don't need to send a barrage to tell me. Since I dare to say it, I must be mentally prepared. I didn't intend to hide this matter."

Chi Ruan's operations left Li Xihan and Gu Wanqi stunned.Those female anchors are afraid of losing fans, even if they fall in love, they do it secretly, and some of them pretend to be single even when they are married.

Fortunately, she told everyone openly that she had a boyfriend and that she could cancel it casually.Tsk, how capricious.

The man on the other end of the phone was overjoyed after hearing what Chi Ruan said. This simple-minded man doesn't even know how to think about himself.But when Chi Ruan came this way, he had a new plan in mind.

"Don't you regret doing this Hanhan, what if you lose a lot of fans and no one will watch your live broadcast in the future?"

"If no one watches my live broadcast, I won't broadcast it, but I don't want to deliberately hide something about you."

[Suddenly I like Ruanruan more, I ate this bowl of dog food with tears in my eyes. 】

[Spicy boy must make Ruan Ruan happy! 】

[Tears!What kind of treasure girl is Ruan Ruan! ! ! 】

"No dog food, no treasures, I'm just an internet addicted girl who likes to play games. If I'm happy, I think it should be possible. Thank you everyone~ what!" , not counting her fans, not really liking her.Time always takes away a part, and what stays is worth cherishing.

"Okay, okay, let's play the game well. I can only die when I meet a conjoined couple." The combination of bot lane shooting and assisting in this game should be said to be very strong with Yao and Marco Polo. There was a two-on-five, but in the end, he was beaten by a Sun Shangxiang in the bottom lane, which was really surprising.

"What's wrong with the conjoined couple, won't you join me when we play games in the future?" Xiao Ran said that there is no problem with the conjoined couple.Winning or losing a game is not important, the joy of playing games with your girlfriend is the most important thing.

"No, no, we're both c-positions, we can't be conjoined. A boyfriend is a boyfriend, and a game is a game. You have to be serious when you play games, otherwise you will easily quarrel and affect your relationship if you lose." Although she didn't know why the two of them Playing games together will quarrel, but she has seen many quarrels when they lost the game.Boys blame girls for being too good, girls blame boys for not being able to move.

For the sake of harmony, she felt that when she played games with Xiao Ran, both of them should be more serious.If the game is won, there should be no quarrel.

[Is this the love view of internet-addicted girls? 】

[I feel sorry for my little brother for a second, Ruan Ruan is really serious about the game, seriously I don't even want my boyfriend. 】

[Full marks for logic, full marks for reasons. 】

[What information does it seem to have captured?They are all at c position, so that means the little brother is a shooter? 】

"How do you say it? No, no, I want games and boyfriends. You can guess which position to play. In fact, he is omnipotent." This year's fans are all scouts, right?In the future, she will not dare to talk nonsense in the live broadcast, all of them are really amazing.

Xiao Ran was on the phone with Chi Ruan to watch the game, and found that his attention was all on Chi Ruan, and he didn't have the heart to watch the game on the tablet at all. "The game and I can only choose one, which one will you choose?"

He couldn't watch the video, so he simply turned on the cloud TV to watch Hanhan's live broadcast.

"Why is there such a question of death? I'm going to play the game well, and I refuse to answer this question."

"Hey, there is a reward for answering."

"Then choose you, games are not as fun as you." She felt that when she was with Xiao Ran, games didn't seem to be so attractive to her.

[What kind of tiger and wolf talk is this! ! ! 】

[I suspect that Ruanruan is driving, and I have evidence. 】


[Fuck, the boss is here! 】

As soon as Chi Ruan finished speaking, he saw the system prompt.

[Baby Chi Ruan renews the royal family for Chi Ruan x 3]

[System news: Baby Chi Ruan sent a rocket x 5 for Chi Ruan, and a large number of red envelopes will be distributed in the live broadcast~]

Didn't he say he was watching the game video?She didn't know when he entered the live broadcast room, and every time he came, he gave her such a "big" gift. She suddenly wanted to take out the calculator and calculate how much money Xiao Ran gave the platform for this wave of operations.

"Thank you baby Chi Ruan for the rocket, the boss is generous. Thank you." The tone of the first sentence was quite normal, but the last three words were said by Chi Ruan through gritted teeth, and his heart ached for her to death!

[The boss who just said is gone, come out and get beaten! 】

[The boss slapped his face online, slapping. 】

[What about those who say that we are Ruanruan being nurtured?Why don't you come out and jump around?We Ruanruan obviously have a boyfriend, why are we being taken care of, hetui! 】

"What was taken care of? I haven't come for a few days. What happened?" Xiao Ran saw these two words at a glance among the many bullet screens. His family would not let him take care of her. Who else could marry her? eyes?
"It's nothing. During the live broadcast today, there was a barrage saying that I was adopted by my list one, my benefactor father, but now he is not here because I am too ugly. Then just now my list number one came again, And gave me a present."

"Then I have to thank Danmaku for allowing me to realize my wish. Rounding it up, I have succeeded in supporting you." Sometimes he feels that his girlfriend is too independent, so independent that he has no room to play.

I will not sue or complain, and I will solve everything by myself.

"From then on, I'll wait for you to take care of me. You see, because you lost a lot of fans today, if I can't afford to eat in the future, you can't just ignore it."

"I won't let my family be hungry."

 Thank you for your votes
  Today is a busy day to catch a plane and the update is over


(End of this chapter)

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