Chapter 65 Opener

[Hey, I don't eat this dog food. 】

[It's a pity that this is an online game, so I can't go to the scene. I really want to go to the scene to see it. I haven't been there yet. [cry]】

"It's also quite difficult for them to play online. I heard that many players can't go back to the club and can only play at home."

Su Luo: "Online competition is a new mode of e-sports. We will do our best to bring the audience a good viewing experience, but we cannot guarantee that there will be no accidents during this process. We hope that audience friends A little more patience and understanding."


[Isn't there any suspicion of acting as a proxy in this online game? 】

"Do professional players still need to play on behalf of them? This should be unlikely, and the league should have referees to supervise it. It is impossible to let you participate in the game without any supervision measures."

Since the league decided to hold an online game, it must have considered all aspects, "Okay, the game has begun, let's watch the game carefully."

"Wu Shuang will ban Lanling King as soon as he comes up. It is very likely that Wushuang will choose a stand-up shooter. Let's see who he will ban when Window bans." This version of Lanling King is very good for many stand-up shooters. Big threat, banning King Lanling may want to protect his c position.

"It's no surprise that Window.ban dropped Ma Chao, and the version is strong and top-ranked. What can you do? No. 1 seedling transplanting. It is suspected of pulling out seedlings after planting. In this way, you can go crazy for economic growth. Punish him!"

[Hahahahahahaha, it's okay to pull the seedlings to encourage growth! 】

[Chi Yan Chi Yu, everyone took out their notebooks to take notes, Ma Chao is trying to make you grow by pulling seedlings! 】

"Wushuang's second ban was given to Marco Polo, and Window was banned again. Master Luban, who was a strong team leader, has released the shield mountain. Wushuang has to grab it."

Sure enough, Wushuang locked Dunshan on the first floor in seconds, and grabbed a hero who started the team first.

The first and second floors of the window took Lu Bu and Su Lie. Su Lie, a hero, should be regarded as the best choice to fight against Shield Mountain. Lu Bu can be regarded as a "ten thousand essential oils". The effect of the mountain is also ok.

"Look, look, I'm guessing right!" Chi Ruan excitedly slapped the table several times, and the ears of the barrage almost died on the spot.

[666, I really chose the stand-up shooter Meng Ya. 】

[So this is the reason why I can't get to be the king?Why does Ruan Ruan know that King Ban Lanling wants to choose a stand-up shooter, I don't know [doubt]]

Wushuang directly chose Meng Ya on the second floor, "Wu Shuang's bottom lane duo is a bit invincible. To be honest, Dun Shan raises a shield, and Meng Ya uses a skill Thu Tu Tu behind Dun Shan and it's over."

[Thuk is very vivid. 】

Wushuang chooses Guan Yu on the third floor, the support speed is fast, and the support speed of grabbing neutral creatures, including the spirit of the river, is faster than that of the opponent's top laner.

Window took Zhang Liang on the third floor to restrain Dunshan, and banned Ying Zheng and Wang Zhaojun, two mid laners with fast lane clearing speed, and Yu Ji on the fourth floor.

"I blindly guessed that Wushuang would take Shih Tzu, and the four of Window are afraid of Shih Tzu."

[666, Ruan Ruan is amazing! 】

[Don't praise it, this is the hero's restraint relationship, everyone understands it, you think it's great because you don't understand it. 】

[I'm just flattered, there is no fan card from our family here bll why?If you don't like to watch, just go out, no one wants to talk to you. 】

"This is Xi Shi's blind draw box. It depends on whether she gets four ordinary money or the hidden money of Yu Ji. If she draws the hidden money, she will make money." In the later stage, Xi Shi can draw any one at will, and the cost of starting a group is low. The effect is good, you only need to wait for the cd to smoke the blind box.

Window chose Li Bai in the last move, which surprised Chi Ruan. "Xiao Le also practiced Li Bai? This is really surprising."

Window and Xiao Le are the junglers of the Window team. Their signature heroes are Tachibana Ukyo and Pei Qinhu. She hasn't seen Xiao Le playing Li Bai yet, so it might be because of the sprinting Guan Yu.

"Entering the first game, the blue side is Wushuang, and the red side is Window. I am the amateur commentator Chi Ruan!"

[Amateur commentary is okay [haha] [haha]]

[Chi Ruan is sober in the world, and knows that he is an amateur. 】

"In the beginning, both sides chose to grab the center line. To be honest, Xi Shi and Zhang Liangqing had similar line speeds. The two assistants stared blankly in the middle of the grass. You looked at me and I looked at you, with affection and love in their eyes."

[God tm is full of affection, eyes full of love, the two of them are fighting, how come from your mouth, it turns out that the two of them are talking about love]

[It's starting to gossip again, but I like it! 】

"Dunshan went down the road to protect Mengya. Look, Su Lie also went down with a No. [-] Nanfu battery. Is it the legendary 'husband sings and wife follows'?" Maybe it's because of a recent relationship and a change of mind, Chi Ruan Seeing that everyone has a sense of CP, they all want to make fun of it.

"The spirit of the river in the bottom lane was taken by Wushuang, let's see where the spirit of the river in the middle lane brushes."

"Oh, the one in the middle lane was swiped to the right, and Wushuang took it again. This luck, yes. The next team battle is Zhang Liang's fourth level, and the first one is for the tyrant." The improvement of experience and money is not very high, but this is a process of ebb and flow. If I have you or not, I will earn.

The first tyrant is refreshed, and Wushuang will attack the tyrant first. "Here we see Meng Ya's big move to fight the tyrant. Li Bai unlocked his big move with the help of wild monsters in his blue zone. He tried to grab the dragon with two shifts, but unfortunately he didn't get it. He immediately returned to the original position with one skill. Yes, Xiao Enjoy the speed of your hands."

After Zhang Liangqing finished the center line, he went to the top lane to help Lu Bu build an advantage, while Xi Shi went to the bottom lane to target Yu Ji.

"The only young lady in the entire canyon, one on each side, whoever wins will be counterattacked by four big men. This game is also called 'beauty and her four bodyguards'."

Tachibana Ukyo accepted the first tyrant and reversed the blue buff of Window by the way.Li Bai is also a hero who needs blue very much. This blue buff is reversed. They remember the refresh time of the next blue buff, which can completely control Li Bai's blue and break their rhythm.

The mid laners on both sides are heroes who are partial to tools. Xi Shi eats with Tachibana Ukyo, while Zhang Liang directly gives up the midline to Li Bai and acts as Yu Ji's bodyguard.

"Come on, let's focus on the key points. The toolman's standard style of play, it's time to take notes. After the fourth level, your midline doesn't belong to you anymore. Don't even look at it. You won't be able to eat it if you look at it. Use your middle line to raise wild kings, and you will get half of the military medal. Then make outfits, cd shoes, masks, and then go straight to the extreme cold storm, witch's cloak, and bright moon."

Window's big core is Concubine Yu, Zhang Liang only needs to stand next to Concubine Yu, and whoever wants to cut her can directly pinch her with a big move to protect Concubine Yu.

 Thank you Yi Yang Qianxi for your reward~
(End of this chapter)

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