Chapter 80
On the day of the match against Wushuang, Tang Muchen's right eyelid kept twitching.

"It's over, it's over, my right eyelid keeps twitching. The old people say that the left eye can make money and the right eye can cause disaster. Are we going to lose today?" Tang Muchen panicked. It never happened like this before.

Coach Fan directly slapped Tang Muchen on the head with a file folder: "I'm scared before I beat you, do you want to get beaten?"

It is undeniable that Wushuang is very strong, but they are not incapable of fighting, they cannot grow others' ambitions and destroy their own prestige.

This time Tang Muchen yelled "Aww", "Coach, you're going to blow my head off later, I don't even know how to play the game anymore, I won't take the blame if I lose."

"If you lose, it's your fault. I'll deduct your salary directly." DH's corporate culture probably means deducting wages for any disagreement.

It's vulgar, but useful.

Chi Ruan slowly turned on the computer after class, ready to broadcast live.

As a loyal fan of DH, she will never miss every game, not to mention that she can play for a long time.

She hasn't broadcast it since she had enough live broadcast time last month, and it's the fourth day of this month, so she's just getting ready to broadcast it.

If it wasn't for the DH game today, she might still be lazy.

The computer was assigned to her by Xiao Ran two days ago, saying it was convenient for her to broadcast live.

He didn't say anything, but he would take the initiative to help her with everything she needed.It seems a little more and more dependent on him.

[A certain anchor finally remembered her account password? 】

[If you don't start the live broadcast again, I'm going to go to the police station to call the police, and let the police come to the upper city to find you. 】

[Confirmed the eyes, it's DH's person.It can be seen that he is a true fan of DH. 】

"How can I forget the account password? It's easy to get sleepy in spring, so I don't want to do anything. I even take online classes lying on the bed, and fall asleep when I'm on it." Morning classes and so on are really too difficult up.

"I'm not in Uptown, the police can't find me, but God's game, you must not miss it."

Who would have thought that she was broadcasting live next to the DH club.

Except for the contestants, no one else can enter the training room now, and the coach has to leave after BP, leaving only the referees and players.

In the first game, the blue side is the Wushuang team, and the red side is the DH team.

"Wushuang came up and banned Marco Polo and King Lanling, and DH also banned Ma Chao and Master Luban. In this way, there are quite a lot of heroes released. Dunshan is also outside, Gongsunli is also outside, and Guan Yu. Let's see which hero Wushuang will grab."

She has also watched Wushuang and DH fight several times, both lose and win, and no one has been crushed.Maybe the variable this time is that DH's support has changed, and Wushuang is a brother who has been fighting side by side.

Xiao He may be the key to the outcome of this match.

"Wu Shuang snatches Guan Yu from the first floor, then DH should snatch Dunshan."

BP is a game between coaches.

Although it is not possible to get a good lineup in every game, if the lineup is good, the chances of winning will be greater.Of course, there are also bad lineups, but the players turn their disadvantages into advantages through their own operations.

Therefore, in professional competitions, until the moment when the crystal explodes, the outcome will always be unknown.

Peerless ban: Marco Polo, King Lanling, Xi Shi, Cao Cao

pick: Guan Yu, Lu Bu, Na Ke Lu Lu, Zhou Yu Su Lie

DH: Ban Ma Chao, Master Lu Ban, Lian Po, Shen Mengxi
picks: Dunshan, Pei Qinhu, Yuji, Yao, Wang Zhaojun
"Of course God has chosen the strongest home-defending hero. It's ok. It's going farther and farther on the road of being a tool man. But the version is just like this. No matter how powerful you are, you can't go against the version."

[I started paying attention to him because of Ranshen Mai Shiranui.Others' Huo Wu kicked several times with one kick, but mine was never hit by a fan.The only few hits were all due to the opponent's good catch. 】

[Tool man is not suitable for him, I think Wushuang will win. 】

"I hope DH can win, it doesn't matter if they can't win, it doesn't affect my liking for their team."

She suddenly remembered one thing, "Welcome to the new babies in the live broadcast room, the host is a loyal fan of DH, of course you can also say that I am DH's 'licking dog', I will not refute. I must speak to DH As I said, if you don’t like to hear it, turn right when you go out. I don’t want to see any discordant voices in the barrage, so if I want to watch it, I can watch the game quietly.”

Old fans know that she generally prefers DH when watching games with DH.Just as a spectator, she can clearly express any team she likes, so she vaccinates them before the game starts, and doesn't want some discordant voices to appear in the barrage during the game.

"Okay, let's watch the game carefully. Two wild cores must be very interesting."

At the beginning, Zhou Yu led Su Lie to grab the center line, while Dunshan chose to join Yu Ji directly in the bottom lane. Wang Zhaojun couldn't grab the right to the center line.

"Be careful, Zhou Yu went up, Su Lie went to look for Yu Ji, I can't snatch them both."

Cijiu (Yao): "okok, I'm going back to the tower, the spirit of the river on the way can't be grabbed, I let it go."

With the help of Su Lie, Zhou Yu cleared the middle route and went to help Guan Yu snatch the spirit of the river. It seems that DH is a bit headwind at the beginning.

"I got the middle one."

The river spirits in the upper and lower lanes are all unparalleled, but the river spirits in the middle lane were taken by Yize.

"Here comes the important point, the first tyrant in 2 minutes. Looking at this position, the two sides should change dragons." God's perspective can see everyone's position, but the players can only guess the opponent's possible position through their own judgment. what to do.

Experience is still very useful at this time.

"Wu Shuang brought Guan Yu down. The three of them arrested Wang Zhaojun. Wang Zhaojun made a big move to slow down and persuade him to retreat. He fled for his life. As expected of Xiao Ran."

[Sure enough, I am a true fan, and I can lick this too. 】

Li Xihan, who was in charge of the management in the live broadcast room, banned the person who posted the barrage without saying a word, and went out after saying that he didn't like to hear it. How could there be people posting this barrage here.

Before fighting the tyrant, the two sides fought a wave of small team battles in front of the Dragon Pit. No heads broke out, but Nako Lulu's blood volume was very unhealthy, so she had to retreat and let the tyrant go.

[Tiger also gave Lan to Wang Zhaojun, what kind of fairy teammate is this. 】

【I played Wang Zhaojun very consciously for the Holy Grail, I know I don't deserve it. 】

"The distribution of mana is something they consider internally. Wang Zhaojun is not a very tool man. Whether he is a tool man or a full damage compensation depends on the lineup. I didn't get mana in solo queue, but Wang Zhaojun If I don't get the Holy Grail, I'll go home without blue."

She felt that the release of the Holy Grail was too late, and Wang Zhaojun was not as expensive as Diaochan, so he just went home to make up for his lack of blue.

"It's up to personal preferences to make outfits. What I say may not be right, it's just my opinion."

【She's scared, she's scared, she doesn't teach us how to do things anymore. 】

[Look at this group of keyboard warriors who are so soft on us, they don't dare to teach us how to play. 】

[Damn it! 】

 There should be another chapter later.

  Thank you for the vote

(End of this chapter)

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