Chapter 90
"Brother Ran, Zhang Liang's hand is really good. The last wave didn't pinch Marco on the opposite side. In our position, when his big move and pure sky were used, he directly destroyed the sky and the earth, and we exploded." !" Tang Muchen was also a shooter himself, so he knew that Ma Ke would be very comfortable in that position, but fortunately, Xiao Ran was there.

"Avatar locking is a good thing." For a hero like Zhang Liang, avatar locking is still very necessary. Locking key people at critical times is a turning point in team battles.

In the third game, in order to get the match point first, everyone tried their best to win this game.

In the second-level regiment, Lin Yize turned against the wild, and his teammates rushed to support him, but was turned over by GX, and Xiao Ran's Shangguan Wan'er lost his first blood.

In the first team battle of the tyrant, Guan Yu, who had quit for a long time, let go of a wave of lines on the road and came down to support, and fought a wave of zero-for-three with the opponent, Xiao Ran escaped with blood. Push down the first tower in the middle of GX in 4 minutes.

After her teammates disabled GX's Sun Shangxiang, Xiao Ranwan'er saw the opportunity and took Sun Shangxiang's head in a flash, but the real Taiyi didn't use her big move.

At 13 minutes, the witch's cloak on the opposite side basically came out, Xiao Ran's Wan'er was a little unattractive, GX grabbed the Dark Tyrant, knocked down DH's mid-lane highland tower, and became a part of defending the house again, and the economy fell behind by [-] .

In the end, it was difficult to stop GX's offensive, and the crystal was pushed away by GX, temporarily falling behind 1:2.

"This Zhenxiang combination is too difficult to deal with. There is nothing to do with him when he grows up. I was stared at after I circled, which is uncomfortable." , made him very uncomfortable.

"It's okay, take a break, there are still some fights, let's play 2:2 first, everything still has a chance." In the next round, if you win, you still have a chance, and if you lose, you go home and go to sleep.

In the fourth round, both sides played very cautiously, and did not start a team easily, so everyone clicked.

Tang Muchen and Xiaohe also came up with the Zhenxiang combination, trying to recover one point at the critical moment. In 10 minutes, Sun Shangxiang was already [-] dollars.

But in 11 minutes, DH's middle tower was pushed down.It seems that this is another headwind. In 15 minutes, there are only three highlands left.

The few people in the training room didn't mess up their positions. They tried their best to provide Sun Shangxiang with a good output environment. Everyone was desperately carrying, and they didn't want to lose the game just like this.

There's still a chance, it's not over yet.

When the time came to 17 minutes and 47 seconds, just when everyone thought that DH was tired of defending and wanted to attack, Li Yuanfang of GX was dropped by Sun Shangxiang in seconds, and Shen Mengxi of Xiao Ran made a star spring to ensure that Sun Shangxiang was alive.

From this moment on, the game seemed to have a chance to come back. The DH three-lane high ground was still healthy, and the real shooter Li Yuanfang on the opposite side fell. go out.

After the equipment is formed in the later stage, Master Luban of GX can only draw Bai Qi, who has been for a long time, but it is easy to be reversed by Bai Qi's big move. Now it's time for GX to make a choice, whether to use this pure meat Pretend to be white.

GX still chose to start a group before the Storm Dragon King was refreshed, and Master Lu Ban pulled back a white one.Cijiu backhandedly taunted Li Yuanfang and Master Lu Ban, Li Yuanfang purified and escaped, but Master Lu Ban was killed by DH in seconds.

This wave of GX even gave away the 20-minute Dragon King.

DH, who took down the Storm Dragon King, blew the horn of counterattack, pushed down GX's second top tower and highland tower successively, and counterattacked and killed their wild boar Bajie and Guan Yu, and they regained their advantage.

Before the second storm dragon king was refreshed, GX had already broken all three highlands. They let go of the second storm dragon king and let DH take it smoothly.

The two sides fought fiercely in the GX Highlands, but the 26-minute super soldier was pushing the tower ecstatically. The fight between ten of you has nothing to do with my super soldier. My super soldier only has towers in his eyes.

By the time the GX players reacted, the super soldiers had already pushed away their crystals.

Teamfights are won, games are lost.

The score of the two sides came to a 2:2 tie, and the tiebreaker is about to begin.

"I gave the mvp of this game to our super soldier alone! With just a few hammers, I pushed the opposite crystal away." Ci Jiu's Bai Qi was a transparent person in the last wave. The whole process of home.

"Sure enough, the strongest soldiers in the Canyon of Kings are still super soldiers, and we are all younger brothers."

"The last round will be played as BO1, and we can always believe in ourselves!"

"Rush rush!"

They have slowly figured out how to deal with headwinds, and have been able to make every decision very well, which is growth visible to the naked eye.

Starting from bp in the fifth game, GX seemed a little unfriendly. DH blue side, GX red side.

Tang Muchen was a little annoyed after reading their bp: "What do they mean, the fourth ban assistant bullies our younger brother, then you have to ask me, who is an older brother, if you agree! Our younger brother is Hero Hai, If you ban four more, we will still have support!"

GX four-ban support, banned Master Lu Ban, Dun Shan, Lian Po and Cai Wenji.Three team-starting assistants, one "Mobile Spring", and Zhang Fei grabbed another hand. They wanted to start with Xiaohe, a newcomer, and disrupt their position.

DH did not rush, and took out a Bull Demon, "Oh brother Yingxiong Hai, I'm not afraid of you targeting."

After Xiao He's bull demon helped Xiao Ran to the second level in the middle lane, he took Ying Zheng to the bottom lane to support Tang Muchen.Niu Mo's second skill directly hits GX's Di Renjie. Di Renjie's second skill and flash are fully handed in. Afraid of being hurt by Marco Polo, Zhang Fei uses dizziness to protect Di Renjie from retreating.

The first-level bull demon played two summoner skills of the GX bot lane duo.

The bull demon and Ying Zheng returned to the middle lane to clear the line, and the second skill of probing the grass in the middle and right grass forced GX Wang Zhaojun's flash. This bull demon seemed to tell the GX coach that it is meaningless for you to target my hero pool.

GX first destroyed DH's upper and lower outer towers, but DH took advantage of the gap between GX's few people, and the four of them teamed up to push down the first tower in the middle of GX, and took advantage of Zhang Fei's lack of ultimate moves to get the Dark Tyrant. DH regained the disadvantage.

They asked the old master to go solo, and the other four were in a group.Yun Zhongjun is very good at grasping the edge, but if he goes to catch an old master with a string, with the old master's current equipment, he is likely to kill Yun Zhongjun instead.

GX can only retreat to the tower to guard the tower, and wait for the time of DH's dark tyrant to pass.

Lin Yize squatted directly to the red buff grass of GX, killed Yun Zhongjun alone, and ran away smoothly.

Now, GX has fewer people, and the three lines of troops go to the high ground together, which is difficult to defend.

Xiaohe's bull demon slapped 3 of them in the opponent's lower road highland tower, and Kai died suddenly, and Zhang Fei could not escape death. Only Di Renjie broke the control with his second skill, and escaped in a flash.

The five members of DH are still healthy, but there is only one Wang Zhaojun left in GX, and there is nothing to do but wait for death.

In 20 minutes and 11 seconds, the crystal of GX was pushed away.

(End of this chapter)

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