Chapter 23

"Miss Lin, come down! You have been defeated by me, the beauty can sacrifice herself!" Lin Xuan turned around and winked at Lin Yingying who was still in a daze in the car.

"What? You like that broken car so much? It's a pity that I don't have any money now. When I have money, I will buy you two, drive one, and tow one!" Lin Xuan didn't even look at the four guys lying on the ground. corpse.

"Stop talking!" Lin Yingying came back to her senses. She was scared out of her wits by Zhang Hu's name just now, and then she was scared out of her wits by Lin Xuan's skill.Chaos, chaos, this world is too crazy, so young and so strong?Still human?Lin Yingying stared at Lin Xuan like a monster, and boldly walked in front of the four corpses.

After all, she also has a gangster background. "Grandma, go to hell!" Lin Yingying flew up and kicked the driver's mouth crookedly, causing the old lady to lose face in front of a brat, and she deserved it to death!

Lin Xuan looked at Lin Yingying who was kicking the dead body crazily, cold sweat dripped from her head.He thought to himself: "This woman is really violent, it would be better not to provoke her in the future." Looking at Lin Yingying's disfigured corpse, Lin Xuan couldn't stand it anymore and said: "Teacher, stop kicking, they are all dead It's gone." Hearing Lin Xuan's words, Lin Yingying's anger gradually calmed down.

"People like them don't deserve death! I wish I could kick them to death! So as to comfort the souls of those girls who were killed by them." Lin Yingying sincerely expressed her true feelings.

"Then what should we do now, destroy the corpse?" Lin Xuan was suddenly afraid of his audacity, but once he said it, he couldn't allow himself to regret it.

"Forget it. I'll call the police later. Let them deal with it. Even if they can't be dealt with, let them peel off their skin!" Lin Yingying didn't see Lin Xuan's fear for a moment.When beating someone just now, one was out of being forced, and the other was out of impulse.Now the blood has cooled, and the danger is gone.Lin Xuan was a little scared.It turned out that punishing Wei Zuo did not have such worries. Fugui wondered if it was the first time he met a master who could hurt him, and became a little timid.

"But we are already. In this case, the police will find us sooner or later. We still cannot get rid of the responsibility. And they have already seen us. If we don't do it cleanly, our troubles will be endless!" Lin Xuan said It revealed the possibility that Lin Yingying had never dared to say in her heart but was thought of by her.She has a brother who is a gangster, and she is deeply touched by the brutal revenge between gangsters.

Suddenly there was the roar of a car outside.Lin Xuan's face was very embarrassing. Could there be someone else among them?Or was it discovered by someone?Lin Yingying's pretty face also turned pale, and she turned her head to stare at Lin Xuan.Because of Lin Xuan's outstanding performance just now, Lin Yingying thought of him first.

"Burn their corpses!" Lin Xuan's eyes shot a cold light, although he had never experienced real blood killings, nor had he been mixed with gangsters.But Young and Dangerous has seen a lot, and he knows a lot about the rules between gangsters, and the most impressive thing is the cruelty among Young and Dangerous!

To Lin Xuan's surprise, Lin Yingying nodded without hesitation. He was a little worried that as a woman, Lin Yingying would be afraid of softening her heart.

The sound of the car outside was getting closer, almost entering the dilapidated factory building.Lin Xuan didn't hesitate any longer, and attacked with all his strength.The two gangsters raised their weapons in their final struggle!But they all opened their eyes angrily, the steel pipe blade in their hands fell to the ground again, and they themselves fell into a coma.Lin Xuan heaved a sigh of relief, he used all his strength for the two kicks just now, he once hid and destroyed a section of the earth wall with one kick in order to test the power of one kick.Now after his practice, that strength is beginning to be controllable and more restrained.

Just like the two kicks just now, it was Lin Xuan's extraordinary performance, kicking people into confusion, but they didn't fly out. This kind of injury is more serious than those who were kicked out. Others were injured on the outside, but they were on the inside.

Lin Xuan kicked the two of them down, put all his strength into his feet, hugged Lin Yingying's slender and soft waist, and quickly hid behind a waste item near the door, like a civet waiting for an unknown enemy to approach, ready to give him a fatal blow at any time .

The sound of the car outside stopped exactly at the factory building, and Lin Xuanyao and Lin Yingying's heartbeats almost stopped.It was the first time for them to encounter such a dangerous thing, and they were a little nervous.The door was always open, and several elongated figures slowly appeared at the door, and walked in step by step.

"Sister Lin? Sister Lin, are you okay?" A man's depressed voice suddenly came from the door.Lin Xuan felt that Lin Yingying's tense body in his arms suddenly relaxed, and the little hand that was tightly clutching his waist slipped down to Lin Xuan's hand for a long time.

The warm and tingling feeling instantly spread from the sensitive nerves in the buttocks to Lin Xuan's brain. Lin Xuan's heartbeat stopped immediately after recovering. The buttocks are an extremely sensitive part of the human body. He massaged and kneaded for a while, and now he really had it, but instead he was nervous and his heart stopped and his breathing stopped.

But these were only temporary, Lin Xuan's body tensed up for a moment, and he immediately shook his buttocks and rubbed against Lin Yingying's palm, feeling tingling and numb like a tide.As soon as Lin Yingying breathed a sigh of relief, she realized that she had put her hand where it shouldn't be.

Just when she was about to open her mouth to answer the person who came at the door, she felt something she shouldn't touch in her hand, and it moved by itself, as if she was stroking it non-stop. Lin Yingying's rosy lips parted a few times, but she didn't make a sound.

Several people at the door of "Sister Lin" had already walked in, approaching Lin Yingying and Lin Xuan's hiding place.

When Lin Xuan was completely intoxicated and didn't know where he was, a sharp pain suddenly came from his buttocks, and he straightened and became weak. Lin Xuan screamed and rushed out, rubbing his hands quickly, as if he had been stung by a scorpion. .

"Who is it?" It was the same voice just now, but his voice was full of guard.

At this time, Lin Yingying came out from behind the sundries with a clever smile.

"Sister Lin!" Zheng Fei exclaimed in surprise.Seeing Lin Yingying's excitement, Zheng Fei forgot to ask who Lin Xuan was.

"It's great that you're fine!" The joy on Zheng Fei's face didn't decrease at all, on the contrary, it became more and more exuberant.

At this time, Lin Xuan looked at Lin Yingying and then at Zheng Fei with a look of shock.Looking at Zheng Fei stupidly, he asked, "What did you call her just now?" After speaking, he pointed at Lin Yingying with his finger.Zheng Fei thought that Lin Xuan knew Lin Yingying's identity.He said strangely: "I call her Sister Lin, what's wrong with that? She is the younger sister of the head of our Tianlin Gang." Hearing Zheng Fei's words, Lin Xuan was shocked: "What, the beautiful teacher is a gangster?" Lin Xuan Suddenly thinking of Lin Yingying's crazy look, I immediately understood
(End of this chapter)

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