Kuai Chuan group pet her cute again

Chapter 10 There are always troublemakers who want to harm me

Chapter 10 There are always troublemakers who want to harm me (8)

Where should she go next?

Hua Qianxi looked around blankly, she had already left the prison behind, the terrain was very low, as if she was sunk deep in the bottom of a mountain.

His eyes fell back on Yi Jue's face.

Yi Jue smiled slightly: "Someone will come."

His plan has always been foolproof, but the only accident he encountered was Hua Qianxi.

Hua Qianxi has long seen the real Yi Jue, Ruyu's eyes reveal a calm and cunning that doesn't match his age.

Soon, the woods in the mountains rustled, and accompanied by a gust of wind, several masked men leaped in front of them.

The sharp blade of the long sword rested on Hua Qianxi's neck.

The flying dust settled.

The masked man's dark boots were free from dust.

However, Yi Jue's eyes were firmly locked on Hua Qianxi's body, his eyes cracked with anger, and he roared in a low voice, "Let her go!"

The neck was slender and delicate, as if with a little force, he would see the little girl lying in a pool of blood.

Hua Qianxi tightly closed her eyes, the memories of the original host flooded her mind...

The flames all over the sky seemed to dye the dark night red.

blood... blood everywhere...

Is this her home, or a purgatory on earth?
The girl hid under the table and witnessed her brother's throat being pierced by the sharp blade of the man in black, bringing out a cluster of blood.

The man in black wiped the tip of the blade, and looked around keenly, as if he didn't want to leave.

They came stepping on the dead body of their father who had not died yet.


The child who had just learned to speak was sobbing crisply, the woman hurriedly covered her lips, hid the little girl in the rice vat at home, and when she turned around, she was pierced through the heart by an arrow.

The woman had already died, her beautiful eyes widened unwillingly, her exclamation was all choked in her throat.

The splashed blood stained the rice bowl red.

The shivering child was pulled out of the rice vat by a tall man, and what was fixed in her innocent eyes was the tragic scene of the death of her parents.

The tongue of fire was still licking wantonly, the girl couldn't see clearly whether it was the deep red of blood or the intense red of fire, in her eyes it was all darkness...

Is that the hatred engraved in the female supporting role?

Hua Qianxi's cerebral cortex was crawling with dull pain.

The two masked men stood in front of Yi Jue unmoved, and bowed down respectfully, "It's too late to save you."

"Didn't you hear?! I told you to let her go!"

Yi Jue's small body was no match for the guards with knives who practiced martial arts all the year round, and his captured wrist was powerless to break free and he could only scream in frustration.

The silence of the guards was the best response, and Yi Jue gradually calmed down under their indifferent eyes, "Okay, I'll go back with you, can she go back with me?"

The fingertips are shining brightly in the direction of Hua Qianxi, like a lion cub who has suppressed his anger but is unwilling to give in.

Hua Qianxi's heart trembled slightly.

go back?

Back to where?
Yi Jue's dirty little face couldn't conceal her innate nobility, Hua Qianxi suddenly had the worst guess about the child in front of her.

The guard cupped his hands, "Offended."

The long sword quickly retracted, and cut a light cut on Hua Qianxi's collarbone, the cool sting dragged her thoughts.

Hua Qianxi frowned, and looked at Yi Jue with cold eyes. If she remembered correctly, the male supporting role in the original book was a scheming strategist who was dedicated to leveling Lingshan Mountain.

If Yi Jue is a member of the royal family, that is the biggest hidden danger.

Hua Qianxi couldn't think about it, and the back of her neck was attacked again.

Before she fainted, she seemed to hear Yi Jue's heart-piercing shouts gradually fading away.

Eyelids are so heavy.

Hua Qianxi's limbs fell weakly on the rough mountain, and her brain fell into chaos...



(End of this chapter)

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