Kuai Chuan group pet her cute again

Chapter 254 This President’s Painting Style Is Wrong

Chapter 254 This President’s Painting Style Is Wrong (18)

Who doesn't know Yejia?
Maybe except for Hua Qianxi, who just arrived, the people here couldn't help but tremble in fear when they heard about Ye's house.

I heard that the collusion behind this family is unclear.

It's just because the family is entrenched and no one dares to touch it, so the Ye family is allowed to grow and grow a little bit.

Hua Qianxi clearly sensed that there was something wrong with the faces of Mr. Hua and Bai Lianhua, she raised her brows clearly, and glanced at the man beside her, when Ye Lin's handsome face turned sideways, meeting her eyes.

Hua Qianxi couldn't hold back her laughter.

can not tell.

This man is still a powerful killer.

I don't know if this gibberish man was fabricating a lie just now.

Mr. Hua was only slightly stunned for a moment, and his expression immediately returned to normal.

night home?

Does anyone know which Yejia it is?

He didn't say who the father was.

Maybe it's just the same surname, just to trick him.

Thinking of this, Mr. Hua felt a little relieved.

The glory that followed for a lifetime did not allow him to bow his head.

Hua Qianxi blinked her eyes, staring at Mr. Hua's contrasting expression, she also guessed what he was thinking.

She pouted at Yelin again.

It's like saying "you can't do it".

Yelin rubbed Hua Qianxi's soft long hair with a funny face.

Bai Lianhua saw all their little fights, so she didn't have so many twists and turns like old man Hua.

She is just jealous, why every time Hua Qianxi has and gets, it is so much better than her!
Old Man Hua cleared his throat, his face had been lost in front of these two young people, as if to highlight his own style, he suddenly took out a bottle of red wine in the middle of the night and placed it on the hangover rack.

I think my actions are very elegant.

Hua Qianxi didn't understand, she just felt that Mr. Hua was avoiding the embarrassment in front of him and trying to save face.

But those who are knowledgeable can see that the bottle of red wine is expensive, and Mr. Hua is taking this opportunity to highlight his status.

Yelin caught a glimpse of Mr. Hua's actions from the corner of his eye, smiled and shook his head.

That bottle of red wine looks unremarkable.

Ye Lin's eyes were deep, and he knew that Mr. Hua was testing him.

"why are you laughing?"


Mr. Hua was keenly aware of the man's voice behind him, and there was still a little embarrassment on his old and old face.

However, Mr. Hua is sure that this seemingly ignorant dude does not understand these elegant arts.

Because this red wine is hard to come by.

Ever since Mr. Hua got this bottle of red wine, he has been carefully collecting it, even reluctant to open it, and he took it out frequently and admired it for a long time every time.

If it was really scratched, Mr. Hua would probably grin his teeth in distress.

Ye Lin narrowed his eyes, looked at Mr. Shang Hua's scrutinizing gaze without fear, pointed to the red wine not far away with his fingertips, paused every word, and articulated clearly, "Mr. Hua, what are you holding in your hand?" Red wine is a fake."


Mr. Hua was astonished.

The old hands tightly clutched the precious wine bottle.

Firmly opposed.

How could the treasure he finally obtained be a fake? !

Ye Lin snorted disapprovingly, looked down at the toe of old man Hua's shoes, and was still wearing shiny leather shoes at home, it could be seen how good-looking this old man was, and how much he wanted to show Hua Qianxi off.

(End of this chapter)

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