Kuai Chuan group pet her cute again

Chapter 269 This President’s Painting Style Is Wrong

Chapter 269 This President’s Painting Style Is Wrong (33)

Ye Lin's eyes could not hide the approval.


Hua Qianxi's cheeks felt hot from his gaze.

"It's just a pair of shoes..." Hua Qianxi muttered in a low voice, then lifted the hem of the skirt again, glanced at the previous red dress with vague eyes, and said in embarrassment, "This skirt is so big... ..."

Hua Qianxi thought she had said it very implicitly.

This man has always been shrewd, so he shouldn't understand what she means.

Seeing Ye Lin, Hua Qianxi just looked at her quietly with a smile on her face, without saying a word.

The little head almost turned away, and the longing eyes were already glued to the skirt and it was difficult to move away.

Ye Lin stretched out her big hands, turned her little head back manually, held her cheeks in both hands, and let her look directly at her, with a sly smile on her lips: "Don't even think about it."

Hua Qianxi's cheeks flushed slightly with anger, thinking of this expensive evening dress, she will also count on Yelin's charity for a while...

Still short-handed.

Hua Qianxi silently swallowed back her unwillingness.

It's just that all the thoughts in Hua Qianxi's heart surfaced on her little face.

That delicate little face was still full of disbelief.

It was like a little girl who was robbed of her doll. She was obviously very upset, but she tried to hold back her tears.

Ye Lin suppressed a smile and nodded Hua Qianxi's nose.

"What's wrong? Not happy?"


There is water in her light brown pupils.

Moist, captivating.

What a little goblin that captivated his soul.

No ordinary clothes can suppress the beauty radiating from the little girl.

Ye Lin was really worried that if this little girl was dressed up beautifully, how many stinky men would covet her.

This little girl is so innocent, will she be easily tricked by some wild man with a few lollipops?

If it wasn't for fear of annoying her, Ye Lin really wanted to just hide her in his arms.

Ye Lin sighed.

Afraid that rubbing would ruin the little girl's makeup, she resisted rubbing her delicate face.

"If you want to wear that kind of clothes, you can only wear them in front of me, not for others to see, understand?"


Hua Qianxi cursed in her heart.

The relationship between him and her is all a pretend relationship. Where does this man come from with machismo?

Seeing that she still refused to talk to him, Ye Lin knew that the little girl was probably still angry.

I couldn't help taking a step back: "If I like it, I'll buy it."

Ye Lin's eyes were deep, and Hua Qianxi looked at him, as if he had fallen into a cloud of white mist and was about to be sucked into it.

She was suddenly afraid to meet his eyes.

This man will always easily see into Hua Qianxi's inner thoughts and do what she likes.

But Hua Qianxi doesn't understand Yelin at all.

She couldn't see what was hidden behind Ye Lin's deep gaze, but Hua Qianxi always felt that this man was inextricably linked to her.

It should be her illusion.

They are but two intersecting lines.

After meeting, they will gradually drift away, and there will be no intersection.


Along the way, there was silence in the carriage.

Both Hua Qianxi and Ye Lin looked out of the window at the same time.

It seems that at night, the dim street lights on both sides of the road attract them more.

The street lamp quickly ran to the rear of the car.

In the dark depths are layers of street trees.

The night wind blows, and the branches and leaves rustle.

I don't know how long it has passed, but the car stopped smoothly in front of the reception manor.

Only then did Hua Qianxi's brain recover from its empty state.

(End of this chapter)

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