Kuai Chuan group pet her cute again

Chapter 278 This President’s Painting Style Is Wrong

Chapter 278 This President’s Painting Style Is Wrong (42)

"Exchanging partners is also a courtesy."

Nan Chu's smile continued.

It seems that Yelin's cold refusal just now didn't hurt him.

Nan Chu's eyes lingered on Hua Qianxi's body, and hiding behind his back with his big hand, he secretly pinched Shi Nizhu's waist.

Why did this stupid woman start pretending to be dumb at this time?
Nan Chu knew Shi Nvzhu's special thoughts about Ye Lin.

After all, this heavy unrequited love has long caused an uproar in the entire aristocratic circle.

The cooperation between Nan Chu and Shi Nvzhu is purely a relationship of interests.

Not mixed with any complicated feelings.

The soft flesh around Shi Neozhu's waist was pinched fiercely, and he secretly exclaimed in pain, it was only for a moment, and soon his face returned to normal.

The stone neodymium beads raised the corners of her lips noblely and gracefully, as if she was still that high-ranking socialite.

However, Shi Nvzhu's eyes always deliberately moved away from Hua Qianxi's small face, and looked at Ye Lin who was on the side.

The stone neodymium beads suppressed the almost obsessive emotion in my heart.

"Mr. Ye Lin won't mind?"

Shi Nvzhu looked at Yelin with a little more temptation to please.

Ye Lin hooked the corners of her lips again: "Mind."

Even women don't show any affection.

The man Yelin really played the ruthless to the fullest.

More and more people gathered around to watch the excitement.

Whispering mockingly kept drilling into Nan Chu's ears.

Nan Chu gritted his teeth.

In order not to be too embarrassing, he took a step back.

Dance music blared amidst the din.

The Nan family invited bands with profound international attainments.

This time the reception, the Nan family spent a lot of money.

Even in terms of momentum, it is still a head lower than Yejia.

At least face is still hanging on.

Among the men and women, one after another gracefully spun and slid onto the dance floor.

Ye Lin held Hua Qianxi's little hand, still standing in a corner of the hall, watching the men holding the hands of their dance partners under the gorgeous melody of music, coming and going, exchanging dance steps.

"Want to dance?"

Ye Lin looked away from her handsome face, her eyes stayed on the little girl's profile.

The light in the hall cast a gentle and blurred halo on Hua Qianxi's little face.

"Dancing?" Hua Qianxi blinked her eyes, then quickly shook her head, "I can't."

If he stepped on this man's toes frequently like in those bloody novels, it is estimated that this cold and noble man would not be able to help but get angry no matter how much he pampered himself.

"It's okay, I can teach you."

Ye Lin raised her wrist slightly, lifted Hua Qianxi's little hand that fell on her palm, and wrapped her big hand around the little girl's slender waist.

Hua Qianxi was caught off guard and embraced by him again, she subconsciously leaned her small body back, her waist and limbs folded into graceful curves.

The flowery red lips are slightly parted, but only slightly parted in astonishment, on the lips like cotton candy, there is a pink lip gloss.

All the words were buried in her throat, and Hua Qianxi seemed to lose her voice for a moment.

"Fine, come with me."

Ye Lin continued to lead Hua Qianxi, leading her forward or backward, changing dance steps back and forth.

After a long time, he took Hua Qianxi's little hand and spun in a circle, wrapped the little girl's waist which could not be grasped, and spun onto the dance floor.

On the dance floor, pairs of men and women walk in staggered steps.

Ye Lin and Hua Qianxi followed the crowd, from the edge of the dance floor to the center of the dance floor.

The bright lights in the hall reflected on the two of them.

Some people are like this, every move can gather the eyes of the audience, and they are the most attention-grabbing focus.

(End of this chapter)

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