Kuai Chuan group pet her cute again

Chapter 299 This President’s Painting Style Is Wrong

Chapter 299 This President’s Painting Style Is Wrong (62)

"Know your likes and dislikes." Although he also knows.

I want to know what the little girl went through and who she met during the time when he was not with her...

He also wanted to possess her privately.

Completely turn the little girl into his exclusive property.

Ye Lin admits that she is very selfish, wishing she could raise Hua Qianxi, a little girl, into a canary that can't do without him, and all her bonds belong to him.

Even if Hua Qianxi has a relative who is hard to let go by her side.

Ye Lin felt tormented.

Ye Lin wondered more than once if he was sick.

Later, Ye Lin suddenly felt that even if he was sick, at least he knew that his illness had the only antidote.

Hua Qianxi once again couldn't help falling into Ye Lin's tenderness, his deep eyes made Hua Qianxi unable to extricate herself, blushing and heart beating.

Hua Qianxi's little hand couldn't help but press on her chest, it was really noisy there.

The surroundings seemed to have fallen into silence, and Hua Qianxi could only hear the beating of her own heart.

Hua Qianxi has never been so attracted to a person.

From one heartbeat, it seems that all future heartbeats can only be given to him.

How long did it take for her to meet someone who moved her heart so much?
Hua Qianxi closed her eyes, she took a sip of the fruit wine, the alcohol should have disappeared long ago.

Hua Qianxi felt that her head was a little drunk and dizzy.

She was almost unable to restrain herself and made even crazier moves.

...just think she is crazy.

Hua Qianxi now just wants to simply indulge.

"Yelin." Hua Qianxi whispered the name that moved her heart.

"Huh?" Yelin's muffled nasal voice was very attractive.

"Ye Lin."

Hua Qianxi pursed her lips, and murmured softly again, this name is really nice, she can't call it enough.

Ye Lin looked down at Hua Qianxi's slightly drunken cheeks, sighed and put the water glass aside, and smiled dotingly: "I'm here."

His little baby was acting like a baby at him again with the strength of wine.

This is how Ye Lin can resist.

Hua Qianxi stabilized her mind, suddenly seemed to summon up courage, and threw herself into Yelin's arms.

Like a little milk cat, it rubbed against his strong chest: "Yelin, Yelin..."

She looked completely drunk.

Ye Lin was a little helpless.

Does this little girl know what she is doing?

Perhaps this is a charming and blurred dream, and at dawn tomorrow, the little girl Hua Qianxi will push herself away like a stranger again.

Resisting his approach again and again.

Ye Lin knew it in his heart, but even so, he still obediently let Hua Qianxi hug his waist tightly, and rubbed the little girl's soft long hair with his big hands, "How much wine have you drunk? so?"

Hua Qianxi's small face was deeply buried in Yelin's chest, Yelin couldn't see her expression clearly, but his strong heartbeat fell into Hua Qianxi's ears.

"I'm not drunk." Hua Qianxi murmured softly, the soft voice seemed to be suppressed in her throat.

Hua Qianxi knew that Ye Lin didn't hear clearly, and she didn't want to repeat it a second time, so she asked her to do whatever she wanted with this man under the excuse of Jiu Jin.

Is she a little mean?
Hua Qianxi raised her head suddenly, and her small head hit Ye Lin's chin. After hearing Ye Lin gasp, Hua Qianxi immediately held her small head with concern.

(End of this chapter)

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