Kuai Chuan group pet her cute again

Chapter 308 This President’s Painting Style Is Wrong

Chapter 308 This President’s Painting Style Is Wrong (71)

Where did it go wrong?

Is the problem with the original characters, or with her?

There was another dull pain in Hua Qianxi's little head.

The little hand raised involuntarily and rubbed his temple.

Seeing this, Nan Chu involuntarily put his big hand over Hua Qianxi's little hand, and followed her to rub the little girl's temple.

Hua Qianxi's little hands are soft and boneless.

The moment Nan Chu's big hand covered her small hand, he really wanted to interlock his fingers with the little girl.

"What? Headache?"

Nan Chu narrowed his eyes, he already felt how much he was looking forward to Hua Qianxi's reply just now.

It's not like himself anymore.

It's just that this little girl doesn't seem to have any other charming thoughts about him.

Nan Chu understands all these.

However, his high self-esteem did not allow Nan Chu to bow his head to admit those facts.

Hua Qianxi nodded her head lightly.

The back of the small hand came from the warmth of Nan Chu's palm.

Hua Qianxi didn't run away this time, nor did she just throw her away unceremoniously like a stress response.

Hua Qianxi felt the dryness and warmth of Nan Chu's palm carefully, the same big hand, but it didn't feel the palpitation that Ye Lin brought her.

Nan Chu has been lowering his eyes, watching the subtle reactions in Hua Qianxi's eyebrows and eyes. Seeing that her face is getting more and more serious, Nan Chu can't help but put away the smile on the corner of his lips.

"Don't you want to?"

The topic is back to the beginning.

Hua Qianxi's face was embarrassing, she could feel the low pressure coming from Nan Chu in front of her.

Although Nan Chu was still smiling lightly, the slightly upturned corners of his lips were almost level with the lip line.

Violence and sharpness flashed in his eyes.

Junrong lost the warmth of his smile, Hua Qianxi could only see a dangerous half-smile.

It seems that in the next second, Hua Qianxi will be forcibly threatened to submit obediently.

Hua Qianxi suddenly felt a little flustered, thinking for no reason that Ye Lin rescued her in time when she was harassed by that passer-by last time, and then those things happened logically.

But Hua Qianxi still hasn't clarified the relationship with Yelin...

Hua Qianxi didn't dare to move at the moment, for fear that her slight trembling would fall into Nan Chu's eyes as disgusting resistance.

Hua Qianxi's red lips moved, and she spoke as tactfully as possible.

"It's not...it's because I'm not worthy..."

"You're thinking about Ye Lin, right?"

Nan Chu suddenly interrupted Hua Qianxi's words, his eyes were piercing, but it returned to normal in just a moment, so fast that Hua Qianxi even thought it was his own illusion.

"……"How to do?Is there a standard answer to this question?
Hua Qianxi's neck froze instantly.

If she nodded, she was afraid of being killed by Nan Chu's fierce eyes.

If she shook her head, Hua Qianxi's conscience would feel uneasy again.

Fortunately, Nan Chu just stared at Hua Qianxi for a long time, then let go of his hand, "Woman, I'll give you three days to think about it, and choose me or that man."

Hua Qianxi was stunned.

Did she inspire Nan Chu's domineering president again?
Regardless of Hua Qianxi's reaction, Nan Chu continued to speak involuntarily, "Woman, I hope you don't regret it."

"..." She begged him.

Let her go.

Nan Chu's big hand has moved from the back of Hua Qianxi's hand to her chin, gently rubbing her thumb and index finger.

So close that Hua Qianxi could count his trembling eyelashes.

Hua Qianxi shivered for a while, but still forced a smile.

(End of this chapter)

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