Kuai Chuan group pet her cute again

Chapter 316 This President’s Painting Style Is Wrong

Chapter 316 This President’s Painting Style Is Wrong (79)

old man?
Master Yue Lao had never heard of such an honorific title, so he couldn't help raising his eyebrows in a funny way.

I really don't know how long this little thing wants to pretend to be stupid.

Lord Yue's Adam's apple twitched, "Don't you think you're being too lenient?"

"Ah?" Little Peach Blossom Fairy scratched her head in embarrassment again, "Really?"

She had never seen such a distaste for conversation.

Maybe this old man has a weird temper?

Little Peach Blossom Fairy saw that he was busy working again with his head lowered, and boredly grabbed the broken petals on the ground, kneaded them into a small ball, and buried them in the muddy soil.

Although this move is childish and ridiculous.

But Little Peach Blossom Fairy never tires of it.

Master Yuelao glanced sideways at Little Peach Blossom Fairy beside her, and couldn't help but sneer at her childish behavior.

I don't know that this little demon has cultivated for hundreds of years and still plays this kind of muddy game for children.

"Old man..." Little Peach Blossom Xian'er began to speak without saying a word again, and raised her eyes to see that on the notebook held in the hand of the old man next to her, there were three vigorous characters written in ink.

It's just that the characters look old-fashioned, and Little Peach Blossom Fairy can't read at all.

Seeing that the old man gave her a bunch of peripheral vision impatiently, Little Peach Blossom Fairy hurriedly said, "What are you drawing in circles? Oh! I see, are you a fairy who can cast spells and form arrays?" what!"

Master Yuelao: "..." Don't be angry, what is he doing with the preschool children?

Although he can also cast spells and form formations, is it too low-level to describe him with such simple spells?

Lord Yuelao stared down at Little Peach Blossom Fairy's shining pupils, and a bad thought arose in his heart for no reason, he suddenly wanted to tease this little thing.

Raising the marriage book in his hand, Lord Yue curled his lips, "My book is used to manage marriages in the world, guess what I do?"

"Are you...?" Little Peach Blossom Xian'er's immature brain struggled to function, and she started to use her little brain in a ignorant manner, before finally saying hesitantly, "Could you be Mrs. Yuelao?"

Rumor has it that the old man with the weirdest temper in the entire Heavenly Court?

Little Peach Blossom Fairy's sweet smile just now collapsed in an instant, and her immature face turned pale with fright.

Could it be that she has caused a big trouble?

Elder Yue didn't immediately nod his head to answer.

Instead, he tilted his head in a rare and stubborn way, "Guess? Tell me your name, and I'll answer you later."

Little Peach Blossom Fairy: "..." Why didn't I realize that this old man was so childish just now?
Little Peach Blossom Fairy had a troubled look on her face. She was a little demon transformed into a little peach blossom after absorbing the spiritual power from the heaven and earth. She came to this world without a name.

It's just that Master took her in and gave her a name.

Little Peach Blossom Fairy pursed her lips, and said in a crisp voice, "My name is Qianqian."

Qianqian's voice is soft and soft. It is the first time to tell others her name. All in all, she is still a little shy. Even the elder sister with whom she has the closest relationship is always yelling "Hello". Ever since Master gave her After she was named, she never called her, and no one ever called her by her name.

Qianqian's cheeks were flushed and hot.

Master Yue's face changed when he heard the words.

The cold eyes became a little cold.

The surrounding atmosphere was gloomy and terrifying.

"What's your name?"

(End of this chapter)

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