Kuai Chuan group pet her cute again

Chapter 318 This President’s Painting Style Is Wrong

Chapter 318 This President’s Painting Style Is Wrong (81)

Hua Qianxi was blocked by that man named Qi Peihe.

Hua Qianxi is very angry, but she still has to keep smiling.

In such a messy environment, she didn't have the confidence to provoke a tall man.

"Sorry, I have something to go home."

"What can you do when you go home?" Qi Peihe curled his lips.

This excuse is a bit too clumsy.

"It's all at the door, why don't you have a drink or two, don't worry, I won't do anything to you this time."

Qi Peihe saw that there was still a slight smile on Hua Qianxi's small face, but he was moving suspiciously in other directions, and couldn't help but move his body, blocking the way in front of Hua Qianxi's eyes tightly. .

The big hand tightly grasped Hua Qianxi's wrist.

It seemed that he didn't want to let her go so easily.

"..." Hua Qianxi cursed from the bottom of her heart.

A thief never writes the word "thief" on his face, just like a fool always says that he is not stupid, the guarantee this man gave her has no one-thousandth credibility!

Hua Qianxi struggled delicately, but Qi Peihe leaned down gently and approached, with his lips rubbing against the little girl's ears, like a lover whispering intimately, but the warmth of the sudden approach made her feel Hua Qianxi couldn't help but stand up.

"Don't be afraid, just have a drink with me. If you still want to escape, I can't guarantee that I will do anything to you."

That deep voice is sexy and gentle.

It's just that it fell into Hua Qianxi's ears like a thunderbolt.

How dare he threaten?

The quick chuckle with an evil ending gently brushed over Hua Qianxi's auditory nerves.

It seems that one inadvertently awakened the memory of Hua Qianxi's original host.

There was another sharp pain in Hua Qianxi's mind.

A steady stream of memories squeezed into Hua Qianxi's mind.

The biographical information of the man in front of him seemed to have been listed into a list, presented in Hua Qianxi's mind.

Hua Qianxi doesn't care about Qi Peihe's family background.

Her attention was all on the attribute column.

Hua Qianxi had a black question mark on her face.

How could she provoke such a big man.

Of course Hua Qianxi knew what this man was thinking, but she couldn't avoid Qi Peihe like this.

"I see, let go first, okay, you scratched me."

Hua Qianxi moved her eyes, showing weakness as if to please.

Qi Peihe remained silent, still curling his lips and smiling wickedly.

It's just that the strength of the big hand is a little loose.

Why is it so difficult for this man to speak.

Hua Qianxi was a little annoyed, but her little face was still soft and flattering.

"Pei He, it still hurts, can you let go?"

She even used her ability to act like a baby, Hua Qianxi shook her goosebumps all over her body aroused by her coquettish voice, and her fluttering eyelashes were wet.

"Where does it hurt?" Qi Peihe still couldn't be fooled by her.

He was not willing to let go, this little guy was like a fleeting elf between his fingers.

Qi Peihe had to hold on carefully.

Raising Hua Qianxi's wrist, Qi Peihe couldn't help but shake that slender wrist in front of the little girl.

"It's really nice of you to call me by my name."

Qi Peihe habitually plays hooliganism on this little girl.

Seeing her flushed cheeks, Qi Peihe fell in love with her.

He couldn't help wanting to love this immature and soft little guy, and he couldn't help but want to destroy her.

(End of this chapter)

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