Kuai Chuan group pet her cute again

Chapter 333 Yishen, your support is super amazing again

Chapter 333 Yishen, your support is super amazing again (9)

I didn't expect you to be such a dharma king.

The others were laughing and joking, the microphone on the fifth floor was flickering, and a man's voice came.

Huahua's curiosity suddenly welled up.

Could it be that Kitty Mao Mao is also a rough guy with a masculine and feminine voice?

But soon, Kitty Mao gave up Huahua's weird idea.

He giggled straight at his mic.

"That's my boyfriend, we met in real life~"

That is to say, the one who made the noise was Li Xin from the previous game?

Huahua felt a little regretful for no reason, and at the same time felt that the Dharma King had been stuffed with a big mouthful.

The Dharma king was also unrestrained, "No way, no way, I just picked up this name casually, why was I really stuffed with a big lemon?"

On the first floor of our side was Li Xin from the previous round, and this time he chose the orphan as usual.

This time he chose Sun Ce.

This hero can carry and fight. If the early rhythm is controlled properly, Sun Ce can play a big advantage.

Seeing that our first floor chose Sun Ce, he also trembled a bit, but for the sake of conservatism, the first floor still took the hero Xiao Qiao into his pocket.

This hero is a universal oil, and he will not be caught too badly. If the economy can keep up in the later stage, the damage should not be underestimated.

On the second floor opposite, Mengya was chosen.

The mage and ad positions have been set, and the right to choose is handed over to our second and third floors.

The second floor is Yishen, and he also chooses the jungle position without thinking.

Finally, Nakolulu was locked.

The third floor was originally a pre-selection for Daji, but now the selection is confirmed directly in seconds.

The right to choose fell on the opposite side again, and the third and fourth floors opposite chose Han Xin and Da Qiao respectively.

It is estimated that another pair of players came to cooperate.

Han Xin plus a game-conscious Da Qiao can return to the city infinitely to replenish his status during game matches. If he cooperates tacitly, he will have a big advantage in team battles, and the combination of these two heroes can also be used at any time. Push Tower.

Be wary of these two heroes.

Yishen looked at the lineup on the opposite side, thinking secretly.

Even if he develops well, he can fight five in the later stage, but after all, this is a small game of pushing towers.

Only by destroying the enemy's crystal at the end can you win the final victory.

If the team battle is lost, these main forces should also be taken away, otherwise the line of soldiers will come, and they will probably have nothing.

Yishen has a thorough thought here.

Huahua obviously couldn't understand the doorway. After the other party had been confirmed, Huahua directly followed Yishen's initial instructions and chose Cai Wenji.

Yishen was slightly taken aback, just about to say something.

After a pause, he swallowed back the words in his mouth.

Forget it, she can choose anything, but if she chooses Cai Wenji, it should come in handy.

The kitten on the fifth floor still chose Yu Ji as expected.

He opened the microphone again with a smile on his face and said, "I'll check Yu Ji's points, thank you~"

It seems that this little concubine Yu thinks that with Yishen, this game is sure to win again?
Yishen curled the corners of his lips, he was inexplicably satisfied with the feeling of being trusted.

The fifth floor on the opposite side chose Zhong Wuyan to take the order, and then began the final adjustment stage.

After Huahua changed her skills from beheading to healing, Yishen finally breathed a sigh of relief.

Soon, the game loading interface started.

Cai Wenji is very cute in a Christmas limited skin.

Among the ten people, only Yishen has no skin.

In an instant, nine pairs of eyes were fixed on Nako Lulu who only used raw skin.

"Yishen, why don't you have skin?"

The corners of Yishen's lips twitched, he was not very interested in game skins.

The skin counts as single digits.

They are all provided by the game system.

But Yishen still said in a low voice, "It's too green, I don't like it."

Everyone: "???" What kind of excuse is this?

Huahua silently wrote down "Yi Shen doesn't like green" in her heart.

The game has been loaded to 100%, and the game will start soon.

The four teammates have a clear division of labor, and they stand in their positions at the beginning of the game.

Only Huahua is still confused, whether to follow the middle lane or the bottom lane...

And...does Nakolulu need help now?

Huahua thought in a daze.

The rhythm of King's game is too fast, it's not something that Huahua can play at this level.

But Yishen also knows how much Huahua's level can be.

With the microphone on, he commanded in a low voice.

"Huahua, go help the middle lane grab some river crabs."

"Oh, yes!" Huahua responded quickly, fearing that she would be neglectful, she rushed to the middle of the road, and suddenly appeared and scared the opposite Xiao Qiao back to the tower.

"Huahua, calm down, don't be so reckless, I'm afraid too." The little Daji in the middle road saw Huahua's reckless operation, and helped her forehead helplessly.

Huahua bit her lower lip lightly, and unknowingly hid behind Daji.

While clearing the line of troops, Daji snatched the river crab in a roundabout way, and was finally successfully captured by Huahua's general attack.

Xiao Daji watched in a daze that her gold coins did not meet her expectations, and opened the game panel again, taking a look at Huahua's equipment.

Sure enough, this woman bought shoes again when she went out!

Although beauty is a woman's nature.

Then you can't be so presumptuous at the beginning!

If she wins the game, Huahua thinks of six pairs of shoes, and no one will stop her.

Daji scratched her head, and said as friendly as possible, "Huahua, bring out an auxiliary gem."

Hua Hua immediately stopped in the grass, opened the store and began to bargain, muttering, "You all asked me to produce gems, what is the use of this gem?"

It can be seen that this woman has been buying equipment and recommending outfits.

I can't even understand the description of the equipment.

Little Daji knew that she couldn't explain it to this woman, so she moved her Adam's apple and explained simply and clearly, "In order not to fight for the economy with output."

Huahua: "???"

Huahua seemed to have discovered a new continent, and was suddenly stunned.

"No way, so I've been rubbing off on exporting economy?" Huahua covered her lips with her small hand, two blushes quickly appeared on her cheeks, and she said guiltily, "I don't seem to have made this in the beginning, How much money have I robbed..."

Feeling guilty, Huahua began to murmur involuntarily.

Yishen couldn't stand Huahua's guilty look, "It's okay, you just robbed him of 300 gold coins, he is just a cheapskate."

A certain Dharma King: "Exceuse me...?" Isn't three hundred gold coins small money?
Do local tyrants treat money like dung like this?
Moreover, how could Yishen not understand the advantage of the three hundred gold coins in the early stage?

When Yishen heard Daji speak, he frowned a little impatiently, "Anyway, my team got the river crab, and it's not bad for the odds and ends. Can I give you Lan?"

"Okay, thank you Dad." A man who was still worried about the three hundred gold coins just now lowered his head for the blue buff.

Yishen couldn't help laughing.

But he did what he said, and left the blue buff to Xiao Daji after beating the blue buff to blood.

Daji happily accepted the blue buff.

The laning mid lane is obviously harder than before.

Huahua sees that she can't help in the middle lane, Xiao Yuji in the bottom lane is facing Mengya, and the support on the opposite side, Da Qiao, has arrived in time to help, so Yuji is very difficult in the lane.

Huahua hurried to get off the road.

Huahua and the opposite support, Da Qiao, are both at the third level, and neither of them has the blessing of a big move.

It seemed fair enough.

However, all of Huahua's skills have been cd'd, and Da Qiao's second skill has just been reserved for the bloody jungler, and he sent the jungler home to replenish his status.

So if ad Mengya's condition can't keep up, it will be very difficult for Da Qiao to send him home.

Yu Ji has slowly climbed up to the fourth level and activated her big move.

With her big move, Yu Ji was also fearless, and began to test and attack the enemy's heroes.

After Huahua helped the kitten to clear a wave of troops, the kitten started to attack with Huahua.

"Follow me and protect yourself."

As Yu Ji said this, she directly launched her big move at Meng Ya, and kicked Meng Ya fiercely on the opposite side.

Yu Ji's pawn line in the next lane was full, and Yishen was very indulgent in this round. She rubbed experience on the side lanes of the wild area, and even the crabs and birds in the second half of the wild area, Yu Ji frequently collected them .

So the damage of the big move should not be underestimated.

Meng Ya was caught off guard by her big move.

He quickly changed his offensive tactics and started to walk a, while retreating while outputting general attacks.

He is waiting for Da Qiao's second skill or healing.

But Da Qiao obviously had no skills in his hand, so he could only throw a skill at Yu Ji's feet to ease the situation of being attacked.

Meng Ya took advantage of the opportunity to hide behind Da Qiao, and Yu Ji, who was chasing after him, threw a skill in the direction of the two of them. A long arrow pierced through the air and hit the two of them.

Da Qiao was knocked out of one-third of his blood volume by Yu Ji's skill, while Meng Ya had already become miserable blood.

Da Qiao sucked in a breath of air, and retreated cautiously, frequently lighting the "request assembly" internal signal.

If the support and ad both send a kill at the beginning, then this game will be too embarrassing.

Not only will ad's economy be suppressed forever, but the mentality of the entire team will also be broken.

Han Xin is still playing wild in the wild.

Hearing Da Qiao's "request for assembly" signal, he rushed over immediately, hid in the grass and waited for an opportunity to dispatch.

Han Xin's state has recovered, and he still has the blessing of double buffs under his feet.

Yuji and Huahua obviously didn't guess the enemy's tricks.

Yu Ji just felt that the two heads were bound to be won.

Still biting the direction of Mengya and Da Qiao's retreat.

Another big move, this time kicking Da Qiao in the face.

Da Qiao also turned into blood in an instant.

Huahua closely followed Yuji's pace, opened the breast ring, and swung the control.

Just now, she helped Yu Ji clear a wave of soldiers, and her experience has also climbed to level four.

But Huahua still kept her big move.

Not because she was vigilantly aware of anything.

But Huahua was reluctant to use it, and the cd of a big move in the early stage was as long as about 1 minute.

Huahua really didn't want to waste her ult on the way of chasing deserters.

Yu Ji didn't care about this, she only wanted to take down the two heads opposite her.

Huahua's second skill successfully stunned the two of them.

Yu Ji went around and threw a skill, and took Meng Ya's head.

Then when he was about to take Da Qiao's head, Da Qiao happened to be promoted to four levels and threw a big move at Yu Ji's face.

In an instant, two teammates quickly rushed to the bottom lane.

The situation of Yuji and Huahua immediately turned against the trend, and they were surrounded by the opponent's jungler, top laner and mage.

Huahua was stunned for a moment, and hurriedly used her big move to put on the milk ring to restore Yu Ji's status.

But that didn't help either.

Yu Ji can't kill these three people alone.

Han Xin jumped out of the grass, picked Yu Ji up, and launched a big move to attack.

Yu Ji pressed the second skill but couldn't escape the attack.

Seeing the blood bar drop again and again, Huahua hurriedly rushed forward to drink a mouthful of healing, and then used her second skill to control a group of people.

Yu Ji barely escaped and stepped back.

Yu Ji didn't want to struggle at first, but Yishen suddenly appeared in the wild area. Yishen controlled Nako Lulu, rushed over with her big move, and sat on the mage's head directly. Xiao Qiao is this The hero with the most fragile health bar and the best catch is also the shit-stirring stick in team battles.

All of Yishen's set of skills hit Xiao Qiao's body, and he took the first to take Xiao Qiao's head before giving up.

Only then did Yu Ji escape, and hid under the Three Pagodas and ate a blood bag to replenish her state.

Seeing this, Xiao Daji in the middle lane also rushed to the lower lane to help.

Yishen retreated back and waited for the skill cd, Huahua swung the control forward, but was repeatedly petrified by Zhong Wuyan.

This woman with a big hammer is really annoying...

Huahua bit her lower lip lightly.

But she couldn't beat...

Han Xin saw that Yu Ji could not be caught, so he could only confront Na Ke Lulu head-on.

Now that Nakolulu has no skills, Han Xin's skill cd recovers faster, so he has a better chance of winning.

Thinking this way, Han Xin tried to attack forward again.

After provoking Nakolulu, Han Xin was suddenly stunned by the little Daji who emerged from the grass before he could use his big move.

Daji saw that Han Xin was under control, and directly threw a set of skills on Han Xin.

The output of Daji in the early stage was not particularly high, but it also knocked out half of Han Xin's blood.

Han Xin evaded backwards, and Da Qiao threw a second skill in the direction Han Xin evaded in good time.

Don't forget to throw the first skill before the second skill to push the steps of Huahua's pursuit.

Han Xin was about to go home, but Yishen manipulated Na Ke Lulu to start the big move to take off, bypassing Da Qiao's first skill, and sat directly on Han Xin's head, followed by the second skill and the first skill, and successfully harvested again a human head.

Sun Ce, who was on the road, was alone clearing the line of soldiers and pushing the tower, pulling the camera from time to time, and sighed by the way, "Your world is so lively."

"Hey, why don't you come to help?!"

The words of kitten and cat hating iron and steel came from the microphone.

Huahua suppressed her smile, and heard Sun Ce say, "It's enough to have Yishen, don't you understand?"

How much trust does this show in Yishen?
There was a lot of sighs in the live broadcast room.

By the way, Yishen was raised several heights.

It is enough to have Yishen.

Huahua murmured, feeling emotional in her heart, a place with him is always so reassuring.

(End of this chapter)

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