Kuai Chuan group pet her cute again

Chapter 336 Yishen, your support is super amazing again

Chapter 336 Yishen, your support is super amazing again (12)

How ruthless those main output players were to send just now, how desperate is the response from the opposite jungler now.

Huahua suppressed her smile.

Next, there is a high possibility of internal strife on the opposite side.

Then her promotion match is simply hopeful.

With Huahua thinking this way, her teammates worked even harder.

Hou Yi on the opposite side was obviously afraid of being caught.

After being resurrected again, she was not as arrogant as before.

In this way, Yu Ji will be more bold and relaxed in the line.

With the record of "three bars and zero", Huahua happily walked among the three roads, and then happily took a few heads.

She didn't know why, it seemed like she was on the hook.

Just by using a second skill, a lot of heads were taken away inexplicably.

Thanks to her teammates for not scolding her.

"Huahua, look at me, I'm too poor to sleep."

Once again, the mage whose head was robbed in the middle lane turned around in circles at Huahua.

He didn't mean to blame her.

Huahua covered her cheeks shyly. She glanced at her scoreboard, and she had already climbed to the record of "six bars and zero".

Several output teammates were crying with assists.

Yishen opened another Juggernaut.

Yu Ji took the soldiers and began to push down the towers, and pushed down another tower in succession.

Seeing is winning.

Huahua suddenly said, "Don't push!"

Everyone: "???"

Is this little girl missing another string in her brain?

Huahua stared at her record, and cautiously said, "Let me get another head, I want to be super god."

Everyone: "..."

This little girl is really...

The Fawang on the third floor spoke first, "Impossible, don't even think about it..."

"it is good."

However, Yishen interrupted the third floor's words and spoke directly.

The deep voice sounded a little doting, and everyone manually closed their jaws that dropped from shock.

Yi Shen pretended that nothing had happened, and then restrained his tone again.

The deep voice was still as cold as ever.

"Bring people over, let's have a team battle."

Why does this have a sense of déjà vu as the domineering president's little wife?

The three passers-by teammates obeyed the order angrily. He is a big boss, and if he wants to win the game, he can only follow his orders.

The opponent is also very tenacious, after clearing the line of troops, he still sticks to the tower.

Does not seem to be planning to surrender.

The third floor stood aggrieved and beaten in the wild area again, and did not go to the middle until after the blood, deliberately leaking out of sight, dangling in front of the opposite side.

Yes, he did it on purpose.

It was Yishen who sent him out as bait after "deliberate consideration".

The few people on the opposite side hesitated for a while after seeing the bloody little Daji, after all, the output of the little Daji in the later stage was too high.

With the addition of passive, you can directly set a second.

However, the third floor's acting skills in controlling Xiao Daji are so good, after falling into the opposite view, she seemed to be frightened, and immediately turned her head and escaped without throwing off her skills.

Maybe he doesn't have skills in his hands?

Thinking like this on the other side, he became much more courageous.

Simply run after Xiao Daji directly.

They have been suppressed breathlessly from the beginning to now.

He was killed six times by little Cai Wenji alone.

Some sporadic ones were taken away by other output.

Until now, the team's scoreboard is "12-0".

Of course, they are that zero.

So the head of this little Daji is very important.

One less main force in a team battle means that they will have a greater chance of winning.

But just to be on the safe side, Niu Mo and Cheng Yaojin protected their output, stood in front, and chased the bloody little Daji.

Huahua followed closely behind Yishen, who had already squatted in the grass behind the enemy.

Seeing that the player on the opposite side had completely let go of his guard, Yishen said softly, "Come here."

Huahua followed obediently.

Turning in circles in the grass where Yishen was located indicated.

"After a while, Yu Ji will beat this ad into blood, so you can go directly to it, you hear?"

Yishen's teaching was unexpectedly gentle.

Even when he aroused his teammates, he didn't feel a dull pain in his conscience.

An output to teach an assistant how to grab the head, this kind of operation is no one.

The clearly exploited kitten, Mao Mao, couldn't help cursing from the bottom of his heart.

Huahua subconsciously nodded slightly, and suddenly felt that Yishen, who was concentrating on playing the game, might not be able to see, Huahua responded softly again.

"I can see." It seemed to know what Huahua was thinking.

Yishen spoke to comfort him.

The voice was so soft that it didn't seem like him.

Kitten, Mao also hid in the grass, seeing that the time had come.

The little Daji who was being chased finally couldn't hold back and shouted loudly, "You are going to let me die! Why don't you go!"

Kitty Maomao finally missed his head and directly used his big move at Hou Yi who was not in line.

The output of Yu Ji in the later period should not be underestimated.

A big move is to knock out half of Hou Yi's blood.

The player on the opposite side seemed to react suddenly.

He hurriedly turned his head around to protect the output of his family.

The little Daji who was being chased finally breathed a sigh of relief secretly.

But no matter how quickly the other party reacted, it was useless.

Yu Ji threw a skill at the opposite hero again, and soon Hou Yi was beaten to blood.

At this time, Cai Wenji appeared on the stage in time and threw the second skill at the opposite side.

The second skill bounced back and forth between the heroes on the opposite side, and finally took Hou Yi's head.

Huahua said that she was very happy holding seven heads.

"Okay, push it."

There was another wave of mass destruction on the opposite side, Yishen restrained his tenderness just now, and gave the last order to his teammates.

The three passers-by teammates were very obedient, and Xiao Daji, who had recovered, was also driven out of the spring water by rolling and crawling.

It's just that he hasn't come to the opposite crystal yet.

The word "victory" has already landed on the phone screen.

Three consecutive victories!

Huahua immediately stood up in the live broadcast room, circling excitedly.

Huahua, the thousand-year-old vegetable dog, also slowly climbed to the throne.

Facts have proved that there is nothing that can't be carried by a dog.

It can only be said that the boss is not strong enough.

Yishen not only took Huahua to the king, but also let her take the super god!
There was a burst of cheers in the live broadcast room.

Huahua's little fans immediately swiped rockets and cruise ships to celebrate.

Of course Huahua didn't break her promise.

After exiting the room, he politely added the three teammates just now as friends, and then began to draw the accounts of the little fans and draw crystals for them.

For a while, Huahua's live broadcast room was more lively than New Year's Eve.

Because of this wave of operations.

The popularity of Huahua's live broadcast room has remained high since noon today. With Yishen in charge, Huahua has successfully attracted a wave of fans.

It is not a small gain.

Taking out crystals to give out benefits, Huahua has been busy until the middle of the night, before she can barely fall asleep, and when she wakes up again, it is Hua Qianxi's newcomer.

Hua Qianxi has logged into the game.

It's also a coincidence.

She doesn't know anything about this game.

I looked blankly in the hall, clicked everywhere, and didn't know which room to enter.

Hua Qianxi's live broadcast has already started.

Her live broadcast room was full.

After many young fans squeezed into Hua Qianxi's live broadcast room, they got stuck and got disconnected. This shows how popular this little dish Gou Huahua is.

Hua Qianxi's little assistant sent another message in a hurry.

[Hurry up and contact Yishen! 】

The little assistant hated iron for being weak, and looked at Xiao Huahua in the live broadcast room dumbfounded, and really didn't know where her usual cleverness went.

"Yishen?" Hua Qianxi murmured blankly, "Who is Yishen?"

Hua Qianxi looked at the bright neon sign on the e-sports table.

Several small lights surrounded the word "Yi Shen".

Probably this Yishen?

Hua Qianxi rummaged through her mobile phone blankly, and found WeChat QQ from the phone book, but she didn't see any contact information about "Yishen".

[You don't have Yishen's contact information, do you? 】

Seeing Hua Qianxi rummaging through it with a melancholy expression, the little assistant hurriedly sent another message.

Shouldn't be.

They played games together yesterday, and they played in full swing.

Why is there no contact information?
Wouldn't it still rely on the companion play platform to place an order and contact you?
That Yishen is really a scumbag.

On the other hand, on Yishen's side, after winning the game, Yishen, who has always been aloof, opened Huahua's private chat box with some hesitation.

This little girl is very interesting.

Yishen wants to make friends with her.

Of course, it's not just friends in front of me.

Yishen also wanted to sublimate this friendship.

Frankly speaking, Yishen just wanted to have a cp with Huahua.

It's just that Yishen's fingertips just touched the chat box of Blossom.

There was a sudden dull pain in my mind.

The dull pain gradually dissipated, followed by an electric shock that almost paralyzed the whole body.

what's the situation?
Yishen laboriously raised his hand and rubbed his temple.

Immediately afterwards, there was a heavy dizziness.

Yishen collapsed on the bed exhausted, and it was Yelin who woke up again.

Ye Lin stood up and looked at the mirror next to the bed. He didn't know who he was now.

It's like drawing a note in a closed cardboard box, every time his identity catches Yelin off guard.

Next to the bed was a mobile phone with only [-]% battery.

The phone is still on with the game interface on.

Ye Lin stared at the phone with a complicated expression, and then glanced at herself in the mirror.

In this plane, he should play the role of an Internet addicted teenager, right?

Compared with the previous plane, Ye Lin's room in this plane looks too simple.

A simple white wall, with only a simple clock hanging on the wall, no other accessories.

There are only black and white desks and chairs in the room.

Even the sheets on the bed were black and white striped.

He appears to be a calm young man.

Ye Lin speculated that his mobile phone, which had only [-]% of its battery left, sent frequent messages again.

One after another in the push bar.

I don't know who the news is.

Ye Lin clicked on the news curiously, and found that the news came from some accompanying platform...


Ye Lin, who knew nothing, couldn't help grinning the corners of her lips.

This boy actually has such a habit?
Looking at the records on this phone, all the money earned in the past few days came from this platform.

That amount keeps getting bigger and bigger.

Ye Lin couldn't help but drop her jaw in fright.

This should not be the money-making tool that this young man relies on to survive.

It's just that the boy didn't move a cent of those amounts.

All were stored in the bank card, which had a password, and Ye Lin carefully recalled the memory of the original host.

I found that I didn't know the password, so I had to give up.

Click on the accompanying play platform again, there is a girl with a cute profile picture on it, who keeps sending him messages.

[Your limited Huahua]: "Yi Shen! Yi Shen! Are you there!"

[Your limited Huahua]: "It was agreed before that we will play games together again today. You must have forgotten it, right?"

[Your limited Huahua]: "Okay, it could be that I became the king, so you won't take me to play?"

【Your limited Huahua】: "Can I make another order?"


That little girl was very noisy.

One after another non-stop.

Ye Lin hadn't had time to think about how to reply.

The bank card vibrated again, followed by a message that the account had been received.

Another twenty-five thousand.

[Your limited Huahua]: "Yishen! I saw you are online! Have you received it!"

Ye Lin: "..." This silly girl is really a fool with a lot of money.

Are you not afraid of others running away with money?

[Your limited Huahua]: "Please, please talk, I'm still live broadcasting~"

【Yishen】: "I am here."

Ye Lin had no choice but to respond simply.

He is not too clear about the mechanism of this platform, probably just to play a game with this woman?

He finally transmigrated into the new plane, and before he had time to find Hua Qianxi who was lost in this plane, why did he want to play games with this woman?

Ye Lin was a little annoyed.

However, he found the charger first, and after connecting to the phone, he swipe the screen of the phone, and finally found the game app in the bottom folder, and then logged into the game.

Yishen's game account has already made game friends with Huahua.

So as soon as Yelin went online, Hua Qianxi, who had just figured out how to play the game, immediately opened the room and pulled Yishen in.

Hua Qianxi just took a look at this little girl's fund account.

Those countless digits almost frightened Hua Qianxi's jaw.

And the bill that looks like hell.

There are massive inflows and outflows of money every day.

Sure enough, what rich people do is just money.

Then roll more and more.

The little fans in the live broadcast room saw that Hua Qianxi had not invited Yishen to play games for a long time, and thought that Hua Qianxi was like other anchors, and could only invite Yishen to play games for a few rounds, and then they would not play games with Yishen again. Yishen is in the same frame.

They all started clamoring to take off the powder.

In addition, the little assistant kept urging.

Hua Qianxi finally made up her mind and went to transfer [-] yuan.

Although it wasn't her money, Hua Qianxi's heart couldn't help but bleed when she clicked the confirmation button.

This is not a small amount.

Hua Qianxi has already pulled Yishen into the room, looking worried at the phone screen.

Where should I press next?
Do you want to start the game?

On the other side, Ye Lin only thought about completing the task of this game hastily.

(End of this chapter)

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