Kuai Chuan group pet her cute again

Chapter 348 Finale: He Just Wants to Protect Her Carefully

Chapter 348 Finale: He Just Wants to Protect Her Carefully
It's just too cool!
Hua Qianxi's lips moved, she really wanted to say something, but her tender little face was blushing, and she couldn't say anything.

It was the first time I saw Ye Lin playing such a childish temper.

Hua Qianxi hooked the corners of her lips, but still indulged his temper.

After all, this man is jealous because of her.

It still looks a little cute.

"Are you really jealous?" Hua Qianxi stretched out her fingertips and poked him lightly.

A certain man shook his head with a livid face, "No."

Still tough.

"Then...why did you react so strongly?" Hua Qianxi was reluctant.

It seemed that if she asked something thoroughly, her heart would be filled with sweetness.

Yelin thought for a while, and answered seriously, "But I think, in that kind of situation, it's still necessary to be jealous."

Not jealous or capricious, how could he get her attention?
Make her realize, stay away from those stinking men out there.

Children who act like a baby will have candy.

Ye Lin admits that she is a little naive.

But the little girl in front of her is too nervous to notice these small details at all...

Ye Lin secretly sighed in his heart.

He always felt as if their roles had been reversed.

Suddenly time and space collapsed.

Hua Qianxi and Ye Lin could clearly feel the violent vibration under their feet.

"What's the situation?!" An earthquake?

The screen in front of him sank into darkness.

The phone in my hand is more like a useless model.

Hua Qianxi stood up suddenly, the violent shaking made her a little unsteady, she bent down and barely supported the table.

Ye Lin was the first to react, and took Hua Qianxi into her arms, "Don't be afraid, the barrier may be breaking."

This is a good thing for them.

The ceiling above seemed to be crumbling.

Ye Lin simply leaned over to cover Hua Qianxi's body, he was worried that those crumbling bricks and beams would hurt his baby.

The surroundings fell into darkness.

Suddenly, it was as if the barrier had been torn apart, and a glare of light appeared in the dark depths.

"What's that?" Hua Qianxi squinted her eyes, pointed her little finger into the distance, and looked at the past against the light.

At the torn gap, peach petals seemed to be floating one after another, sending them into the darkness through the glare of light.

Ye Lin raised her eyes slightly, glanced at the peach petals that seemed to be calling them, and raised the corners of her lips, "Qianxi, come home with me."

Come back home?

Is it their home, or her own?
Hua Qianxi looked in the direction of the peach petals in a daze, there seemed to be a strange power there, in the dark, Hua Qianxi inexplicably felt that the depths of the peach petals belonged to her.

"Yelin, did we know each other before?"

It was clearly a question sentence, but Hua Qianxi's tone was calm and soft, more like affirmative.

The memory in the depths of the mind wrapped in white mist seemed to break through layers of shackles.

"...You remember it all?" Ye Lin pursed his lips, his eyes were both joyful and timid, his thin lips trembled, looking forward to the affirmative words that came out of Hua Qianxi's lips.

But Hua Qianxi shook her head.

She can't remember it now, but in the near future, she will remember it quickly.

The gray layer in the memory is like a thin layer of window paper, which will be pierced by herself soon.

"If you believe me, give me your hand."

Ye Lin stretched out his big hand in front of Hua Qianxi, his hand was actually not big, but just wrapped around Hua Qianxi's small hand.

Hua Qianxi naturally climbed up gently.

This man is always so cunning.

Hua Qianxi glared at him as if complaining.

This man clearly knew that she couldn't refuse every question he asked.

Hua Qianxi tightly holds Ye Lin's big hand.

Ye Lin seemed not to be outdone, but held Hua Qianxi's little hand instead.

It seems that if you hold each other tightly, you will feel strength.

The ray of light in the dark depths finally spread gradually, tearing up the endless darkness.

Hua Qianxi and Yelin's feet were suspended in the air for a while.

Soon fell suddenly.

Hua Qianxi retracted into Ye Lin's arms in a panic, and Ye Lin took advantage of the situation to hug the little girl in her arms even tighter.

The fear of falling is overwhelming.

Hua Qianxi's small face was buried in Ye Lin's warm chest, and his steady and powerful heartbeat seemed to bring Hua Qianxi great comfort.

"Don't be afraid, I'm here."

Ye Lin spoke heavily.

Hua Qianxi's ears were filled with Yelin's pounding heartbeat and muffled nasal voice.

She always felt very at ease when he was there.

I don't know how long it took to fall, the surrounding darkness gradually receded, and a few peach blossom petals fell among the flowers' shallow hair.

"This is……"

Hua Qianxi rubbed her eyes with her small hands.

Look around hazily.

This is probably a wonderland.

It was the first time I saw Hua Qianxi, but somehow I felt as if I had returned home.

Every time before returning home, Hua Qianxi always felt that her chest was empty, but now Hua Qianxi suddenly understood what it was like.

It's the feeling of being outside, of not belonging there.

This feeling came too suddenly, as if Hua Qianxi's previously lost memories poured into Hua Qianxi's mind continuously.


Ye Lin's fingertips hanging on the lawn moved, humming softly.

Just now, Yelin has been holding Hua Qianxi tightly into his arms, and the pain of the huge impact all fell on his body.

Because Ye Lin was under Hua Qianxi's body, she didn't feel any pain from the fall.

Putting her little hands on Yelin's chest, she sat up.

"Are you okay?" Hua Qianxi's voice was soft and soft.

Ren Yelin's back hurt so much that she reluctantly said "you are so heavy".

"It's okay." Ye Lin replied sullenly.

Compared with the pain in his back, Ye Lin was more concerned about why the barrier shattered.

It seems that there is something wrong with Master Yue.

Suddenly, evil spirits swept over from all around, and Ye Lin's eyes froze.



Mr. Yuelao, who was pushed away by the huge impact force, slammed against the peach blossom tree with his back, and the peach blossom petals were raised.

The force of the impact probably penetrated Lord Yue Lao's internal organs.

Lord Yue's lips were tightly pressed because of the pain, and there was a bright red in the corner of his lips.

"Hey! Old man, are you okay!"

Cupid struggled against the evil spirit.

Turning his head to see the seriously injured Lord Yue, he didn't realize that his eyes were already stained with deep red.

"I'm fine... um!"

Master Yue pulled the corner of his lips with difficulty.

Immediately, the big hand tightly covered the lips again, blood was already dripping between the fingers.

Is it all right?
Cupid was a little anxious.

Throwing down the bow and arrow in his hand, he rushed to the side of Lord Yue, and subconsciously took Lord Yue into his arms.

The old man was originally fair and cold, but after being seriously injured, his face became even paler, and he could not see any blood.

"Old man! Wake up!"

Cupid's big hand slapped Mrs. Yuelao's cheek fiercely, with a clear voice, soon red and clear five finger prints appeared on that fair cheek.

Lord Yue frowned impatiently.

The big hand patted Cupid's fingertips away from his cheeks, and his deep voice seemed to be suppressing his anger: "You probably want something to do with me."

"...how can I have it!"

Two blushes appeared on Cupid's cheeks, and he angrily threw Master Yue back under the peach blossom tree, causing Master Yue to groan again because of the pain.

"Old man, your enchantment seems to be attacked by evil spirit!"

Cupid raised his eyes.

The suffocation that suddenly attacked just now did not continue to attack, but turned a corner and ran towards Lord Yuelao's enchantment.

The edge of Lord Yuelao's enchantment has been shattered.

Gradually, the light in the enchantment radiated out.

The cracks gradually expanded, and finally couldn't support the entire enchantment, and all shattered...

"Sooner or later there will be such a day."

Elder Yue closed his eyes weakly and sighed.

He should know that this enchantment can't protect Hua Qianxi forever, that little girl who is full of evil spirits will sooner or later be snatched by people with evil intentions.

That little girl Hua Qianxi is not very old.

But the evil spirit all over his body is a sharp weapon.

Her power can completely destroy the entire heaven!

And that little girl named Qianqian whom I accidentally met before...

Master Yue's eyebrows froze.

There is indeed a problem.

But realize now that it may be too late.

I don't know how that little girl Hua Qianxi is doing now.

"Don't think so much, go to the enchantment to take a look, they will be fine."

Cupid supported Master Yue to stand up, bent his fingertips, and flicked on Master Yue's forehead.

The gully between Lord Yue's eyebrows still hasn't been relieved, he just said with a sigh, "I hope."


Lord Yue suddenly seemed to have thought of something again, and looked up at Cupid's profile in astonishment.

Cupid's pretty face was very indifferent.

The corners of his lips were slightly raised, and there was a faint smile on the corners of his lips.

He knew what Mr. Yue was thinking in his heart again.

Lord Yue stared blankly at Cupid's face that seemed to know everything, "Why do you know what I'm thinking?"

"Do you think mind reading is just a trick to trick children?"

Cupid's eyes finally fell on Master Yue's handsome face willingly.

It's just that the smile on the corner of his lips was so faint that it was almost invisible.

"Old man." Cupid said lightly, "Just because you can't read minds doesn't mean I can't."

His spiritual power was already higher than that of Mr. Yue.

It is not surprising that Cupid can read minds.

But Master Yue widened his eyes in astonishment, his first reaction was to lower his eyes and glance at the red thread wrapped around his wrist.

This brat can read minds.

Could that mean...?
Cupid's gaze still followed Master Yue's gaze, and his gaze was fixed on Master Yue's wrist.

Cupid can read minds.

Of course he knew what the red line on Mr. Yue's wrist meant, and the old man was deliberately covering it up.

Don't want to admit the relationship between them?
"I don't know how much you already know, but you should understand that this is impossible."

Master Yue Lao shook off Cupid's restraint.

His eyes were not firm.

Lord Yue dare not face this heavy feeling, so in his mind, this matter must be rejected.

Nip in the bud.

Cupid just stared at Master Yue Lao for a long time.

As if he didn't want to say anything more, he grabbed Master Yue's wrist again, and responded in a good voice, "I'll talk about this later, let's go see how the barrier is doing."

"I don't!" The always calm and awe-inspiring Master Yue lost his temper for no reason, and this incident made him flustered, "Cupid, let me tell you, there is no way between us, even if this red rope can't be broken, we can't break it." Maybe together!"

Cupid said nothing more.

The thin lips were tightly pressed, and the curled eyelashes trembled, as if they were enduring something.

"Stinky boy! Did you hear that?!" Sensing the tighter and tighter grip on his wrist, Lord Yue couldn't help but raise the volume.

But Cupid still refused to make a sound, and dragged Mr. Yue Lao with his head down, walking forward sullenly.

"Hey! I'm talking to you!" Master Yue shook Cupid's shackles vigorously.

"I hear you, but can you be quiet?"

Cupid turned around abruptly, approaching Mr. Yuelao, the cold light in his eyes restrained.

Cupid spoke in a low voice, he was suppressing it.

He was afraid that if he was out of control, he would do something abnormal.

Master Yue suddenly pursed his lips, and swallowed the second half of the words back into his throat.

He had never seen Cupid so mad.

"Isn't it good to be obedient?" Cupid fixedly stared at Lord Yue for a long time, and then sighed lightly after a long time.

This man will probably never understand what he is thinking.

On the edge of the enchantment, there are two people embracing each other, a man and a woman. Anyone who looks at it will feel that the years are quiet.

Hua Qianxi blinked her ignorant eyes, her small face was still buried in Ye Lin's arms, and he had his unique aura about him.

"What's wrong? Scared?"

Yelin rubbed Hua Qianxi's soft long hair with her big hands.

When this little girl returned to the Heavenly Court, she had already manifested the spiritual power of a fairy.

The light-colored spirit world of the seal has been completely dissipated, and there is a vague evil spirit around. Ye Lin's fingertips shuttled between the light-colored hair, but the smile on the corners of her lips did not reach her eyes.

Ye Lin was thinking secretly.

Hua Qianxi's evil spirit is really attractive to spiritual beings.

How should he continue to protect this little girl.

"Stay by my side from now on, don't leave my sight."

Yelin's voice was deep, and she murmured softly as her lips covered Hua Qianxi's ear.

He knew that it was impossible to protect this little girl forever.

But at least take precautions.

Ye Lin didn't want to tell Hua Qianxi the truth, he wanted to carefully guard the innocence of this little girl's heart.

In the distance came two men.

Hua Qianxi heard the footsteps and couldn't help turning her head to look.

When she saw the man in front of her clearly, her small body froze instantly.

"Second uncle?"

This breath belongs to the second uncle.

It is the embroidery needle that I haven't seen for a long time.

It's just that the man in front of him... who the hell is it?
(End of this chapter)

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