Kuai Chuan group pet her cute again

Chapter 42 There are always troublemakers who want to harm me

Chapter 42 There are always troublemakers who want to harm me (40)

"Are you relying on this face to confuse brother Ayu?" The mask on Qiyue's little face was about to burst due to jealousy, "Little fox embryo... no, my good sister, just treat it as helping my sister and cutting flowers." How about your little face?"


What a lunatic!

The shards in Qiyue's hand pressed against Hua Qianxi's chin, and blood dripped down her fingertips onto Hua Qianxi's neck.

It was as if she had cut Hua Qianxi's neck.

Qiyue became even more excited when she saw her frowning and resisting, her beautiful eyes were stained with bloodthirsty madness.

"Don't be afraid, just stroke your face lightly a few times, it won't hurt at all..."

A six-year-old child is already as beautiful as a hibiscus emerging from water.

In the future, it will definitely be so beautiful that it cannot be seen.

The more she thought about it, the more restless Qiyue became.


Make Hua Qianxi disfigured!

In this way, the person next to Brother Ayu can be her!

Suddenly, Qiyue's small hand clasped Hua Qianxi's chin tightly, forcing her to look at her, and raised her other hand high, holding all the ugly jealousy in her hand!
Regardless of the exposure, the embroidery needle stood up abruptly, jumped to Qiyue's feet in three steps and two steps, and jumped fiercely at the little foot wearing the straw sandal...


A sharp reprimand.

The curtains of the holy temple fluttered.

Yunlin's big hand grabbed Qiyue's wrist in time.

His eyes were almost violent, "Do you know what you are doing?"

Seeing this, the embroidery needle silently lay back on the ground.

"Brother Yunlin..." Qiyue's figure trembled, and tremblingly, she let go of the fingertips that were clasped on Hua Qianxi's chin, and a few clear red marks were drawn on her white and tender cheeks.

Yunlin felt an inexplicable pain in his heart, and asked for no reason: "Does it hurt?"

Hua Qianxi shook her head blankly, she no longer had the heart to look at Yunlin's reaction, she was full of doubts about why he suddenly appeared in the holy temple.

"Qiyue, you'd better pay attention to your words and deeds!" The tenderness in Yunlin's eyes disappeared instantly, "You can't afford to hurt her!"

Qiyue pretended to be calm and lied for herself: "I just casually mentioned that brother Ayu's concoction was short of the last medicine, and she wanted to pick it. I was just afraid that she would take the opportunity to escape!"

Hua Qianxi's face turned cold.

If she regains her freedom, the first thing she will do is to kill this little girl.

"Is that so?" Yunlin's complexion softened a little, his eyes inadvertently passed over Hua Qianxi's small face, her complexion didn't look like this.

Hua Qianxi secretly suppressed the anger in her heart, and her face was full of timidity and panic: "I just want to thank Brother Ling Yu for giving me a corner to hide... I really don't want to escape!"

good acting.

After going through that night, Yunlin saw the ability of this little girl to tell lies.

It is impossible to thank Ling Yu, but as for escaping...

Yunlin felt that Hua Qianxi had no such intention at all.

"Don't let me see it again!" Yunlin's big hands rested on Hua Qianxi's shoulders, embracing her side, and turned around to leave Qiyue's indifferent back.

Qiyue quietly looked at Hua Qianxi who left under Yunlin's protection, the fragments in her hand were deeply embedded in her palm.

A piece of bright red flowed down the fingers, dripping...

Converged into a small puddle of water.

"You let me go!"

Hua Qianxi's side is not as peaceful and beautiful as the back view.

The big hand was firmly clasped on her shoulder, Hua Qianxi struggled desperately but was unable to escape.

(End of this chapter)

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