Kuai Chuan group pet her cute again

Chapter 50 There are always troublemakers who want to harm me

Chapter 50 There are always troublemakers who want to harm me (48)

"Go and deliver it yourself!" Hua Qianxi turned over, buried her small face in her arms and rubbed.

"...You!" Qiyue choked.

Hua Qianxi was sleepy, and responded hazily, "What me, don't tell me that this time Ling Yu is reluctant to let you deliver medicine to Yunlin, isn't it difficult to deliver medicine?"

Qiyue wanted to poke her neck and talk to her, "You have a lot of shit", but when she saw the man walking slowly behind Hua Qianxi, she shrank suddenly, and replied obediently: "The old genius doctor ordered me to boil medicine, I'm too busy."

"It's your problem if you're too busy." Hua Qianxi was unmoved.

The afternoon sun makes people lazy, Hua Qianxi yawned for a long time, "Besides, he probably doesn't want to see me, what if the first thing he sees when he wakes up is me, and he faints again? "

"Who said I don't want to see you? Huh?"

The lazy nasal voice seems to be close to the ear.

Hua Qianxi's eyes widened suddenly, and Yunlin was bending over with a slight smile on his lips.

The visual impact is too scary.

She was caught saying bad things behind her back, but the point is that the man is still smiling at her? !
So weird!

Hua Qianxi's body trembled, her legs bent and she almost fell to the ground.

But that damned man stretched out his hand at the right time, skillfully wrapping around Hua Qianxi's waist: "It's so reckless again."

"You...are you still alive?!" While frightened, Hua Qianxi unintentionally opened her mouth.

Qiyue, who was standing opposite her, gasped.

As expected, Yunlin's eyebrows frowned, and his big hands pinched Hua Qianxi's waist punitively, with light force: "You expect me to die?"

"How dare I!"

Hua Qianxi resisted and pushed Yunlin who was getting closer.

Not at all like a poisoned patient.

Breaking free from Yunlin's arms lightly, Hua Qianxi stuffed the medicine bowl on the stone table into his hands, two blushes flashed on her cheeks, "Drink the medicine!"

"Are you worried about me?" The smile on the corner of Yunlin's lips inexplicably grew bigger and bigger.

Worried about you big headed ghost.

If her uncle was still by Hua Qianxi's side, she might have sewed Yunlin's mouth shut without hesitation.

Hua Qianxi's blushing little face fell into Yunlin's eyes, and she became the shyness of a young girl.

Not having the heart to tease her anymore, Yunlin leaned his neck back and drank the bitter medicine in one gulp.

Brushing the medicinal juice overflowing from the corner of his lips with his fingertips, Yunlin frowned slightly: "It's really bitter."

"Good medicine tastes bitter and good for the disease!" Hua Qianxi snatched the medicine bowl from his hand, and handed it to Qiyue, with a businesslike look, "Now that Yunlin has drunk it, you can rest assured to make the medicine. "

"...Eh?" Qiyue inexplicably felt that she couldn't keep up with this little girl's thinking.

She still remembered that her original purpose was to embarrass Hua Qianxi?

Why was she easily resolved again.

"Is there any candy?" Yunlin ignored Qiyue who was sluggish in place, stretched out his hand to touch Hua Qianxi's little face, and stared at the pair of eyes that fascinated him.

"Where do I get sugar?"

Hua Qianxi pushed his big hand, and after a few days of not seeing this little kid, it got worse.

Firmly clasping Hua Qianxi's chin, her eyes moved down and landed on those ruddy lips.

He remembered what it was like that day.

It was soft like candy that was about to melt, making him fall for no reason.

Seeing Yunlin's eyes getting darker and darker, Hua Qianxi's mind was ringing alarm bells, she stretched out her small hand and pinched Yunlin's lips tightly: "I said, if you do anything else, you will die, and you will die if you do what you say." !"

(End of this chapter)

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