Kuai Chuan group pet her cute again

Chapter 68 There are always troublemakers who want to harm me

Chapter 68 There are always troublemakers who want to harm me (66)

It's really more difficult than imagined.

Mingming is not very old, why is he so thick-skinned...

"I didn't ask you to save me." Hua Qianxi lowered her head and packed the medicine bowl, muttering to herself, "You blocked an arrow for me...and threatened me to take care of you..."

The voice was very small but Yunlin keenly caught it.

Yunlin leaned closer, couldn't help pinching his soft face with his fingertips in a punitive way, with a half-smile, "Little guy, are you going to forget your gratitude so soon?"

Hua Qianxi's indifference is to tear open his already scarred wound, and then sprinkle salt on the wound.

Yunlin restrained the faint violence, but couldn't hide the cunning in his eyes, and quickly guessed about the little highness, "Xiao Qianxi, don't you... have a heart for Xu Yijue?"

Dare to call the little Highness by his first name, probably besides Yi Jue and his parents, there is only the man in front of him.

Even Ling Yu would consider his face and choose his words carefully.

"What nonsense!"

Hua Qianxi slapped off the big hand that was getting more and more presumptuous, and if he didn't stop Yunlin, his big hand would probably slide into the coat along the collar.

He used to be a stinking hooligan.

"Really?" Yunlin stared at the little girl who didn't dare to look at him inquiringly.

The more flustered she was, the more irritable Yunlin felt in his heart.

They just had the experience of being dependent on each other in prison. What is it about that stinky boy with no hair that can make the little girl never forget?

Yunlin couldn't figure it out.

The more irritable I am, the more I want to crush that little fly.

After thinking about it, Yunlin reluctantly found an excuse, "He's still very young, you shouldn't be thinking about him..."

"I'm young too, so don't get me wrong." The widow king in his 20s brazenly told the truth with the body of a six-year-old boy on his shoulders, "You can count on your fingers, how many years older than me! "

Yunlin was speechless, and for a moment wanted to obediently break his fingers.

He was also in his youth, and suddenly he had an inferiority complex over half a century old.

"Okay, you should take good care of your illness." Hua Qianxi didn't want to make any more trouble, stood up, thought for a while, and threw all the candy in the cloth bag into Yunlin's arms, "If you don't have to eat, I only have this little candy. "

Not knowing whether to avoid him or really annoyed, Hua Qianxi left quickly.

The noisy little guy in the room was gone and silence returned.

Yunlin didn't let go until he couldn't see the little girl's back, then he reluctantly glanced at the scattered pieces of candy in his arms.

Unscrew a piece of candy and stuff it into the mouth, the sweetness instantly melts between the lips and teeth.

It's as sweet as holding a little girl's earlobe, and if you bite it lightly, it will whisper...

Yunlin closed his eyes and recalled that time when he imprisoned the little girl in his arms, and he heard the voice of the maid wiping the corner of the table keenly.

very noisy.

Opening her eyes, Yunlin's hawk eyes were locked on the maid's panicked face, she seemed to glance at the candy in her arms several times...

Yunlin snorted softly, and carefully stuffed the remaining candies into his underwear.

It's all his.

No one will give it.

Hua Qianxi felt that it was useless for her to shake Yi Jue's face a while ago.

It gave him the courage to become more and more courageous.

Hua Qianxi followed Qiyue and was busy with the blessing ceremony in Lingshan, and Yi Jue stuck to her side and followed every step.

"Do you need my help?" Ye Lin chuckled.

His long hair swayed in the breeze, hiding his slightly sharp jaw.

"Thank you, no." Hua Qianxi pushed him, "Good dogs don't get in the way."

(End of this chapter)

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