Kuai Chuan group pet her cute again

Chapter 77 There are always troublemakers who want to harm me

Chapter 77 There are always troublemakers who want to harm me (75)

The shadow guard quickly chased after the target.

Taking advantage of her petite stature, Hua Qianxi hid in the depths of the bushes and haystacks.

Ever since she came to this parallel world, she has been like a tireless fugitive, no one knows how to save her life and escape better than her.

The shadow guards were still chasing after him, gusts of wind startled the roosting birds in the jungle.

Hua Qianxi didn't care about the little highness who was still there, recalling the way back up the mountain, and crossing a small road, it should be back to Lingshan Village.

After all, the little girl is no match for a man with a strong figure who has been practicing martial arts all year round.

Behind Hua Qianxi, countless big hands have been stretched out...

Suddenly, an eagle howled pierced the sky.

The eagle glides lowly beside Hua Qianxi, its plump wings almost covering her body, swirling up sand and dust.

"Hold on to me." Yunlin stretched out his big hand in a timely manner, and leaned forward in front of Hua Qianxi. There was no smile in his eyes like a fox, and he was solemn, "I will settle the score with you later."

As a hostage, he fled without authorization.

It is estimated that no matter how much Ling Yu pampers her, Hua Qianxi will not be able to avoid heavy punishment.

Another feathered arrow flew past her cheek, piercing straight into the boulder.

Yunlin's eyes froze: "Hurry up!"

Gritting her teeth, Hua Qianxi stretched out her little hand, and it fell on Yunlin's warm and dry palm.

The blue veins on the wrist of that big hand were slightly protruding, Yunlin pushed slightly towards his arms, Hua Qianxi used his strength to jump and sat firmly in the man's arms.

The eagle's wings flapped against the rough mountain road, shaking violently from left to right.

Hua Qianxi grasped Yunlin's big hand subconsciously, and made a few fingerprints on his palm with her small hand.

Yunlin didn't feel the pain, and wrapped the little girl's waist tightly in his arms, and whispered in his ear: "Don't be afraid."

Lifting his jaw slightly, Yunlin rolled up his tongue and whistled again.

Hearing the sound, the eagle gliding close to the ground flew up and circled the dense bushes. The eagle went straight up, as if it was about to penetrate the clouds.

The shadow guard stopped chasing, his strong and rough arms pulled the bow and arrow, and the string full of strength almost burst.

A feathered arrow pierced the eagle's wing.

The roots were all submerged, a few drops of bright red splashed out, and the area around the arrow tail quickly turned black.


The toxin seemed to be spreading through the internal organs of the eagle.

Yunlin immediately followed the eagle's wings, but the eagle struggled to escape the control, raised its neck and howled.

The miserable hawk's cry shook the tired birds in the forest.

The eagle's paralyzed wings lost its balance, and it flew over the peak with its last breath and fell straight down.

Accompanied by the sense of weightless fall.

Hua Qianxi's eyes widened in horror, and there was an abyss in front of her.

This time I was not as lucky as last time, there was no gurgling river, and the end of the cliff was unfathomable.

Yunlin covered the little girl's eyes with his big hands, and protected her little head on his warm chest: "Don't look."

The left chest is his steady and powerful heartbeat.

Yunlin stepped on the eagle's wings with his toes, like a wolf waiting for an opportunity, keenly peeking at the cliffs.

The big hands pulled the dead wood branches on the steep wall in time.

The fragile branches can hardly bear the weight of two people and are quickly bent.

This scene seemed familiar.

Yunlin's big hands firmly clamped Hua Qianxi's waist, which was his treasure.

Hua Qianxi lowered her eyes and looked down. She lost a straw sandal, and her feet seemed to be submerged in the abyss of thick fog.

"Yunlin, let go."

Hua Qianxi closed her eyes, and the big hands wrapped around his waist tightened even tighter.

(End of this chapter)

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