Kuai Chuan group pet her cute again

Chapter 86 There are always troublemakers who want to harm me

Chapter 86 There are always troublemakers who want to harm me (84)

Qiyue stuffed the umbrella directly into Hua Qianxi's hands, while she knelt respectfully in front of the tombstone.

He bent down and kowtowed twice towards Yunlin's tombstone.

The white forehead was instantly red, stained with a piece of sticky mud.

"What are you still doing?"

Qiyue hated that iron could not be made into steel, so she tapped Hua Qianxi's leg with her small hand.

Hua Qianxi was taken aback, and quickly put away the umbrella and put it aside.

Following Qiyue's example, she also knelt in front of Yunlin's tombstone.

The muddy rain penetrated through the clothes and soaked Hua Qianxi's knees.

Cold enough to sting.

Hua Qianxi couldn't help shivering.

The rain is getting heavier.

Densely connected into a line.

Hua Qianxi couldn't keep her eyes open, her broken hair was pressed against her forehead, and Yunlin's name on the tombstone reflected in her pupils became more and more blurred.

As if that would lessen her guilt.

Qi Yueben murmured softly in front of Yunlin's stele, and finally came back to her senses and saw Hua Qianxi, who was wet beside her, and said a little unbearably, "Okay, you can stand aside with your umbrella... It's boring, I have to cook ginger juice for you when I go back..."

Although Qiyue disliked the medicine jar body of Xiao Tianhao, she didn't say anything more.

Because Hua Qianxi was imprisoned in a dark and humid prison when she was young, and the root cause of the disease was that she had not seen light all year round.

Qiyue had argued with Ling Yu in a fit of anger before, but Ling Yu said that he indulged her only to make up for her.

Qiyue was like a poisonous woman, all the jealousy in her heart disappeared in an instant.

This is indeed what the entire Lingshan village owes her.

Hua Qianxi stood up in a trance, the sudden rain made her dizzy.

Qiyue knew that Hua Qianxi was spurned by thousands of people in Lingshan Village because she indirectly killed Yunlin. In order to avoid extra trouble, she did not call any attendants when she came to sacrifice to the tomb.

Seeing that Qiyue was still crying softly and refused to leave Yunlin's tombstone, Hua Qianxi had no choice but to go back the same way based on her vague memory.

The flower umbrella stayed by Qiyue's side, and the heavy rain in front of her eyes blocked Hua Qianxi's sight.

The lower abdomen was aching again.

This body is really delicate.

Hua Qianxi secretly despises herself.

There are deep and shallow puddles under your feet, and mud splashes all over your body when you step on it.

Hua Qianxi was already dirty all over, and didn't care about a few more stains on her clothes.

It's just that taking a few steps is like stepping on cotton, which is soft, as if it could fall flat at any time.

Hua Qianxi was a little top-heavy, she touched her forehead with her small hand, it seemed a little hot.

In a trance, I sprained my feet, and beside the path was a huge pit concealed by the branches and leaves of trees.

Hua Qianxi stepped on her foot, and her limp body suddenly seemed to be plunged into an unfathomable quagmire.

Falling from here will probably break an arm and miss a leg...

Hua Qianxi, who had no strength, didn't want to struggle at all, so she closed her eyes, thinking that falling would hurt.

The mind quickly empties.

With a hollow mind, Hua Qianxi let her body fall down.


Suddenly a big hand protruded from the edge of the huge pit, firmly grasping Hua Qianxi's wrist and pulling it upwards.

Hua Qianxi, who didn't feel the expected pain, was caught off guard and hung in mid-air, looking up in confusion.

who is it……?
The man was lying on the side of the huge pit, half of his face was covered by his messy long hair, Hua Qianxi couldn't see his appearance clearly.

wanton publicity.

Gradually, the handsome appearance of the man wrapped in white mist in his memory fits well.

Should it be...?
After the feeling of falling, Hua Qianxi rested all her weight on her wrists, and a tingling pain flashed through her dizzy and swollen brain.

(End of this chapter)

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