Farmer's Struggle

Chapter 108 Filial Piety

Chapter 108 Filial Piety
Seeing Zhao Fen enter the door, Ju Jing turned her head and glared at Ju Ling.

Ju Ling was also very annoyed, Ju Jing asked her to lock the door before taking a bath, but she was busy boiling water and forgot about it!

Fortunately, it was Zhao Fen who came, it would be bad if a man came.

Zhao Fen was also quite embarrassed, not because she was embarrassed seeing the old lady taking a bath, but because she felt embarrassed seeing the picture of the three grandparents and He Lele.

Before the two sisters could say anything, Zhao Fen pulled a small stool and sat next to the tub, as if to help with the washing.

Ju Jing hurriedly stopped her and said, "Don't mind the second aunt, my little sister and I can just wash the dirty ones."

Zhao Fen smiled and said, "It's okay, I'll help."

Smiling and tactfully persuading her, Ju Jing could only tell the truth: "It's not the second aunt, my grandma is a little afraid of being born, and people who don't know her well will touch her."

Before he finished speaking, Zhao Fen had picked up a handful of water to wipe the crazy grandma's arm.Before her hand touched the crazy grandma, the grandma's body trembled and shrank to one side, and she let out a terrified cry, which was really scary.

Ju Ling hurriedly stretched out her arms to wrap her arms around grandma regardless of dirty or wet, and whispered words of persuasion in her ear, trying to calm her down.

Zhao Fen withdrew her hand in embarrassment, and said embarrassingly: "I don't know, if I know she reacts so strongly, I will definitely not reach out."

"It's okay. It's normal if you don't know if you haven't served grandma. Second aunt, what's the matter with you? My parents and mother are both in the restaurant. If you need anything, you can go to the restaurant to find them." Ju Jing said politely and reservedly Said.

Zhao Fen is a person who can turn his mind. She can definitely understand what Ju Jing means.

But now, she didn't want to go anywhere, so she pretended to be confused.

"It's okay, I'll come over and take a look. You guys continue to wash, I'll just put it aside and watch, and I'll pass you whatever you want." Zhao Fenqiang said with a smile.

Both sisters could tell that something was wrong with her.

Niao quietly looked at each other, and the sisters reached a consensus tacitly.

While bathing grandma meticulously, the two sisters chatted with Zhao Fen, and asked Zhao Fen's purpose for coming here.

Zhao Fen's mouth was quite strict, and she kept going around the topic but refused to tell the truth. After going around, the two sisters lost patience.

Ju Ling blinked her big eyes and changed the subject innocently, but the question she asked was very sharp.

She asked Zhao Fen: "Second Aunt, you have been here for half a year now, and I haven't seen you go back to the county town to have a look. Don't you miss Big Brother and Second Brother?"

This question was so direct that he was short of asking Zhao Fen why he refused to return to Yunhe County.

Zhao Fen couldn't force a smile anymore, all the emotions that had been pent up in her heart burst out, out of control.

She covered her face and began to cry, crying very sadly.

The two sisters were taken aback, and the crazy grandma burst into tears for no apparent reason. The scene was embarrassing and chaotic.

Ju Jing coaxed grandma, and Ju Ling persuaded Zhao Fen.

"Second Auntie, stop crying. Grandma also cries with you when you cry. Grandma can't be too emotional. If she makes a fuss, none of us will be able to mess with her," Ju Ling said anxiously.

Zhao Fen managed to suppress the crying, but the tears could not be stopped no matter what.

When the crazy grandma stopped crying, she said with a flat stomach: "Your parents are so lucky to have you three good girls. I used to joke about your parents a lot, saying that they only have three girls who are old enough to watch movies. Who will take care of them. When I get old, I will see clearly what sons and girls are. If you don’t have a filial heart, it’s useless to have a hundred sons.”

Ju Ling glanced at Ju Jing secretly, and Ju Jing shook her head, meaning don't ask too many questions, the less you know about other people's affairs, the cleaner you will be.

Unfortunately, Zhao Fen didn't give them time to cover their ears.Before Ju Ling asked further, Zhao Fen, who was almost overwhelmed by negative emotions, poured out all her affairs.

Zhao Fen was severely injured by her two sons and daughter-in-law.

Not long after Ju Wenxin passed away, her two sons came to her home to discuss her future life.

As people get older, illness and death are unavoidable topics.What the two sons meant was to let Zhao Fen go out and do something while she was still able, or simply remarry, so that when she was too old and unable to move, the two sons would spend money for her.

She can accept it if she is asked to go out and do something, and she didn't intend to stay at home all the time.But asking her to remarry is really unacceptable to her.

Her two sons actually persuaded their mother to remarry shortly after their father passed away for their own benefit. Is this something human can do?
There are even worse.

The one-story house she rented was due, and they were only willing to pay the rent every six months at the shortest. Zhao Fen didn't have that much money at hand, so she wanted to take some money from her son and return it to them when she had it.

But these two good sons of hers not only refused to borrow a penny, but also told the landlord behind her back that she would not rent this house anymore!

She angrily quarreled with her two sons, but what did her good son and daughter-in-law say?
If she relies on her two sons and expects them to support her in the future, she will never see her grandson again.

Threatening her with a child!
Zhao Fen felt it was ridiculous.

She never said that she must have two sons to support her, why are they so impatient.

Let's not say that she can still do it now, but she really can't do it anymore. Whether she wants to take care of her or not, is it up to her own wishes?

It took such a lot of time and effort, in the final analysis, she didn't want to raise her as a real mother and wanted to gain a good reputation, making outsiders think that her real mother was ignorant of good and evil, with a temper and love to toss around and act like a monster. They were all dutiful sons and grandchildren.

Frustrated, Zhao Fen spoke harshly to her two sons, saying that even if she died outside, she would never let them collect her body, and she would break with them completely.

She said it happily at the time, and after she finished, she packed up her things and came to Xiaofuqiang Village. After a few months, she regretted it terribly.

Why do you have to come here in a fit of anger, and get into a situation where you can't stay or go back now.With the money she has left now, she can't go back to the hotel in the county for a few days, and she really doesn't know how to live in the county.

stay?How to stay?
Cai Meiyu has been so obvious that she can't find a reason to stay any longer.

At the end, Zhao Fen said to the two sisters: "I can't live anymore. If I had known the result of giving birth to a son, I should have strangled them to death at the first cry."

"Not being filial has nothing to do with the girl's son, it's just not being taught well." Ju Jing didn't sympathize with Zhao Fen at all, and said coldly: "Children will learn from their parents. Why does my mother take care of my grandma, so we are filial to our parents and grandma now. How about you and my second uncle, pat your chest and ask yourself, let alone my stepmother, my grandpa, have you ever respected your own father?!"

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(End of this chapter)

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