Farmer's Struggle

Chapter 110 Packaging

Chapter 110 Packaging
Can you stop screaming? Lin Dezhi's mother fell and broke her leg. Lin Dezhi's father alone can't take care of so many children.

There is no way, the children can only go back to each house to find their own mothers, and there are five more children of their own in the factory, plus the original ones, who are noisy and noisy every day.

Ju Min explained the situation of the factory, and Ju Jing on the side came over and said, "Sister, you think it's safe, if it doesn't work, find another factory to work for, don't you say there are a lot of factories over there?"

There are quite a lot, but the working environment is similar to this, and it is unnecessary to go to other people's factories and be complained by my brothers.

Ju Min didn't want to talk about these troubles with her two younger sisters, so she took the initiative to change the subject.

She lowered her voice and said mysteriously: "Let me tell you, you have to be careful when buying things in the future. Many things that are said to be big brands and expensive are actually produced by the children of small factories. We pick them up in front of the factory. I made a list of subcontractor production, and we can sell a piece of underwear that costs only 30 to 200 yuan for wholesale and retail by ourselves, and put their trademark on it, and it can be sold for [-] yuan! The materials and workmanship are the same, and the price can be so different. Many, who would have thought."

It has something to do with money, Ju Jing and Ju Ling are really interested.

"Can it be so different? How much money does he have to make!" Ju Jing enviously said.

Ju Min is also very envious, but she is only a part-time worker, and she can earn 200 yuan for one piece. She has a backache, backache, and eye pain after a busy day, and she can't make this money even after handling dozens of pieces.

"There is something even more mysterious. There is a factory not far from us. They received an order from abroad. The materials are the same, but the styles are different. They can sell them abroad, but they are old and expensive, but they can't sell them in China. Price!" Finally, Ju Min concluded: "I can see that the relationship between whether something is expensive or cheap has nothing to do with the quality. The main thing is to look at the packaging and the brand. No matter what we do in the future, we must fix our own brand. It’s loud, it’s the brand that people think of when they mention this kind of thing, and it’s the brand that they choose first when they buy something.”

The relationship is not big but it is not irrelevant. Under the premise of the same quality, big brands are indeed more trustworthy.

After all, quality is the foundation of everything, and we can only talk about other things on the premise of having a quality foundation.

Ju Ling also had an idea, she said: "Have you noticed that it is not expensive to collect mountain products in the village, but the packaged mountain products we saw in the supermarket in Yunhe are much more expensive. Not only mountain products, but rice and so on They all say that our rice is delicious, but our rice is also sold cheaply, but the rice received from us can be sold very expensive if it is packaged."

"Hey, what's the use of saying so much, we can't make this money!" Ju Jing said helplessly: "It's not so easy to say that it can be sold at a high price just by packaging it."

Of course Ju Min knew that it was not easy, so he just rushed here, and his sisters talked about it casually, anyway, chatting and talking cost nothing.

However, many times casual words can also give people great inspiration. If you don’t care about it now, you will have a different understanding when you think about it.

In the next few days, the two sisters stayed at home honestly. When the restaurant was too busy, Ju Jing went to help out, and Ju Ling stayed at home to do summer homework or write contributions.

By the end of the summer vacation, she had collected more than a dozen articles, and there were more than 1 words in the articles serialized on the Internet.

Going to Yunhe County tomorrow, Ju Jing doesn't care about anything as the shopkeeper, and Ju Ling has to pack the things of the two of them.

Zhang Yongmei stood aside to help, and told them to eat and drink well when they were out.After instructing, he took out a pile of money from his pocket and stuffed it to Ju Ling, saying: "The family is quite affluent here, take the money, buy more delicious food, and don't make your second sister too tired."

"Mom, why are you giving it to the little one and not me!" Ju Jing provoked first.

Zhang Yongmei saw that Ju Ling stuffed the money into the innermost layer of her schoolbag before answering Ju Jing with confidence. She said, "I'm afraid that you won't want to spend it on yourself. I'll give it to the little one, so she can buy you something delicious too." .I don’t know you yet, I’m willing to spend money on your little sister, but I’m not willing to spend a penny on myself.”

Ju Jing curled her lips and said nothing.She couldn't find words to refute, because that's what she always did.

Sometimes the three sisters joked that Ju Jing herself said that if she hadn’t been so ignorant when she was a child and always stole the little milk powder, she wouldn’t be so kind to the little girl, and now she is paying off her debts.

Returning to Yunhe County the next day, they put down their luggage and cleaned up the inside and outside of the rental house. The two sisters agreed to go to the Internet cafe to surf the Internet.

They don't go to school until tomorrow, today they can play a little longer.

The proprietress of the Internet cafe almost cried when she saw Ju Jing. The newly recruited network administrator who was not here this summer was too busy for the couple.

As soon as she came to work, Ju Jing went to work, and Ju Ling found a place to surf the Internet by herself.

She didn't log on to the webpage to read the article she wrote for a summer vacation, but she didn't expect that someone was actually reading it, and someone urged her to write down quickly.

She stared at the screen and smirked for a long time before she began to type out the serials she wrote during the summer vacation and post them on the Internet.

When she was frantically typing Chinese characters on the computer, there was a noise at the cashier of the Internet cafe, and Ju Jing's name floated into her ears.

She hurriedly got up to see what was going on.

Still some distance away, she saw a boy about 1.7 meters tall pulling Ju Jing, and a name immediately popped into Ju Ling's mind. Before she could think about it, she rushed over quickly, and directly hit the boy's stomach with her elbow.

The boy felt the pain and subconsciously let go of Ju Jing.

"Second sister, who is he? What's going on?" Ju Ling asked hurriedly.

Ju Jing pulled her behind her to protect her, raised her neck slightly and faced the boy and said, "Jiang Che, why are you crazy? I have already said what I should say, if you still dare to come and harass me in the future, I will call the police !"

It turned out that the boy was the legendary Jiang Che.

This person looks like five people and six people, but his speech and behavior are weird and not like a normal person.

He stared at Ju Jing with a pair of eyes, and said eagerly: "I'm not crazy, I'm not crazy! I'm not harassing you, I just want to pursue you. Ju Jing, stay with me, I Will take good care of you."

Just saying it didn't count, he stretched out his hand to pull Ju Jing again.

Many people in the Internet cafe came to pull people, and some people actually took out their mobile phones to call the police. Ju Jing was well protected.

After a while the police came to understand what had happened and persuaded Jiang Che to leave. Jiang Che babbled about Ju Jing as if he couldn't understand the words. Now even if he wasn't a doctor, he could tell that there was indeed something wrong with Jiang Che. .

There was no other way, the police could only take him away, trying to find a way to contact his family and take him home.

 Thank you for your support, thank you for voting and subscribing, thank you.The third update is still at [-] o'clock in the evening, remember to watch~
(End of this chapter)

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