Farmer's Struggle

Chapter 126 Customs

Chapter 126 Customs
The Lin family didn't say it clearly, but every time they took a shower, they would throw the dirty clothes they changed into the bathroom on Ju Min's floor.

A pile of dirty clothes piled up here, it's quite embarrassing to think about it.Ju Min asked Lin Dezhi's family what they thought and what they wanted to do.

Lin Dezhi told him that this is the rule of the Lin family, and the new daughter-in-law has to wash the family's clothes when she enters the house.He also persuaded Ju Min to be patient. Anyway, he only stays in his hometown for a few days a year, and he will be fine after a few days.

Ju Min couldn't bear it.

Leaving aside that she and Lin Dezhi are not yet married, even if they are married, why should she be asked to wash the clothes of the whole family?
If she only does laundry for Lin Dezhi's parents, she thinks it's okay. After all, she is an old man, and she will be filial to the old man at home during the Chinese New Year.But why do laundry for siblings and their families?It's not like they can't be washed, they're all piled up here, when will she wash them by hand?
This is not a custom at all, it is just bullying. Honest people do not resist for a long time and they regard it as a custom, which is simply ridiculous.

Ju Min is also a person with a temper, so she must not let people pull shit on her head.

So, she didn't move any of the pile of clothes, and only washed her own clothes every day.When going in and out of the bathroom was in the way, she just stepped on the clothes, as if she didn't see the clothes.

For a day or two, the family knew that she was not easy to mess with, and when she was not in the house, Niao quietly came over and took away all the clothes.

Only this incident didn't make Ju Min feel uncomfortable, the news from Sitang's sister-in-law was even more worrying.

Sitang's sister-in-law gave birth to a girl weighing more than six catties.

After giving birth, Sitang's sister-in-law had milk, but she did not feed her daughter, but let her drink milk powder.

It's not that she and her family think that milk powder is more nutritious than breast milk or something, but that she wants to take good care of her body, recover as soon as possible and get pregnant again!
If Sitang's sister-in-law gave birth to a son in this womb, she would definitely not do this, not to say that she would never have another son in the future, but that she would not give birth in such a hurry.

Girls are so underappreciated in this place.

Because the local life is rich, this lack of attention is not obvious materially, but more psychologically and behaviorally. Sitang’s sister-in-law does not breastfeed her child, but she will not buy cheap low-quality milk powder for her. , which is a proof.

Ju Min didn't expect that she would jump from a patriarchal place to another place that might be more patriarchal. This feeling of being at a loss for the future made her terrified, very terrified.

Every time Lin Dezhi mentioned marriage to her, she felt very flustered, but she couldn't go back on what had been agreed upon. After all, getting married or not was no longer her own business, but the Ju Lin family's business.

Maybe, it will be fine in the future, she comforts herself like this every time she thinks about it.

Will it be good?You can only know it if you have experienced it.

She is not a prophet, nor does she have God's perspective, nor is she the heroine with the halo of the protagonist on TV. She is just an ordinary and ordinary girl. Only by experiencing everything that life has given her can she judge which direction to go next.

On the first day of the Lunar New Year, Ju Laosan's family was very lively.

Except for Ju Wenlin's family, almost all the younger generation with some relatives in the village came to pay New Year's greetings to Ju Wenqi and his wife.

This year, Ju Laosan's family is also generous, buying good candies like prawn crisps, corn fudge, and orange petal candies, not the cheap fruit candies like those in Daji.Apples and oranges are also good to buy. It doesn't matter if people come to pay New Year's greetings, at least they look good.

Ju Jing and Ju Ling also went to pay New Year's greetings to Zhao Fen and Ju Ying, and Zhao Fen gave them lucky money, not much more than ten yuan each, but the amount of the lucky money is not important, what matters is the heart.

Compared to Zhao Fen, Ju Ying was more enthusiastic.This enthusiasm was not expressed in giving lucky money, but instead grabbed the two of them to chat, asking them how they were doing outside, and how Ju Min was doing outside.

The two sisters were not very happy to talk to her about this, because no matter what she said to her, she would compare with her own children, and finally came to the conclusion that no one was as good as her own children.It's nothing more than a comparison in my heart, and she will definitely go out and say that this is the most annoying.

It took a lot of effort for the boss to get rid of Ju Ying, come out from her house and go back to his own house.

Not long after that, Zhu Yuping and Zhu Yubin came to celebrate the New Year with presents.

Zhu Yuping is back?When did it happen?Why was there no news at all before?The Ju family all had question marks on their foreheads.

Ju Ling has not seen Zhu Yuping for many years. In her impression, Zhu Yuping is a very ordinary girl, not as good-looking as her elder sister.

Obviously, Zhu Yuping is no longer what she remembered.Zhu Yuping is dressed in a foreign style, with big waves, a short red down jacket on the upper body, skinny jeans and knee-high high-heeled boots underneath. She is generous and steady when talking and chatting, which is very decent.

Compared with her, Zhu Yubin, who has been studying veterinary medicine from the elder of the family, is not so brilliant.

After staying at Ju Laosan's house for more than ten minutes, the siblings left together, and they had to go to Ju Wenlin's house to pay New Year's greetings.

When Ju Wenqi and his wife went out to see them off, they were surprised to see that Zhu Yuping came by car. It was not a farm vehicle, nor a dump truck or a van that was convenient for pulling goods. It was a small car, which was quite unusual in Xiaofuqiangtun.

Turning around and going home, Ju Wenqi sat on the kang drinking tea while guessing whether the car belonged to Zhu Yuping.

Zhu Yuping doesn't work here. If the car is hers, there are only two possibilities: one is that she drove all the way home, and the other is that she bought the car when she came back here.

No matter which one it is, it is enough to show that Zhu Yuping is really rich.

"Before we asked her if Gu Yuping would go home for the New Year, she said she would not come back. Isn't this lying to us? Why did she lie to us?" Ju Wenqi was puzzled and began to seek Zhang Yongmei's help: "Dude, You said that her aunt, who loves to talk so much, why is her mouth so strict this time?"

Zhang Yongmei thought he was annoying, and said impatiently: "Why do you care about others? Their children come home with gifts to give us New Year greetings. We just need to know that these two children still miss you as uncle, and clean up those useless things. .”

"What do you know? It's the last round of election for the village chief in our village. At this juncture, she can call the two children back for no reason, and even drive a car to give us gifts? It's obvious that she has other plans!" Ju Wenqi told an old man. Said like a bean.

Now even Ju Jing couldn't listen anymore, she said: "What does it have to do with you whether the village is not the village chief? It seems that as long as my uncle can't be the one, you can be the one. Dad, let me tell you, you Just stop thinking about it, my mother will be better than you when she becomes the village chief."

Ju Wenqi finally calmed down after being scolded, and stopped thinking about it.

He didn't think about it, there were too many people thinking about it in the village.Not only do you have to figure it out for yourself, but you also have to tell others that rumors are flying around the village again.

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(End of this chapter)

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