Farmer's Struggle

Chapter 136 Marriage

Chapter 136 Marriage
On the first day of school, Ju Ling went to school full of spirits. When she saw Ran Yuqing who was about to say hello, she rushed over to hug him pitifully and said, "Ju Ling, I'm miserable! During the winter vacation, I was reading novels at home and was caught. My dad got caught, and he was so angry that he cut off my pocket money!"

good news.

It took a lot of effort for Ju Ling not to smile.

"If you don't have pocket money, you don't have it. If you don't get hungry, you can do it. If you don't have money to buy miscellaneous books, just study hard. After this semester, you will be in the third grade of junior high school. We can't take it lightly," Ju Ling comforted softly.

It's a good point, but it's a pity that this is not what Ran Yuqing wants to hear.

She took Ju Ling back to her seat and sat down, then laughed and said, "Ju Ling, don't you often receive various magazines and publications? See if it’s okay, don’t take it home directly.”

I took it home directly because I didn't want Ran Yuqing to see what she wrote, and I always felt very ashamed.

Ju Ling was puzzled and asked, "Why are you suddenly interested in those small magazines?"

Ju Ling's submissions are very mixed. There are small youth books such as "Boys and Girls", as well as more serious composition model readers. Ran Yuqing is definitely not interested in the latter.

The good deskmate Ju Ling immediately replied: "I can show you what is useful for your studies, but I can't show you what is useless. Look at your grades last semester. Although you got some back in the end, the overall decline is still there. If I Your parents will definitely not cut off the pocket money so simply, I have to beat you up."

No matter what good things Ran Yuqing said, Ju Ling, a good tablemate, was very strict.

When the two were chattering, Li Dagang walked in sullenly, threw textbooks and lesson plans on the podium indiscriminately, and announced a big news without warning.

"In previous years, the final biogeography exam was not counted in the high school entrance examination grades. This year's situation is different. The final grades of the biogeography will be counted in the high school entrance exam grades. We have never paid enough attention to these two subjects in the junior high school. You fool every time you take the exam. From now on Don’t be fooled at the beginning, and get up and memorize,” Li Dagang said loudly.

The whole second class wailed.

Ju Ling's energy was completely vented in an instant because of the news.

Her plans were completely disrupted. If she wanted to continue studying and submit essays this semester without delaying her, she would have to sacrifice more sleep and rest time. It was too difficult.

But she couldn't give up any of them, and she could only grit her teeth and persist after the wailing.

Just make it through this semester, Ju Ling comforted herself like this.

When talking to Qiao Jue about this matter, Qiao Jue's advice to her is to plan time reasonably, use every minute and every second as efficiently as possible, and insisting on hobbies and studies without delay is not a big problem.

After hanging up the phone, Ju Ling made a detailed schedule for herself, from waking up in the morning to going to bed at night, so detailed that she only allowed about 2 minutes of error, and accidents were not counted.

Ju Jing looked at her schedule and bluntly said that she was a pervert.

In order to take college entrance exams, in order to make money for the family and to lighten the burden on the two older sisters, the pervert is perverted.

The result of turning herself into a pervert was perfect. In the first monthly exam after school started, Ju Ling's grades were very stable without delaying anything.Although her ranking did not rise, her carefulness and diligence gave her a great advantage in memorizing biogeography knowledge.

This is just a small stage victory, and it will have to be maintained in the next few months.

However, April is really too difficult for Ju Ling to keep the current plan unchanged, because her eldest sister is getting married!

Previously, the spring registration was only generally booked. During the Chinese New Year, Ju Min went to Lin Dezhi's hometown to set the specific wedding date.

On April 4th, the 5th day of the second lunar month in the lunar calendar, it is a very auspicious day to be counted by someone, and it is advisable to get married.

Although Lin Dezhi doesn't hold weddings, both Ju Jing and Ju Ling feel that their eldest sister's marriage is a big event, even if they just go to the civil affairs department to register them as younger sisters, they have to celebrate the eldest sister.

It was hard to make it through such a long distance. Apart from calling to congratulate the eldest sister that day, Ju Jing and Ju Ling bought wedding gifts for Ju Min and mailed them over.

Ju Jing bought a camera for Ju Min that she couldn't bear to buy, and it cost her three months' wages for working in an Internet cafe. I just hope that Ju Min can take a good look around and record more life after busy work beautiful things.

Ju Ling bought a gold necklace for Ju Min.

It's fashionable to get married here. The man's family buys three pieces of gold or hardware for the woman. Lin Dezhi's family doesn't pay attention to it. Ju Min naturally has nothing, but Ju Ling thinks that her eldest sister deserves all the best things in the world, and she is what other people want when they get married. The eldest sister should have it too.

She didn't have that much money to buy a full set of jewelry for Ju Min, so she only bought a necklace and a pendant of Ju Min's zodiac sign as much as she could, and she would make up for the rest later.

Just a necklace is not cheap, and Ju Ling's savings is almost emptied, but she doesn't feel bad at all, just like the eldest sister and the second sister never feel bad when they spend money on her.

Before April 4th, Ju Min received a gift from her two younger sisters, and felt very warm and helpless. Why spend so much money on these things? Wouldn’t it be better to buy more delicious food and drink?

In fact, not only did Ju Min get married without three gold gifts or hardware, she and Lin Dezhi didn't even have a decent wedding room.

The house in Lin Dezhi's hometown is a single building, built by Lin's parents, with each of the elder brothers on one floor.The decoration on Lin Dezhi's floor was very simple, because he didn't go back there after registration, so there was not even a red happy letter in the house of his hometown.

They all work in the town, so naturally they have to rent a house in the town.They used to share the rent with others before, and they must not share the rent after they got married, so the two of them rented a house together.

The condition of the house is not very good, the space is not big, not to mention the surrounding environment is also very bad, there is a smelly pond behind it, there are a lot of mosquitoes and flies.Forget it, there are all kinds of people around the neighbors, and they lost a lot of things inexplicably on the first day they moved there.

Ju Min doesn't care about these things, she has suffered too much, in her opinion, what she is going through now is nothing at all, she can get through it without gritting her teeth.

Fearing that her parents and younger sisters would be worried, she never said these things when she called home.She only told them that the newly rented house is very close to the factory, and she can walk there in less than 5 minutes to and from get off work every day. She told them that she can communicate with most of the neighbors, and there is no need to worry that others will not understand or understand her words. The situation of other people speaking.

Every time she said this about Ju Wenqi and his wife, she would say "that's good", and asked her to call home if she had something to do, so don't say nothing to her parents.Ju Min responded well, but every time she called home, she still only reported good news but not bad news.

Ju Jing and Ju Ling are not so easy to fool. Often Ju Min's negligence can make them catch a loophole, and then make a lot of information out of side effects.

Because of this, she and Lin Dezhi's first quarrel after marriage could hide it from Ju Wenqi and Zhang Yongmei, but it couldn't hide it from Ju Jing and Ju Ling.

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(End of this chapter)

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