Farmer's Struggle

Chapter 14 Make Money

Chapter 14 Make Money
"Let me tell you, I will beat anyone who tells me not to study in the future! What can you do if you don't study at such a young age? You all want to spend your whole life like me and your father farming in the valley and being bullied by others, right? ? Let me tell you, you must at least finish junior high school, do you hear me?" At the end, Zhang Yongmei said to them in a hoarse voice.

The three sisters didn't dare not to nod their heads, because Zhang Yongmei was really scary at the moment.

After this incident, Ju Jing never thought about not going to primary school to help the family with work.But she is a very smart girl, but she is stupid in her studies. There are thirteen students in the class, and she was ranked No. 12 in the final exam. Ju Ling and Ju Min studied better than her when they were in the first grade. it is good.

After Ju Jing went to school, Ju Ling never went to class with Ju Min again, because she had to stay at home to take care of the crazy grandma.

Qiao Jue would write and post things to her almost every month, exhorting her a lot like a little old man, and asking her to read more books, telling her that reading could change her own destiny, as well as that of her family.

Ju Ling doesn't really understand these things, but she likes the books Qiao Jue sent her, especially the dictionary. Even if she can't go to school to continue attending classes, she can use the dictionary to look up words she doesn't know.

The two older sisters both went to primary school at the age of seven. Unfortunately, when Ju Ling was seven, the primary school was closed. She had to go to school at the age of six or at the age of eight.

Ju Wenqi and his wife felt that she was smart and had learned a lot, and that she would be able to keep up with going to school at the age of six, so they wanted her to go to school earlier.Ju Ling decided to go to school again at the age of eight, so that she could stay at home with her grandma for two more years and reduce the burden on her parents.

Ju Wenqi and his wife were very pleased that the child was obedient and sensible, so they followed her.

Ju Ling has been on top since the first semester of enrollment, leaving her classmates far behind.

The first place in the exam is commonplace. Once she had diarrhea during the exam, half of the papers were not done, and she only took the No. 2 test. In less than a day, the whole village knew about it. One!"

When Ju Ling was in the first grade of elementary school, Ju Min had already entered junior high school.The middle school is located at the seat of the township government, which is quite far from the village. In summer, it is okay, and you can ride a bicycle to and from school. In winter, the road is cold and slippery, and you can’t ride a bicycle. Walking is too time-consuming, and the children in the village will board with people near the middle school.

The Ju family has distant relatives living there. Ju Wenqi is afraid that Ju Min will be bullied outside and wants her to live in the distant relative's house, but Ju Min refuses to agree.

She said to Ju Wenqi: "Dad, haven't you had enough of suffering from your relatives for so many years? I really want to live there. People think you owe the boss a lot of money. Why bother? It's better to find someone you don't know. We live in our own family, and we will pay whatever other people give us, and we don’t owe anyone.”

Ju Wenqi was persuaded, so he only found a house near the school for Ju Min to live in.

It's also a coincidence that the family where Ju Min lives sells candied haws, and selling candied haws can make a lot of money in one winter.

Ju Min is not as sweet and talkative as Ju Jing, but she is down-to-earth. After school, she often helps the family string candied haws. The family likes Ju Min very much, and they teach her how to make candied haws very carefully.

After the winter vacation, Ju Min told Ju Wenqi and his wife to sell candied haws.At first, the couple still disagreed. In Zhang Yongmei's words: "If the candied haws are really so good, why don't you see other people make them? What if you lose money?"

Ju Jing persuaded Ju Min: "If it's not good, we won't sell it. Let's eat it ourselves. Parents, we don't sell candied haws in our village. The last time we ate candied haws was the year before last. I want to eat it." Candied haws, even the little ones want to eat them, don’t they?”

Ju Ling, who was suddenly named, jumped out of her small world, nodded in a daze, and made a look of drooling.

It’s not a compensation if you don’t do it well, but you can’t sell it and eat it yourself. The child, who has always been sensible and obedient, finally made some demands. Ju Wenqi and his wife couldn’t bear to refuse, so they finally agreed to let them have a try.

The hawthorn was seeded, the sticks were skewered, the sugar was boiled, poured with sugar, and left to solidify. The three sisters made it well, and the finished product was also very successful.

The candied haws Ju Min made by herself was not willing to eat a whole bunch. The three sisters ate a bunch, and Ju Wenqi and his wife were even reluctant to eat a bite.

The three sisters went out to sell the candied haws that day. One yuan per bunch was not cheap. However, there were many children in the village and there were no competitors, so the candied haws sold out quickly.

The first success gave the three sisters great self-confidence. From the next day, they made more candied haws, and sold them in other villages if they couldn't sell them all in the village.

The three of them have a clear division of labor, Ju Min carries candied haws, Ju Jing yells, and Ju Ling collects money to make change, even if the cost is taken into account, they can make a lot of money in a day.

Some people are jealous of them making money, and some people who are jealous can at most say a few sarcastic remarks, saying that the girls from the Ju family look like thieves when they are honest, and they must not be good when they grow up.There are also some jealous people who are eager to try and want to make money by selling candied haws, leaving the Ju sisters with no money to make.

Among those eager to try, the only one who really tried was Ju Changfu's daughter-in-law Bai Guirong.When Bai Guirong told her parents-in-law and husband that she also wanted to make candied haws and sold them for money, she got their unanimous support. Cai Meiyu even turned her big mouth fork and said disdainfully: "Why don't you just make candied haws? Who can't do it? Look at those three dead The girl is very proud of her film, as if she has made a lot of money!"

Facts have proved that candied haws is really not something that anyone can make.Bai Guirong made it four times in a row, but all failed. Either the sugar was boiled or the hanging sugar was not hung properly. The final product was almost inedible.

After going back and forth, the candied haws were not sold, and she lost a lot of money.

When the three sisters were chatting about this matter, they were all very happy. Ju Jing gloated and said: "I look down on them the most, and I can't look down on others. I don't urinate and take care of myself, thinking that others can do it. They can do everything they can do, and they are so stupid that they don’t know it.”

"That's called overestimation," Ju Ling, who has never talked much, concluded.

Ju Changfu's family, who are overthinking their own means, actually had a good idea. They opened a small shop, selling everything from snacks, groceries, stationery, and everything, and the business was very good.

"Our house is in the best location, right in the middle of the village. If we have capital, we will definitely make more money by opening a small shop." Seeing Ju Changfu's business is booming, Ju Jing said very annoyed: "It's a pity that our family has no money. Can't open it."

The small store couldn't open, and the three sisters also had their own ideas of making money.

They sell candied gourds during the winter vacation, and they start selling popsicles and ice water during the summer vacation.

There is a popsicle wholesale store in the village, and they go there to buy goods, and each of them carries an incubator on his back and sells them from village to lane.There is a small shop in the village that doesn’t sell popsicles well, so it doesn’t matter, they work hard, so they go to the fields to sell them.

They always believe in one sentence - hardworking people will never die of hunger.

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(End of this chapter)

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