Chapter 144
Just as he was about to leave, the boss with a loudspeaker said cheerfully, "Sister-in-law, you just have to joke with me. Don't make fun of her little girl. I see that she is about the same age as your girl. If someone makes fun of your girl like this, you have to work hard with them."

The sister-in-law looked back at Ju Ling, and found that it was really a young girl who immediately apologized and gave up her position to Ju Ling.

Ju Ling waved her hands again and again to express that she didn't need it, but the sister-in-law refused to give up, and finally stretched out her hand and grabbed Ju Ling from behind forcefully.

The sister-in-law had already picked out the shoes, and left after paying the money. Ju Ling took her place and it was not too crowded.

Ju Ling went straight to the target to get a look at those pairs of leather shoes. She didn't understand much, and she couldn't see the way to do it. She could only judge by the price.

Seeing that Ju Ling had been staring at the leather shoes, the boss immediately introduced: "Little girl has good eyesight. The few pairs of shoes you see in my stall are expensive. But there is a reason why they are expensive. They are all genuine leather and wear-resistant." , and foreign style, you can’t buy shoes like this at my price anywhere. Girl, look forward to buying them quickly, there is no such shop after this village.”

There is nothing you cannot say about setting up a stall to do business. As for whether what is said is true or false, you can only judge for yourself.

The boss is not very old, he and Ju Jing are only in their twenties, and they are very happy with thick eyebrows and big eyes, the kind of looks that old men and women would like.Probably because the stall has been set up for a long time and has been tempered. I can really say that after selling leather shoes with Ju Ling, I turned around to sell other shoes, and several pairs were sold in a short time.

Ju Ling was not fooled by him, and did not pay blindly, but called Ju Min first.

Ju Min knows about leather, and Ju Ling wants to ask her how to judge the authenticity of leather.

When the call was connected, Ju Min was lying on the bed with a pen and clumsily drawing the appearance of the dining car she wanted on paper. Although Ruan Xiaofeng and Wang Xiuhong hadn't replied yet, it was better to prepare these things earlier, and you can't count on everything. other people.

Hearing that Ju Ling was picking out leather shoes for Ju Wenqi, Ju Min immediately said, "Why don't you just buy a pair at random, and I'll buy a good pair here and mail them back to my dad."

Ju Ling felt that it was very troublesome. With just a pair of leather shoes, the three sisters would not be able to live in peace.

So she said lightly: "No, it's not a big deal so don't bother you, I'll buy it for him, and you just tell me how to judge whether the leather shoes are genuine leather or not."

Ju Min didn't insist, and said a lot of things to pay attention to when choosing leather shoes.What she said was quite simple, but Ju Ling's real operation was not the same. He clumsily grabbed a pair of shoes, folded and scratched them, and didn't know whether they were genuine leather or not.

Ju Min made her feel helpless, and said to Ju Ling: "It's okay for you to go to school and study, but you can't do anything else. Give the shoe boss a call and I'll tell him, I'm sure he won't dare Fool you."

Ju Ling looked up at the boss, hesitated for a moment before calling out: "Boss, can I delay you for 2 minutes?"

The boss was very busy, but he replied right away to save Ju Ling: "What's the matter, tell me, girl."

Ju Ling handed over the phone and said with a smile, "My sister wants to say a few words to you."

The boss was very surprised, completely confused about what was going on now.

But he still took the phone and started communicating with Ju Min.

In less than 2 minutes, the boss handed the mobile phone back to Ju Ling, and said to her in a low voice: "Girl, you go somewhere else for a stroll, after eleven o'clock the crowd will be gone, come here again, I will help you." pick."

Ju Ling heard the meaning behind his words, and immediately nodded in response.

She wandered around the market several times, bought some odds and ends to coax grandma, bought a few pairs of socks for each of her parents, and finally bought five pairs of underwear for Zhang Yongmei.

Now the family's conditions are not bad. Although there is not much savings, there are no foreign debts. The land is not enough to ensure that the rations and restaurants will always have income. Not to mention the extravagant life, at least there is no need to worry about it.

Probably because of too many hard times, even though she has money, Zhang Yongmei is still reluctant to spend it, to be precise, she is reluctant to spend it for herself.She has been wearing those underwear for many years, and Ju Ling told her that the close-fitting clothes should be changed every once in a while, or they will be unhygienic, but Zhang Yongmei is reluctant, and she responds well every time. I don't want to spend a penny on shopping with my mother-in-law.

Ju Ling also didn't expect to be able to persuade Zhang Yongmei, this time he came to the market just to buy everything for Zhang Yongmei, anyway, he bought them all back to see if Zhang Yongmei would change them or not!
It was almost twelve o'clock when Ju Ling returned to the shoe booth. The shoes were almost sold out, and the boss was closing the stall. Seeing Ju Ling coming over, he showed a bright smile.

"I thought you didn't understand what I meant and left first. These pairs were left alone by me. You have a look. I won't fool you if you have a knowledgeable family. Guaranteed genuine leather. I come to the university every week. If the quality of Jisai shoes is not good, you can come to me at any time, and I will refund you a lot of money," the boss thief said straightforwardly.

The few pairs of leather shoes he took out were not put on display at all earlier, the style and workmanship are very good, and with the soles made by his elder sister, Ju Ling is really not afraid of the boss fooling her.

Ju Ling picked out two pairs of men's leather shoes and one pair of women's leather shoes from these pairs, and asked the boss how much the total was.

The boss quoted the price, but Ju Ling paid without haggling with him.

"Little girl, are your parents relieved that you dare to bring so much money when you come out alone?" The boss said cheerfully while giving her change: "We pay attention to once in business and familiar with twice. Find brother, brother will give you a discount."

"Thank you boss," Ju Ling said politely.

The boss handed the change to Ju Ling, then hurriedly found a bag to put shoes on for Ju Ling, and said enthusiastically, "Don't call me the boss, what kind of boss am I? I just sell shoes. My surname is Peng." , I'm older than you anyway, it's worth calling Brother Peng."

If you can buy shoes at a discount in the future, it is not a loss to call "brother".

Ju Ling immediately yelled sweetly, and the boss responded cheerfully, and conveniently stuffed a pair of zippers worth a few dollars into the bag.

"Buy three get one free, I will definitely come to my brother when I buy shoes in the future", the boss handed the bag to Ju Ling and said with a smile.

This business is done, he has made money and made customers happy, he is really capable.

Cycling back to the village, he went straight to Ju's restaurant. Ju Ling gave the shoes to Ju Wenqi and Zhang Yongmei to try to see if they fit.

Ju Wenqi smiled into a chrysanthemum with an old face, but said on his mouth: "You are spending money recklessly. It would be nice to save some money. If you don't learn from your second sister, you will learn to be extravagant. When you buy shoes, you also go to the town to buy them. Ah, what’s on sale at the fair, it’s cheap, it’s not easy to search, it’s just a waste of money.”

 Thank you for your support, thank you for voting and subscription, thank you Cheqian for your two monthly tickets, thank you, thank you.Peng Ge is an important person, everyone should not forget him.

(End of this chapter)

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