Farmer's Struggle

Chapter 146 Absurd

Chapter 146 Absurd
Feelings are in a good mood because of Yin Kaixuan's phone call.

Ju Ling couldn't hold back and asked, "Second sister, do you know what brother Kaixuan is thinking? What do you think?"

The laughter stopped abruptly, followed by Ju Jing's long sigh.

She said calmly: "I asked him if he meant that to me, and he said no. Then I told him that we can only be friends and let him not have those messy thoughts, and he promised me that he would not. "

Therefore, Ju Jing and Yin Kaixuan had already spoken, and Ju Jing had told Yin Kaixuan that they could not be together, and told Yin Kaixuan not to waste time with her.

But this is not the crux of the problem at all. The crux of the problem is what Ju Jing thinks about Yin Kaixuan.

Ju Ling broke the casserole and asked the end, Ju Jing was so entangled that he didn't move and said the truth: "Yin Kaixuan is very good, and I like him very much. But I can't fall in love with him just because I like him. If it is destined not to be together, then even It’s a waste of time, and it’s uncomfortable to have to share, why bother.”

"Second sister, why do you always feel that you must not be together? It's unreasonable to think that you will break up because you have nowhere to go," Ju Ling said with a sigh.

"What's unreasonable? You just don't understand it when you're too young. There's a certain truth to the old saying that marriage should be of the same family. It's okay if the family background is too different for a day or two. After a long time, you will find that two people have a common topic. No, how do you live? Why wait for the time to tear your face apart, now it would be nice to be a friend honestly," Ju Jing said in a disillusioned tone.

Ju Ling felt that what her second sister said was too absolute, and there were always exceptions to everything.

But Ju Jing said to her again: "The exceptions are the few, and you just have to try your luck. I don't have the confidence to try my luck. I just want to do the things in front of me in a down-to-earth manner. In the future, my partner will also come to me when he gets married. The same idea and the same practical ability.”

Calling Ju Jing happily, Ju Ling's heart became heavy after the phone call.

Maybe it's really like what Ju Jing said, she is too young to understand emotional matters, and she doesn't think as comprehensively as Ju Jing.Anyway, no matter what the second sister chooses to do, she just needs to unswervingly support her!

In the next few days, Ju Laosan will be very embarrassed.

Tian Tian wears a tank top and shorts with big leather shoes, and when he goes to a restaurant, he happily points to his heels and people say that the new leather shoes were bought by his third girl, and they are too expensive.

That person must be puzzled, isn't the third girl from Ju Laosan's family still in school, where did she get the money to buy him such expensive leather shoes, isn't he, Ju Laosan, bragging about it?

The youngest Ju happily explained to these people, saying that his third daughter is amazing, writing articles to make money while going to school, just talking about it, he even took home Ju Ling's magazine that published her article earlier Take it out for others to read, and say which of the articles in it was written by his girl.

Ju Ling really didn't expect her father to be so maddened that he could use the leather shoes to show off her writing again. She didn't know what kind of people listened to her. Anyway, she was so ashamed and panicked. Fortunately, she didn't bring these publications home after knowing that her own father loved to show off.

When Ju Wenqi was happy, Ju Wenlin was losing his temper.

The great-grandson he had been looking forward to was gone.

Ju Tangcheng and Li Fengjiao were married for less than half a year, and Ju Tangcheng was always lukewarm towards Li Fengjiao, occasionally venting his anger on his wife when he was in a bad mood.As for Li Fengjiao, she always had a good temper. When she was wronged, she would hide and cry secretly without telling her natal family. I guess it would be useless to tell her natal family, and her natal family would not come all the way to vent their anger on her.

Since she got married, Bai Guirong has never done any housework. Li Fengjiao does all the chores of cooking and tidying up the house. Everyone in the village says that Bai Guirong is blessed. Qingfu.

Bai Guirong was proud of her heart, and even gave orders to her good-tempered daughter-in-law. If she couldn't just do the housework, she had to follow her to work in the field.

Every day Li Fengjiao gets up before dawn to cook and tidy up. After eating, she goes to work on the ground. After dinner, everyone else can rest. She also has to wash clothes and tidy up. She can't sleep until eleven or twelve o'clock.

In the first few months Li Fengjiao could bear it, but in the last two months Li Fengjiao couldn't bear it because she was pregnant.

This is the first great-grandson of Ju Wenlin and Cai Meiyu. The two of them are very rare. They will go to Ju Changfu's house every two or three days, and ask Bai Guirong and Ju Tangcheng to be nice to the pregnant woman and let her do less work. Let her give birth to the baby safely first.

Bai Guirong is also very fond of the child in Li Fengjiao's womb. After all, it is her first grandson, but every time she sees her in-laws come over happily to see her granddaughter-in-law, and she is always worried about telling her to do what she wants, she will be worried. It was extremely uncomfortable, and when my in-laws left, I couldn't help but get angry at Li Fengjiao.

Bai Guirong didn't treat Li Fengjiao well, and Ju Tangcheng didn't have any self-consciousness about being a father. Seeing Li Fengjiao lying on the kang during the day, he would curse for a long time.

On the day of Ju Ling's return, it was raining heavily in the village. Ju Changfu, Ju Tangcheng and Bai Guirong were all at home, but none of them moved, only a pregnant woman was asked to work.

It was tiring to bend over and get up after clearing the ditch. After finishing the work, Li Fengjiao felt uncomfortable. She wanted to lie down on the kang to take care of her body, but her mother-in-law never gave her a chance to take care of her body.

Bai Guirong wanted to take advantage of the good weather to take off the quilt covers and wash them, but she didn't want to do it herself, so she ordered Li Fengjiao to do it.

Li Fengjiao told her that she was not good enough and she thought Li Fengjiao was trying to be lazy, pointing at her nose and scolding her, Li Fengjiao had no choice but to force herself to work.

All the quilt covers were removed and thrown into the big basin. When Li Fengjiao was about to take the basin to the river to wash, her lower abdomen hurt and her body swayed a few times before fainting.

After waking up, she was already in the township health center. The child was gone, and she was scolded by her parents-in-law and husband before she could feel sad.They scolded her as useless, she couldn't even conceive a child, so what else could they expect from her.

Later, Ju Wenlin and Cai Meiyu rushed over in a hurry, and they didn't have a good face, blaming her both in and out of words.

Li Fengjiao was so sad that she kept crying, but when her mother's family came over, she couldn't cry, as if all the tears had been shed.

Her natal mother felt sorry for her, brought her eggs or something to nourish her body, and told her to take good care of her body and then she would conceive another one.

Li Fengjiao felt a pain in her heart, when she and her natal mother were alone in the room, she said that she wanted a divorce and didn't want to live with Ju Tangcheng.

She hoped that her mother could support her and pull her out of the muddy nest of the Ju family.It's a pity that her mother not only didn't pull her, but also kicked her hard, making her sink even deeper.

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(End of this chapter)

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