Chapter 150
After Zhao Fen left, Zhang Yongmei said angrily and funnyly while wiping the crazy grandma's hands and face, "Brother and sister-in-law are crazy, why should we spend money on our own affairs? He treats our family They're all fools."

Ju Wenqi sat against the wall and smoked, frowned slightly and said nothing, just looking thoughtful.

Ju Ling saw him like this and knew that he was starting to think again.

"Dad, what are you thinking?" Ju Ling asked tentatively.

Ju Wenqi threw the cigarette butts into the pile of pouches at his feet, sighed and said wistfully, "Even though my eldest brother and sister-in-law have a crooked mind, it is good to want to repair the ancestral grave. Our family is living a good life now." I can't forget my origin, I thought about it."

"What are you thinking about? You can't think about anything!" As expected of an old husband and wife, Zhang Yongmei knew what he meant before he finished speaking, and interrupted sharply: "Forget your origin? I ask you Ju Laosan, can our family Who did you lose today? Which person lying in the ancestral grave helped you send you the money? You just watched Zhao Carpenter circle the ancestral grave and feel itchy, and you want to circle it too. is not it?"

It hit Ju Wenqi's mind all at once, Ju Wenqi was so embarrassed, he glanced at Ju Ling from the corner of his eye, which meant to remind Zhang Yongmei to show him some face in front of the girl.

Zhang Yongmei was choked with anger.

Ju Wenqi mentioned this to her before, saying that after Carpenter Zhao surrounded the ancestral grave with stabs, his wife gave birth to a son for him, all of which were blessed by the ancestors.

Carpenter Zhao is over 50 this year, and his daughter-in-law is also in her [-]s. Having a child at such an old age is almost a toss, and the child is sick and sick for three days or two days. I don’t know when the toss will end. First, Zhang Yongmei didn't think it was such a happy event for their family to have this son, but Ju Wenqi was always thinking about it.

He didn't think about having children, after all, he and Zhang Yongmei were not in good health when they got older, and if they really wanted to have children, it would be a burden for the three girls, which he could clearly understand.He just wants to make his home better and make others envy him, Ju Laosan.

But what does living a good life have to do with repairing ancestral graves?Carpenter Zhao's ancestral grave is on a barren hill, and cattle and sheep herders used to trample on it, so he spent money to buy thorns to surround the ancestral grave so that no one and animals would step on his ancestral grave.

The ancestral tomb of the Ju family is on the hillside of Ju Wenlin's family, surrounded by crop fields, no matter what time the animals dare not step in, there is no need to surround it!

At that time, when Ju Wenqi mentioned this to Zhang Yongmei, she scolded him once, saying that he was an idiot, that when the family life just passed a little, she felt that the money in her pocket was hot, and she wanted to throw it out, for the sake of her own face. Dare to think and dare to do.

After a period of silence, Zhang Yongmei wondered whether Ju Wenqi hadn't thought about it anymore. It turned out that he didn't give up, but was always looking for opportunities.

"Don't frown at me, it doesn't work, let the little guy judge, is there someone like you who can't live a good life? Surround the grave of the ancestors and roll around, and you can get money floating on the kang ? People in the village see you as if they are seeing the emperor? Why are you so beautiful? You!" Zhang Yongmei's eyes turned red from anger, and her voice trembled.

Ju Ling hurriedly got up to comfort her, then turned to Ju Wenqi and said, "Dad, let me ask you, your face is more important than our family's life?"

"What are you doing? I'll just say something casually, why are you talking so much?" Ju Wenqi said quite aggrieved.

"Dad, you weren't like this before." Ju Ling sighed and said helplessly: "In the past, you could humbly borrow money from house to house so that our family could survive, but now you don't need to go out to borrow money, and you are safe and sound." You can’t live a good life, why do you have to deal with these useless things to let others flatter you?”

Ju Laosan is not a fool, doesn't he know whether others are sincere or not to him?He must know!

Now that you know it, why do you care so much about what other people say?Why do you have to have five points to show eight points to make yourself bigger?Ju Ling still couldn't figure this out.

Probably the girl's words poked his heart too much, Ju Laosan's eyes were red.

He turned his eyes away and took out another cigarette, stuffed it into his mouth, and said hoarsely and vaguely: "I was told that I was afraid."

Ju Ling thought about these four words all night.

I am not afraid of being poor or suffering, but I am afraid of being told. No wonder there is an idiom called "people's words are terrible".

In the past, Ju Ling and even her two elder sisters only looked at the problem from their own perspective. They felt that the older Ju Wenqi was, the more confused he would be, the better he would save face and love the whole thing, but he never seriously thought about why their father would so.

Back then, Ju Wenqi and Zhang Yongmei would rather be punished than give birth to Ju Ling, just because they wanted to have a son.Why are they so attached to their son?Because no son will be looked down upon!It is said that adopting a son can prevent old age, but no one says that adopting a daughter can prevent old age, so everyone thinks that people without sons have no hope and are easy to bully.

At that time, when Ju Wenqi was walking on the avenue, people told him to regenerate quickly while he was young, so as to save himself from being taken care of when he was old.

If the family conditions were better at that time and Zhang Yongmei's health was not so bad, would they have another child?What would they do if the fourth child was a girl?If it was a son, what would their life be like?

This is not Ju Ling's doubt, but the doubt that has been lingering in Ju Wenqi's heart.How many years have been pointed at, how many years have been looked down upon by others, even though life is getting better and better now, he occasionally breaks out in a cold sweat when he thinks of the past.

The feeling that people who are walking normally on the avenue are scared to close the door for fear that he will go in to borrow money, the feeling that everyone who goes to the house will be stared at and guarded against him for fear of stealing things, Ju Ling didn't understand, neither did the three girls of Ju's family, but that was a memory that had been lingering in Ju Wenqi's heart forever and would never be forgotten.

Now the three girls are all grown up, and their lives are getting better and better. People in the village who used to ridicule him openly and secretly, all flattered him and flattered him. He knew it was all fake, but he was just happy and wanted to Look at the way these people are smiling at him even though they are clearly unwilling in their hearts.

Everyone in the family thinks that he is doing this because he has a good face. Yes, he has a good face. If he has enough face, he will not be said, so he is willing to make a fuss for his face.

After probably wanting to understand why Ju Wenqi was so troubled, Ju Ling called both Ju Jing and Ju Min, and discussed with them how to untie her father's knot.

Ju Jing's reply was straightforward and direct, she said: "Try to scold once, if you can't wake up, then scold twice, let him know that he is not tormenting others, but tormenting his own family. This is not how you earn face. Over the years, our mother has been said to be looked down upon by others, and she borrowed money from house to house. Why doesn’t our mother mess around? As long as he has a lot of problems, I think he is just idle!”

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(End of this chapter)

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