Farmer's Struggle

Chapter 157 Children

Chapter 157 Children
If money is hard to buy, I would have known it earlier. Ordinary people don't have the ability to predict the future, and they all have to rely on such a little bit of groping.

When preparing box lunches, I was afraid that if the business was not good today, no one would buy and make too much, and it would be a pity, so the three of them deliberately made less.After trying today, they probably have a good idea of ​​how much they will do tomorrow.

After closing the stall and returning to the noodle shop, the three of them sat together again to count the money and make a summary by the way.

I made some money today, but it's still too early to make money from the dining car, and they still have to work harder.

"I really didn't expect our box lunch to be so profitable." Wang Xiuhong looked at the numbers on the account book and said happily, "Big sister, do you think we set the price low, and people bought it because they thought it was cheap."

"It's cheap." Ju Min also said with a smile: "Our cooking skills are average. We can't attract people by taste, so we can only attract people by price. Let's earn less for a meal and cook more. , It’s better than setting the price very high and no one will buy it.”

Relatively speaking, the price is not high, but it does not mean that they will lose money if they sell it like this.In fact, Ju Min had already done it, and the price was quite profitable.

Ruan Xiaofeng went to the kitchen to cook, and Ju Min also asked him to make an extra portion. She just took it home and gave it to Lin Dezhi, so that she could cook it when she got home.

Sitting across from her, Wang Xiuhong watched her meticulously copying the accounts and couldn't help but sigh with emotion: "Brother-in-law is really blessed to be able to marry such a meticulous and capable person as the elder sister. It's been a long time since we met, and I only listen to you mentioning my brother-in-law. I've never seen a real person, when will you bring your brother-in-law over and show us."

Leaving aside the level of doing business together, they are fellow villagers and friends. It is understandable for Wang Xiuhong to propose to meet her husband. Ju Min immediately responded with a smile: "Okay, I will ask him when I get back. Bring him here and let him taste Brother Feng's skills."

"What kind of skill is he? It's a little bit better than being able to eat. If he wants to be good at it, our noodle restaurant won't stop coming to eat noodles alone for a long time," Wang Xiuhong teased.

Every time she mentions Ruan Xiaofeng, there is a smile in her eyes. The happiness and joy from the bottom of my heart cannot be faked. Ju Min is very envious, but also has a lot of doubts.

The atmosphere was good today, so Ju Min asked casually: "Sister-in-law, you and Brother Feng have been together for many years, have you never thought about having a child?"

The smile froze on her face, and it took Wang Xiuhong a while to answer.

She said: "In the past, there were no conditions, but now that I'm older, it's not like I can have a child just because I want it."

Is it that simple?Ju Min didn't think so, there must be other reasons, it's just that Wang Xiuhong didn't want to talk about it.

If you ask more deeply, it will be disgusting, so Ju Min simply followed her words and started chatting.

They were all married, so there was nothing to be shy about, so Wang Xiuhong asked her when she planned to have children.

Wang Xiuhong also asked: "I see that the family here has quite a lot of children. How many do you plan to have? You can't be willing to have a brother-in-law, right?"

This question was also stopped by Ju Min.

She really planned to have one.

But now it's not a question of how many babies, but that she didn't even get pregnant with one.

Ever since they got married, she and Lin Dezhi have been preparing to have a baby, but it has been half a year and there is still no movement, and they don't know what went wrong.

"You are still young and just married, don't worry," Wang Xiuhong reassured.

Ju Min sighed, and said helplessly: "My mother was married for many years and couldn't conceive a child. She went to the hospital again and again and took a lot of medicine. It's not easy to conceive a child like my mother."

When she said this, Wang Xiuhong also thought about the situation of the Ju family, and became worried.

"There is no good hospital in our town, why don't you go to a big hospital in the city to have a look someday. Just see Chinese medicine, let the old Chinese doctor prescribe some medicine for you to recuperate and recuperate, early recuperation is good and early." Wang Xiuhong Give her an idea.

Ju Min wanted to go to the city to have a look, but now their dining car has just been built, so busy, how can she get away.

"Anyway, the hospital won't be able to run away, so let's go see it later," Ju Min sighed.

While chatting hotly, Ruan Xiaofeng came over with food. The three of them were so hungry that they didn't speak any more while eating.

It was past nine o'clock in the evening when we returned to the rental house after eating, and Lin Dezhi was still not at home. Ju Min put the packed meals on the table, washed up and went to bed, not even knowing when Lin Dezhi would come back.

When Lin Dezhi woke up in the morning, he was sleeping soundly next to him, and Ju Min didn't disturb him, and tiptoed down to the ground to dress and wash, and didn't say a word to Lin Dezhi before leaving.

In the past few days, the business of the small dining car is getting better and better. After the money invested, they can earn a considerable amount of income every day. The three of Ju Min are very happy, and their energy is getting stronger. Cut quite a bit.

When her mind is all about making money and not thinking about her body, someone can think about her body.

At ten o'clock this morning, Ju Jing first sent a message to make sure that she was not very busy, and then called directly.

"Sister, when I called you these few days, you were busy. During the day and night, there was no rest. If this continues, I will be exhausted." Ju Jing worried Said.

Ju Min was picking vegetables, with her mobile phone on her head tilted, smiling to comfort Ju Jing and said: "It's okay, I'm just a little tired for the first two days, and I'll get used to it later. Don't keep talking about me, you should also take care of your body, don't be too old Working night shifts and staying up late hurts the body the most.”

Come on, they are the same.

One works with the dining car from morning to night, and the other has to take care of lectures and work in reverse. They are all carrying their young bodies.

Ju Jing couldn't persuade Ju Min, so she had no choice but to say: "You can earn money at any time, but it's hard to bring back a broken body. Big sister, think about it yourself."

She has been calling Ju Min for the past few days. In fact, there is another matter, not too important, just want to remind Ju Min.

"I called home and heard from our mother that the youngest son of the second old Bai in the village got married in July and now the daughter-in-law is pregnant. It will take four or five months if the daughter-in-law's child is not lost. Whose daughter-in-law is pregnant and who gave birth to another child, they talked to me for more than half an hour, I reckon she is thinking about you, you should be mentally prepared first," Ju Jing said helplessly.

It's about the kids again.

Ju Jing's head hurts.

Two days ago, when I was selling boxed lunches, I met two co-workers who also worked in an underwear factory. Without a word of conversation, I asked her if she was pregnant and when she planned to have a child. It seemed that there was nothing to talk about without mentioning the child. of.

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(End of this chapter)

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