Chapter 159 Together

"Auntie, you are very well-informed about the news. You know the news that I don't even know when I go to lectures every now and then. Who told you?" Ju Jing asked knowingly.

In the past, Zhang Yongli was not willing to mention Feng Guangquan, and when others mentioned her, she tried not to say anything, but now the situation is a little different.

Zhang Yongli replied straightforwardly: "Your Uncle Feng told me that a relative of his comrade-in-arms works in the Agricultural Science Institute and specializes in publicity, so the news is relatively well-informed."

Zhang Yongli deliberately emphasized the words "well-informed", and told Ju Ling that she knew other things besides the class.

Ju Jing couldn't help giggling, and teased her aunt: "Auntie, why are you so gossip, you like to inquire about things that I don't see here."

"Who likes to inquire about you? It was you Uncle Feng who said that casually. I see that Xiao Wang is a good technician. You really don't have any ideas?" Zhang Yongli began to gossip about Ju Jing while denying that she was gossiping. Well, she herself doesn't feel contradictory.

Ju Jing explained the matter between herself and Wang Yalei clearly, and finally joked: "Auntie, if you gossip about me, then I will gossip about you too. How are you and Uncle Feng doing now?"

Zhang Yongli coughed uncomfortably, and changed the subject very bluntly: "Oh, I have to mix pig feed. I have scooped out the bone meal and fish meal, so I won't grind it with you. I will take it to your place on weekends. Stay there for a few days and come back after class.”

This is shy.

Good thing.

Zhang Yongli is still young, so she shouldn't be entangled in the past, she has to look forward.Feng Guangquan is a nice person, and it would be a great thing if she could let go of her worries and be with him.

No time to think about Zhang Yongli, Ju Jing hurriedly went to the kitchen to cook, put the food prepared for Ju Ling in the pot, and went to the Internet cafe after eating.

There are currently two nighttime network administrators in the Internet cafe, one is her and the other is Jing Chengxi.

This kid doesn't have too high aspirations, as long as the money he earns is enough for him and his grandma to spend, he is quite satisfied as a network administrator like Ju Jing, and by the way, he earns two parts of the money as a game booster for others online.

The division of labor between Ju Jing and Jing Chengxi is quite clear. Ju Jing is mainly responsible for reception, startup and cash register, and Jing Chengxi is responsible for those messy things in the Internet cafe.

Brother Xiaojing is well-known, since he has been in and out of this Internet cafe frequently, there have been fewer fights here, and he is afraid of making Brother Xiaojing unhappy and being dealt with.

As soon as Ju Jing turned on her phone and launched QQ, it flickered crazily. Coffee and Yin Kaixuan, brother and sister, sent her a message together as if they had discussed it with each other.

Coffee was admitted to a university in this city, and he hasn't finished his military training yet. Whenever he has time, he sends a message to Ju Jing to complain about how hard the military training is, how lenient the instructor is, how strict the seniors and sisters are, and her There are so many things about roommates.

Ju Jing quite likes to hear her nagging about these things, because these things may be something she will never be able to touch in her lifetime, and it is quite fresh to listen to.

Yin Kaixuan did not complain about things in the school. In fact, he stayed at the Agricultural University quite well. From time to time, he sneaked out of the dormitory with his roommates and went to the Internet cafe to rent a room.He said that this was a group activity in their dormitory, and it would be a shame if he didn't participate, so he was indispensable for every such activity.

Ju Jing calculated for him, this month he has already paid five nights!

Reminding him to pay attention to his body and put his studies first, Yin Kaixuan sent a backhand message - do you feel sorry for me?
Ju Jing doesn't bother to talk to him anymore because of his glib tongue, let him play if he likes to play, anyway, his body is his own, and his future is also his own.

Looking at it from another angle, taking Yin Kaixuan's family situation as an example, going to Agricultural University has nothing to do with his future. Even without a college degree, his starting point is still much higher than many people.

Chatting with the siblings while receiving people online, it was late at night before I knew it.

Almost no one came to the Internet cafe in the middle of the night, so she also turned off QQ and concentrated on upgrading the accounts of customers.

If there are no accidents, her night shift is like this. In the first half of the night, she greets and chats with customers, and in the second half of the night, she upgrades.At [-] o'clock in the morning, I can clean the inside and outside of the Internet cafe before I can change shifts and go home.

With Jing Chengxi escorting her, there were indeed no surprises in the next few days. At noon on the weekend, she and Ju Ling went to the passenger terminal to pick up Zhang Yongli and Xiao Toss.

In the end, only Zhang Yongli was received, and Little Toss did not come with her.

"Is it okay to toss and leave it at home?" Ju Ling asked very worriedly: "Will he not make trouble when you are not here?"

Zhang Yongli gave Ju Jing and Ju Ling the few Baoyuns she brought back, and while walking with them to the rental house, she replied: "No trouble, as long as he is not hungry and has someone to play with him, he won't make trouble."

"Yo, who will play with him?" Ju Jing came to ask the same thing knowingly again.

Zhang Yongli ignored her, looked at Ju Ling and said, "I saw that you have lost a lot of weight. Do you have to study hard in the third grade of junior high school? You must eat well, and you must not tire your body."

Ju Ling is on the same front as her second sister, and resolutely does not allow her aunt to change the subject.She smiled and narrowed her eyes and asked, "Auntie, who is playing with Xiao tossing at home? Is it Uncle Feng? Uncle Feng has to go to work, feed your pigs and take care of your children. He is busy enough."

Zhang Yongli was caught in the middle by two sisters, one on the left and one on the right. She couldn't escape or go around, so she had to say shyly and embarrassingly: "Now that the farming season is busy, his unit has nothing to do. It's okay for him to take the toss there. If you want to feed the pigs, just ride a bicycle to my house and feed them."

Feeding pigs is not only about feeding, a pig can excrete a lot of feces in a day, and if the pigsty is not cleaned up in a day, it will be dirty and ugly.So Feng Guangquan not only had to feed her pigs, but also had to clean the pigsty, and if the feed was not enough, he had to mix the feed.

The front is physical work, but it’s okay to say that the feed is very particular, how much corn flour, how much rice bran, how much fish meal and bone meal, it’s not just mixing a few things together to finish the job.

If Feng Guangquan could even mix pig feed, he would have fed Zhang Yongli a lot of pigs.

To put it another way, he really had a lot of contacts with Zhang Yongli.

Zhang Yongli also knows that the two sisters are human beings, and they can guess a lot from the beginning, and they will stop playing sloppy eyes with them. Some embarrassed and annoyed said: "Oh, I'm with you Uncle Feng, don't you?" Do you just want to hear this? It’s so annoying to hear one by one, and you just know how to ask nonsense all day long when you have nothing to do.”

Ju Jing and Ju Ling were asking each other and smiling at each other through their aunt, and they could hear Zhang Yongli admitting her relationship with Feng Guangquan, so if nothing unexpected happened, their affairs would be over.

However, in the situation of Zhang Yongli and Feng Guangquan, it is not easy to start a family.Among other things, the public opinion from the outside world is enough for them to suffer.

After being happy, the two sisters unanimously began to worry about their aunt.

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(End of this chapter)

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