Farmer's Struggle

Chapter 167 Maintenance

Chapter 167 Maintenance
The weight of the tonic is not light, and the postage of the three together is not too old or young.

Wang Xiuhong and Ruan Xiaofeng looked envious when they saw this.

Ruan Xiaofeng also said: "Third uncles and three aunts really don't say anything about doting on daughters, even Xiao Fuqiang can't find a second one."

Ju Min guessed that the couple also missed their hometown, and specially asked Ruan Xiaofeng to cook a few dishes with fungus and hazel mushrooms in the evening.It is obviously the ingredients of the hometown, the dishes of the hometown, and the people who drink at the table are all from the hometown, but there is still no taste of hometown in the mouth.

After getting drunk, Ruan Xiaofeng said vaguely: "My cooking is not delicious. My mother's fried pork with fungus and chicken stewed with mushrooms are delicious. I can't make that taste."

After speaking, he fell asleep on the table, and Wang Xiuhong, who was still awake, began to feel sad.

Probably because of drinking some wine, Wang Xiuhong also talked a little more than usual.

She tugged at Ju Min and confided: "I'm sorry for Xiaofeng. If it wasn't for me, he would definitely be able to avoid a lot of suffering by being with his parents now."

Why do you say it is for her?Before Ju Min could ask, Wang Xiuhong said it all.

After Ruan Xiaofeng's elder brother left, Wang Xiuhong's life in Ruan's family was very embarrassing.Ruan Xiaofeng has a little bit of meaning for her, and both of them know it well, but they can only restrain themselves because of the relationship between uncle and sister-in-law, and they dare not go overboard.

However, Ruan Xiaofeng is not the only one who has a little meaning for her in the Ruan family. Her father-in-law, that is, Ruan Xiaofeng's own father, looks at her more and more strangely. s room.

Ruan Xiaofeng, a young man, knows how to restrain himself, what he can do and what he can't do, but the old man from the Ruan family doesn't understand this. One day he broke into Wang Xiuhong's room with the help of alcohol to do something wrong.

Wang Xiuhong struggled desperately, and Ruan Xiaofeng, who went out to herd sheep, came back early to save her when she was almost unable to hold on.

Ruan Xiaofeng rushed in from the outside and saw the scene was very unbearable. In a panic, he punched his father unconscious without thinking.

At that time, Wang Xiuhong had only one thought in her mind, she wanted to leave, to leave this place, to stay away from her father-in-law.

She cried and told Ruan Xiaofeng to take her away, wherever she wanted. After a brief silence, Ruan Xiaofeng really agreed to take her away.

The incident happened suddenly, they were unprepared, and when they left, they took nothing but a few clothes and some small change, which was completely different from the long-planned Siben rumored in the village.

"If it hadn't happened, Xiaofeng and I would never have thought that we could be together. I can't go back to my mother's house, so I just want to stay in my mother-in-law's house and serve my in-laws. He should marry a wife, and he should How to live how to live. Now it is good, he has a family and can't go back, it's all because of me," Wang Xiuhong said guiltily and blamed herself.

Ju Min really didn't know how to comfort her, who didn't suffer a little bit of death, it's just that some people rotted on the roots, and some people rotted on the leaves.

After helping Wang Xiuhong settle down the drunk Ruan Xiaofeng, the first thing Ju Min did when she returned to her home was to cook the medicine according to the decoction method Zhang Yongmei taught her.

When Lin Dezhi came back, the medicine hadn't been fried yet, so he opened the door and asked Ju Min in a daze, "What did you do? Why is there such a strong smell?"

Ju Min told him that it was a traditional Chinese medicine to nourish the body, and Lin Dezhi said with a smile: "You really should take some supplements. You have lost a lot of weight during this period. When your parents see you, they will think that I haven't taken good care of you."

It seemed that Lin Dezhi was in a good mood, and Ju Min's mood was also improved under the influence of Wang Xiuhong.

The two chatted amiably, and Ju Min just grabbed some fungus and hazel mushrooms and wrapped them into small packages for Lin Dezhi to distribute to his brothers, sisters and other relatives. He also wanted to build a good relationship with the Lin family as much as possible.

However, her kindness did not bring the family to live in harmony, but made the situation worse.

The next day, Ju Min returned to the rental house after a busy day. It was so dark in the house that she thought there was no one there, but as soon as the light was turned on, she saw Lin Dezhi sitting on the bed with a gloomy face, which was really scary.

"What are you doing? Why don't you turn on the light?" Ju Min walked in after changing his shoes and asked.

Today she came back earlier than yesterday, thinking about drinking the decoction earlier and going to bed earlier.Unexpectedly, after searching around the house for several times, he couldn't find the medicine package, so he turned around and asked Lin Dezhi if he saw it.

Lin Dezhi hasn't said a word since she entered the door, and now when Ju Min asked about the medicine, he finally said, "I threw it away."

Ju Min was stunned in place, and asked inexplicably, "You threw it away? Why did you throw it away? My mother specially mailed it to me to make up my body!"

Lin Dezhi fell down on the bed, took out a cigarette, lit it on his lips, and then explained lightly: "The smell is unpleasant."

Just throw it away because it smells bad?
Ju Min didn't believe it.

Under her questioning, Lin Dezhi frowned and said irritably: "Even if the smell is too strong, it makes me smell like that too. They all smelled the fungus when I gave them the fungus today, and blamed me."

Speaking of this, Lin Dezhi suddenly stopped talking, and directly pressed the smoke on the bedside table in boredom, turned his back to Ju Min.

Now, not only her natal family is looking forward to her stomach moving soon, but the Lin family is also waiting.

What would the Lin family say when Lin Dezhi appeared in front of them with a smell of medicine?
Said that Lin Dezhi is not good, so he has to make up for it at a young age?Or did it mean that Ju Min was sick and couldn't have children, and Lin Dezhi married a woman who couldn't bear children?

Lin Dezhi is such a face-saving person, no matter what others say, he will definitely feel very ashamed, and it makes sense to vent his anger on Yao and Ju Min when he returns home.

It makes sense to make sense, but it doesn't make sense.

Ju Min pawed Lin Dezhi twice, and said in a deep voice: "Lin Dezhi, we have been married for more than ten months, what do you think? You are in a hurry to have a baby, and we will go to the hospital for a check-up tomorrow to find out. Is it a problem with our bodies?"

Seeing a doctor when you are sick, and stopping those gossiping people even if you are not sick, this is the best solution, what's the use of throwing medicine and getting angry.

Lin Dezhi suddenly sat up from the bed, and said displeasedly: "What are you looking at? Don't you feel ashamed enough? I smell like medicine, and some people say I can't do it. If I go to the hospital, they will think I'm not good enough."

Lin Dezhi was angry with Ju Min when he went home, but he was quite protective of Ju Min outside.Relatives in the family smelled the medicine on his body and asked him who was sick. He didn't tell the truth when he saw his relatives' eyes and expressions were wrong, and only said that it was the traditional Chinese medicine he drank without mentioning Ju Min.

Among the large group of relatives, there were one or two who spoke unreliably, and joked in front of Lin Dezhi that he couldn't do it.Lin Dezhi didn't take anything else to heart, but he remembered this sentence firmly, and the more he thought about it, the more angry he became, and the more he thought about it, the more depressed he became.

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(End of this chapter)

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