Chapter 174
Yin Kaixuan explained lightly, as if he really just sent something to Ju Jing casually and had no other meaning.

He pretended to be confused, but Ju Jing didn't want to act with him.If you can't be together, you can speak clearly and plainly, and she will definitely not hang on to others.

After a moment of silence, Ju Jing said: "Yin Kaixuan, I know what you think in your heart, there is really no need. Whether it is perfect or not, it is the first time you have made something successful, and it must mean something different to you. You shouldn't give me something that has a different meaning to you, because I can only be your ordinary friend, there is no other meaning."

"Ju Jing, you always don't believe me", Yin Kaixuan sighed and said, "If you don't believe me, don't believe it, just follow what you said, we two are just ordinary friends, let's do it. I won't send you off!"

Ju Jing couldn't tell whether he was angry or not, but it didn't matter, the important thing was that he understood what she wanted to express.

Ju Ling couldn't see her second sister's deep and entangled appearance, and said to her: "Second sister, actually, I think you are very good with him everywhere. There is such a kind of person who is like a child, eating If there is no candy, he will cry all the time, maybe he won’t like it if he eats it.”

"I'm not sugar, it's none of my business whether he likes to cry or not, just don't bother me," Ju Jing said dejectedly.

Although what Ju Jing said was angry, Ju Ling thought about it carefully and realized that she had indeed said something stupid just now.

If a child wants candy, he can eat it. What if he wants something else instead of candy?Is it necessary to fulfill all his demands just to make him lose interest in such things?This approach to problem solving is reactive and dangerous.

"Second Sister, why don't you just leave him alone, he can do whatever he likes, just be yourself. When you get married and get married, he will naturally stop thinking about you. Besides, he is There are so many classmates and friends of the same age in the university, if they don’t keep them together, he will have a date there first,” Ju Ling comforted.

These words were quite effective, Ju Jing waved her hand chicly: "Whatever you love, let's spend this year well first before we talk about it."

However, this year is not destined to be peaceful for many people in Xiaofuqiangtun.

There will never be secrets in the small village.

Soon, people in the village knew what Zhu Yuping was doing in those households.

Although some people clearly despise Zhu Yuping and envy them privately when chatting, but when the big "good thing" really falls on their own girl, there is really no family in the village that is willing to push their girl away. Go out and do this.

Zhu Yuping was disappointed that she didn't achieve her goal, so she went home and complained to Ju Ying.

"Didn't you say that people in the village only recognize money? That's not the case at all! I went to Zhao Laoer's house, and Zhao Laoer's wife almost beat me out with a broom. If I had known it was like this, I wouldn't be rash I'm going to go to these houses," Zhu Yuping complained.

Ju Ying rolled her eyes indifferently and said: "They are just pretending to come to you later, just wait."

Seeing that Zhu Yuping was still depressed, Ju Ying sat down in front of her, poked her arm and said, "You have been with your son-in-law for three or four years, and I bought such a good car for you. When will you bring it back and show it to Mom."

Zhu Yuping suddenly opened her eyes wide and looked at her mother in disbelief, and said speechlessly: "What are you thinking? He has a family and children, so what's the matter with coming to our house? You recognize him as a son-in-law, but they don't recognize you as his son-in-law." Mother-in-law."

"Then you just work harder and make me really be his mother-in-law." Ju Yingbai gave Zhu Yuping a blank look, and said angrily, "You, you still don't believe me if you say you are too real, aren't you? If you say you won't get pregnant, you won't be pregnant. If you are a little smarter, you may not know that the child will walk in the hall now. If you want to have a child, will your son-in-law take you seriously, and your life will be stable in the future Well. You are safe, and your brother can borrow your light to open his own veterinary clinic earlier."

It was like this every time, and after a few words, the topic would be brought to Zhu Yubin, as if Zhu Yubin couldn't live without the help of her sister.

Zhu Yuping knew that she couldn't explain to her mother, so she didn't say anything, she just lay down on the kang and pulled the quilt over her head, not listening to her mother's nonsense.

After the news about Zhu Yuping looking for Miss Shui Ling in the village spread, it seemed that everyone turned into an envoy of justice, and when they got together, they didn't scold Zhu Yuping for eight hundred rounds as unworthy of being a human being.

of course there are exceptions.

There was one family in the village not only didn't scold Zhu Yuping when they heard about it, but even thought about it.

When Zhou Fang came to look for Ju Ling with red eyes, Ju Ling had just changed grandma's wet trousers, and was about to put on grandma's clean trousers.

"What's the matter? Who messed with you?" Ju Ling asked while busy.

In fact, Ju Ling was quite surprised when Zhou Fang came over.

They had a good relationship when they were in elementary school, but since they were in junior high school, their contact has become less and less.

There must be something wrong with Zhou Fang suddenly looking here today.

Sure enough, Zhou Fang pursed her lips and said angrily, "It's all your aunt's Zhu Yuping's fault. It's fine if you don't learn well by yourself, and you have to drag others to learn like her!"

"It has nothing to do with you whether she learns well or not, she won't pull you anyway," Ju Ling said.

It is true that Zhou Fang will not be pulled, because Zhou Fang is too young, and it would be against the law to take her to do that.

Zhou Fang's tears flowed down her cheeks, she stubbornly wiped them off with her sleeve, and said aggrieved and angrily: "It has nothing to do with me, my parents want my sister to go with her."

There are three children in the family on Tuesday, two daughters and one son.Zhou Fang also has an older sister named Zhou Li, who is 20 years old this year. She looks good, but her skin is a little dark, and she reckons it will turn white after taking good care of her.

Of course, whether Zhou Li looks good or not is not the point, the point is what the daughter-in-law thinks on Tuesday and Tuesday!It's not that their family can't live on, and Zhou Li is very capable, why do they have to let a good girl do that kind of thing!

Ju Ling asked to express her doubts, and Zhou Fang pursed her mouth and said in a crying voice: "It's not because of my younger brother. My parents said that my younger brother is getting old, and now after school, he has to spend money to marry a wife, and he has to build a house for him. There are too many places to spend money in the family, and it can last until the year of the monkey just relying on the land to plant."

Zhou Fang's younger brother is Zhou Qiang, who is two years younger than Zhou Fang and also in junior high school.

Zhou Qiang is the only boy in the family. On Tuesday, the couple are particularly fond of him. They eat delicious food closely to their son. During the holidays, only Zhou Qiang has new clothes to wear. Ju Ling looks down on the couple who only see their son.

"Does Zhou Qiang know? He is willing too?" Ju Ling asked.

Such a big child knows everything, can he be willing that his parents will push his eldest sister into the pit of fire for him?

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(End of this chapter)

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