Farmer's Struggle

Chapter 176 Confession

Chapter 176 Confession
Ju Wenqi felt that she was just looking for something when she had nothing to do, and that she had a lot of things to do.

"People treat you badly, can't they treat you nicely, what do you want? It's alright, don't talk about it, I'll warm you up under the covers, come up to sleep quickly," Ju Wenqi took possession of himself He gave up his position, and he hissed and lay down on the cold position next to him.

There are really many Chinese New Year activities here, there are people playing and dancing all day long, and there is still a place for them to hang out. Ju Wenqi and Zhang Yongmei go out to join in the fun every day.

In a blink of an eye, it's New Year's Eve.

Ju Wenqi and Zhang Yongmei were not used to making dumplings or watching the Spring Festival Gala here, and suddenly felt that this year was not at all tasteful.

At around nine o'clock on New Year's Eve, Ju Ling called them.

Reporting safety and New Year's greetings are just incidental things, the main purpose is to show off to Ju Wenqi and Zhang Yongmei how great things she and her second sister have done today.

The two sisters are also quite able to toss around at home. They start chopping dumpling fillings in the morning, make dumplings after two o'clock in the afternoon, and don't eat dumplings until after nine o'clock in the evening.

"We made two stuffed ones, pork with sauerkraut and pork with radish." Ju Ling said triumphantly.

Zhang Yongmei had a headache, and felt that the family had to let these two brats make a fuss.

What made her even more troublesome was that not only could the two children be born, but they didn't reach the right place.

"What do you two want to do? You don't like dumplings stuffed with radish, why are you stuffed with radish?" Zhang Yongmei asked.

It was embarrassing for Ju Ling to ask a question directly.

Looking at her second sister, she waited for her second sister to answer, because Ju Jing suggested making the radish stuffing.

Ju Jing replied cheerfully from the side: "I'm afraid that grandma won't like sauerkraut stuffing. I didn't expect grandma to like bean buns instead of anything. Mom, what kind of stuffing are you eating tonight?" Dumplings? Tomorrow is New Year's Day, have you thought about when you will come back?"

"Hey, I didn't eat dumplings, and they don't make dumplings here. Your sister and your brother-in-law are going back to town on the fifth day of the lunar new year. I thought I wouldn't delay their work. I will leave on the fifth day of the new year, and I can go home for a while." Fifteen." Zhang Yongmei said with a sigh.

Ju Ling felt that the sigh was a bit melancholy, and leaned to the side of the phone and asked, "Mom, what's the matter? You don't seem very happy to hear your voice?"

Zhang Yongmei is staying alone in the room, so it is convenient for her to say anything.

She lowered her voice and asked the sisters: "Did you hear anything from Minmin when you were chatting with her?"

Ju Jing and Ju Ling looked at each other and guessed what Zhang Yongmei was going to say almost at the same time.

Of course Ju Min told them that it was not about complaining, but mainly to ask the two clever sisters how to tell the truth to their parents.

The idea given by the two sisters is that it is best to say in the next year, so that parents can have a good year.

Now it seems that their mother is doomed to have an unreliable life this year.

"Mom, if you want to know something, just ask the elder sister directly, and ask us how hard it is to ask us," Ju Ling said.

Ju Jing also said: "That's right, even if you ask, we may not necessarily know, but if the elder sister must know about the eldest sister, you will not ask in vain."

"Forget it, let's not ask." Zhang Yongmei sighed and said, "It's a big Chinese New Year, let's talk about something happy."

After chatting with Zhang Yongmei, Ju Jing immediately sent a message to Ju Min, telling Ju Min that her mother had noticed something, and asked her to be mentally prepared.

After discussing with Lin Dezhi, Ju Min and Lin Dezhi decided to explain the situation to their parents as soon as possible.

So, on the morning of the first day of the Lunar New Year, the whole family had dinner with dozens of people. Ju Min and Lin Dezhi took their parents back to the room, and they all put on expressions that wanted to talk seriously, which made Ju Wenqi and Zhang Yongmei also serious.

Lin Dezhi told the truth with difficulty, and when Ju Wenqi and Zhang Yongmei were still in shock, he promised them that he would actively receive treatment and strive for an early cure.

After thoroughly digesting the news, Ju Wenqi and his wife not only did not make any drastic actions, but even comforted Lin Dezhi to let him relax, saying that they are both young and will get better in the future.

Lin Dezhi finally breathed a sigh of relief for not forcing the girl to divorce him, and made a lot of promises to the couple.

The matter was resolved so smoothly that many of the situations that Lin Dezhi and Ju Min imagined did not happen, which made them feel very unreal.

Turning around, Ju Min called Ju Jing and Ju Ling to talk about it. Ju Jing, who was cutting her grandma's nails, snorted lightly and sighed, "Sister, you don't know how scared I was when it was your physical examination. Something went wrong. If it was really your problem, do you know how serious it would be?"

Ju Min also thought about this possibility. To be honest, she might not be able to bear it.

She had a physical problem and couldn't give birth, so let's not talk about Lin Dezhi's attitude. The relatives of the Lin family can drown her with spittle.Going back to the countryside for the new year, she will definitely be made things difficult, maybe the Lin family will force Lin Dezhi to divorce her!
"This is the difference between men and women." Ju Jing dragged her voice and said with emotion: "It is a great sin for a woman not to have children, and it is easy for a man to be forgiven if he cannot have children. Sister, we all It's already so difficult, you must treat yourself better, and don't let yourself be wronged."

After a pause, Ju Jing smiled and said with a crazy smile: "We all have to make a lot of money, so much money that we can do whatever we want, get married if we want to get married, get divorced when we want to divorce, and have children if we want to have children. Health! Money is really a good thing, but unfortunately we are all too poor now."

Ju Min was somewhat shocked by Ju Jing's words.On the one hand, she feels that money cannot solve everything, on the other hand, she feels that money can indeed do many things and can indeed make her live a decent life.

Quite contradictory, but also very true.

The three sisters all felt that money was very, very important, and they discussed how to make money for the new year.

On the other end, Ju Wenqi and Zhang Yongmei were sitting in the room staring at each other.

When Ju Wenqi was about to smoke his fourth cigarette, Zhang Yongmei snatched his cigarette case and glared at him: "You can choke to death in the room. Stop smoking. No matter how much you smoke, my uncle will not get better immediately."

If you don’t smoke, drink tea. Ju Wenqi poured a cup of tea for himself and his wife, and put it in his mouth without checking the temperature. It was so hot that he hissed and stuck out his tongue for a long time before he could speak.

"Old man, what are you thinking? Is it true that Xiao Lin said that his disease can be cured? What should he do if he can't be cured?" Ju Wenqi asked with a bitter face.

Zhang Yongmei shook her head, expressing that she didn't know what to do.

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(End of this chapter)

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