Farmer's Struggle

Chapter 19 Plan

Chapter 19 Plan
Ju Ling was not too close to the stove. Not long after winter began, her hands were frostbitten. Seven of her ten fingers were red and swollen. When she entered a slightly warmer place, she felt very itchy and very uncomfortable.

She was in math class that day, and her hands were itching again, she put down her pen and wanted to scratch it, when she heard a few screams, before she could figure out what was going on, she felt a pain in her head and fell down on the ground.

She didn't faint, but her head really hurt, and she poked her neck when she fell to the ground.

The furnace tube hanging from the ceiling to vent smoke fell, and the whole class hit Ju Ling alone, so it was no luck.

After she fell to the ground, she didn't cry or cry out the pain, but her face was so pale and frightening that the teacher took her to the clinic without saying a word.

The health center in the village can handle a cold and diarrhea and treat a simple trauma. Ju Ling's situation looks serious, and the doctors in the health center can't handle it at all.

The teacher hurriedly called Ju Wenqi and his wife, and together they sent Ju Ling to the township health center.

Ju Ling's head was traumatized, and a piece of iron sheet protruded from the furnace tube just hit the top of her head, and it had to be disinfected and bandaged for tetanus.Hair is bad, the doctor wants to shave Ju Ling's hair.

Originally, it was only necessary to shave the injured part, but Ju Ling felt that it would be more ugly to shave and keep the other, so she simply shaved them all.

Coming here in a hurry without wearing a hat, Ju Ling has attracted much attention on the way back to the village.

The bald head was wrapped with several bandages around the chin from top to bottom, looking like an injured soldier in a TV series.

Thanks to Ju Ling's big heart, she didn't care when others saw her making jokes, and when she went to class the next day, she still looked calm and composed.

Of course Tangyou Ju laughed the loudest in the class.This kid has learned to be good, and he didn't dare to use tricks to bully Ju Ling, so he looked for an opportunity to make a small fuss to trip Ju Ling.

It's a pity, this buddy has completely misplaced his thoughts, and Ju Ling is not affected by him at all.

The bandage can be removed in more than a week, but the hair will not grow back to its original shape in a week or two.

Ju Min and Ju Jing went home during the New Year's Day holiday and saw the little girl's hair. In the eyes of the spoiled girl, there is nothing bad about the little girl. She mainly feels sorry for Ju Ling. The winter is still bareheaded, looking at Just cold.

"It's almost spring when the hair grows out. This winter is so tough. I made money selling candied haws during the winter vacation and I will buy you a beautiful hat. You can't freeze our little smart little head," said Ju Min. Er Hu Lu Ju Ling's thorny head said with distress: "When my sister graduates and goes to work to earn money, I will buy you a lot of beautiful new clothes."

No one would believe it, since she was a child, Ju Ling never wore a new dress!

Ju Jing's stature has grown rapidly, and she hasn't been much shorter than Ju Min since she was five years old, so she can't wear clothes that Ju Min can't wear. Whether it's buying new clothes or making new clothes, Zhang Yongmei has to get two sets, They all have new clothes to wear.

When their clothes are too small, they will be given to Ju Ling. Ju Ling picks up the clothes of two people to wear, so there is never a shortage of clothes.

She never cared about these things herself, and felt that it was okay to wear the old clothes of her two sisters all the time, but every time there were new clothes to wear, Ju Min and Ju Jing felt very sorry for her, and they said more than once that they would give them money when they had money. She buys clothes to wear.

Ju Ling did not continue the topic of hats and clothes with Ju Min, but asked curiously: "Sister, you will graduate next year, don't you want to continue studying?"

A question that attracts the attention of the whole family.

Ju Wenqi looked at his eldest daughter eagerly with a cigarette in his mouth, hoping to say such bold words as "I must be admitted to high school" from the eldest daughter.

Unfortunately, he is doomed to be disappointed.

Ju Minbeier said thoughtfully: "I can't study well, and I'm sure I won't pass the high school entrance examination. I plan to work part-time to earn money for two years before learning a craft. I can do something by myself in the future."

"Isn't there a vocational high school in the county? I heard that the high school has low grades, so you can definitely pass the exam," Ju Wenqi said unwillingly.

Ju Wenqi and Zhang Yongmei have no education, so they just hope that the three girls can study hard and take college entrance exams.In their view, as long as they go out to study in college, they are considered to have walked out of this valley, and they are promising.

Ju Min immediately replied: "I have inquired about it a long time ago. There are not many people studying in that vocational high school. They are just fooling around. The tuition fee for one year is not old or young, so I don't want to go. I will do something I like for the three years of fooling around." What a wonderful thing. Dad, don't worry about my business. "

Ju Wenqi sighed bitterly and bitterly: "How old are you, can I not worry about it? Ernier, the old Wu family in our village, is about the same age as you. She didn't study two years ago to make flue-cured tobacco for others. In the end, she was so big. When the stomach came back, the old Wu family married Ernier for the sake of face, no matter how old the man was, wouldn't Ernier's life be ruined?"

Wu Ernier is two years older than Ju Min, and she is still a classmate in elementary school, and she quit junior high school after one year.

Some places around here grow flue-cured tobacco, and people are often hired to work there, with food and housing included.Wu Ernier went to work, and for some reason, she fell in love with a bachelor who was almost 40 years old over there. By the time the Wu family knew about it, it was too late.

Ju Wenqi and Zhang Yongmei couldn't fall asleep worrying about the affairs of the old Wu's family for several nights, fearing that their three flowers would be picked by those crooked melons and dates outside.

They also discussed in private, no matter whether they stay at home to farm or go to work in other places, it is not safe for school. At least the young teachers will not let their children have sex, so even if the three of his family did not go to school, as long as they are still Come to think of it, they will pay no matter how much it costs.

Ju Min also knew what her parents were afraid of, and said with a smile, "Don't worry, I'm not that stupid."

He is indeed not stupid or even very shrewd in other things, but when it comes to emotional matters, even if a shrewd person encounters them, he may capsize in the gutter.Of course, no one can predict the future. If he could predict the future, Ju Min might not say so.

Ju Min is not the only one who needs to make good plans at home, but also Ju Jing.Ju Jing Lai Lai Baba is studying in the first year of junior high school. This girl is even better than Ju Min. Ju Min didn't say no to junior high school. She doesn't even want to go to junior high school. Reading is like killing her. .

She didn't dare to tell Ju Wenqi and Zhang Yongmei, and secretly told Ju Min and Ju Ling all her thoughts.

Neither Ju Min nor Ju Ling supported her not finishing junior high school.In Ju Min's words: "How old are you now? No one wants you to go out to work, so let's finish junior high school honestly."

Ju Ling was afraid that her second sister was too big-hearted and would kill first and play later, so she threatened directly: "Second sister, you'd better be honest, if you don't honestly go to school and skip classes, I will sue my parents and let us They beat you! You know which one of our family is the best to sue, I didn't scare you, if you are disobedient, I will definitely sue. "

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(End of this chapter)

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