Chapter 195
What Ju Yingneng told Ju Jing and the two sisters was only the prosperous daughter of the ancestral grave, but the boss Ju's family wanted to change the feng shui of the ancestral grave, hoping that the two sisters would go home and persuade Ju Wenqi to come out and stop it.

Both Ju Jing and Ju Ling are smart people, Dang even understood her little thoughts.

She was afraid of standing out and offending others, so she pushed their family out. Why did she think so beautifully?

"That's all right, aunt, I'll talk to my parents when I go back, don't cry on the avenue, if you don't know, you might think what we did to you." Ju Jing responded.

Ju Yingzhen thought she had succeeded in this move, and hypocritically asked the two sisters if they wanted to go to her house for a meal before going home.

Who would dare to eat her family's food?After eating her a grain of rice, she will have to ask others to return a sack of rice.

After returning home, Ju Jing went to the restaurant and told Ju Wenqi about it. Ju Wenqi added some details that Ju Jing didn't know before, and asked Ju Jing quietly: "Jing Jing, your mother and I didn't believe in the ancestral grave before. Do you think it’s possible for the matter of Wang Nu to be true? If your uncle’s family really changes Feng Shui, it will definitely affect the three of you.”

It's enough to worry about Ju Wenqi.

"Don't listen to their nonsense, if the ancestral graves are really prosperous girls, then we will suffer from childhood? Just let us eat and wear whatever we want from birth. It's good to be prosperous or not. What has it to do with the ancestral graves relationship, don't think about it," Ju Jing said.

Ju Wenqi still didn't relax.

Frowning and staring at the unfinished tea tray for a long time without moving.

Zhang Yongmei poked him and said in a low voice, "You don't listen to what I say, why don't you listen to what the girl says."

"It's not that I don't want to listen. I'm afraid that something might happen." Ju Wenqi sighed, and said with a wrinkled face: "Our little one is going to have an exam soon. What if the eldest brother moves the ancestral grave to change Fengshui at this time? If you interfere with our girl, what can I do? The younger one won’t do well in the exam and the older girl won’t be able to conceive, think about it, what can we do?”

"No," Ju Jing said in a deep voice, "Dad, I'm not talking about you, but you still wanted to be the village chief before you realized it, and you have to get rid of it if you become one. Will the eldest brother-in-law's illness get better?" What does the doctor do? Whether the little one can get into high school depends on how well she learns and performs well. It has nothing to do with these messes. If you really listened to my aunt and came out to mess with it, we all three It's a bad thing if you worry about it."

Ju Wenqi immediately fell silent when he heard that he might be doing something wrong.

What he cares most about now are the two important events of the little girl's exam and the big girl's childbirth, so he is determined not to make trouble.

Ju Wenqi has really calmed down for a while, and Ju Jing's attitude towards him is much better, and she doesn't hate him whenever she talks to him.

Seeing that he listened to what he said now, he took the initiative to ask: "Your tea tray is pretty good, isn't it enough to make this thing every day for the past two months?"

When it came to the tea tray, Ju Wenqi became more energetic, so he chatted with Ju Jing a lot.

When he finally said he was tired and went to the toilet, Zhang Yongmei smiled and said to Ju Jing: "You don't know, he puts this thing in the restaurant every day, and everyone in the village says your dad is doing a good job. This one praises that one." Kudos to you, your dad is even more energetic, waiting for Carpenter Zhao to come over to see his craftsmanship every day."

In the past, he became the center of the crowd by bragging hard, but now he can attract other people's ideas by quietly doing some meticulous carpentry work. The most important thing is that he is more willing to do carpentry work than bragging, so he Can you not enjoy it?

"This relationship is good, as long as he doesn't make trouble or make troubles, he can do whatever he wants," Ju Jing said helplessly, shaking her head.

That night, Ju's third son called Ju Min, and the family of five had a conference call to finalize their attitude towards the issue of repairing the ancestral tomb and changing Feng Shui.

If all the families agreed to pay, Ju’s family would definitely get a lot of money; if anyone disagreed or if someone didn’t pay, then Ju’s family would definitely not get a penny.

To put it bluntly, it means following the crowd and resolutely not being the first bird.

On May [-]nd, Ju Laosan's family had no time to discuss this matter, because today they were going to Zhang Yongli's house in the first village of the forest farm for dinner and a wedding.

Zhang Yongli and Feng Guangquan had already obtained the certificate on the last day of April, and now Feng Guangquan has also moved all his belongings into Zhang Yongli's house, and the two are already a legal couple.

When Ju Laosan's family arrived, Zhang Yongli and Feng Guangquan had already picked up their grandparents.

The old couple didn't drink tea in the house but went to the pigsty to watch the pigs. They made a small toss and joined in the fun, and finally all five people, old and young, all watched the pigs in front of the pigsty.

After Ju Wenqi's family came over, the four of them also joined the pig-watching army, and it was quite exciting to watch.

Zhang Yongli now raises nearly [-] pigs, which is not a small scale in the local area, and one of the sows has brought a litter. The pigpen at home may not be enough in the near future.

"Auntie, don't you plan to expand the pigsty?" Ju Jing asked with concern.

Zhang Yongli is in good spirits every happy event, without makeup, her face is flushed, she looks at her big fat pig with red in the white and smiles and said: "Expansion, it must be expanded. I don't want to wait for the little one to go on winter vacation." Come and help me?"

Ju Ling, who was suddenly named, immediately replied with a smile: "Yes, Auntie, I'm good at building a pigsty."

One who dares to say the other dares to respond, it's all a joke, everyone laughs and no one takes it seriously.

Just looking at the pigs took me a long time. Around noon, Zhang Yongli started cooking, and Zhang Yongmei also went to help. Ju Jing and Ju Ling also wanted to help pick vegetables, but they were kicked out of the kitchen.

After the kitchen door was closed, Ju Jing curled her lips and said in a low voice, "The old sisters closed the door to tell a secret, and they don't want us to hear it."

No one knows what secrets the old sisters have shared, but the newly formed Ju Wenqi and Feng Guangquan's ability to coax the old man is quite surprising.

Grandpa is a very quiet person, his knees are fine at such an age, he likes to find a corner to squat wherever he goes, and he doesn’t change his habit when he comes to the second girl’s house, squatting in the corner of the door Smoke up.

Ju Wenqi also brought a pack of cigarettes. Someone in the village brought him a box from outside. No matter whether it is expensive or not, it is a rarity if it is not sold locally.He took out a cigarette and lit it for the father-in-law, and let the father-in-law have a taste of his cigarette.

Feng Guangquan did not show weakness, and took out a tin biscuit box from the drawer, which was filled with shredded tobacco, which was given to him by his old comrade-in-arms. It was so strong that he was reluctant to smoke it.

Regardless of how harmful smoking is to your health, anyway, the three of you are very happy to chat together, and you are also very happy to smoke.

But the happiness didn't last long. The arrival of the uninvited guest made the joyful atmosphere disappear instantly. Even Ju Jing and Ju Ling entered into a fighting state, ready to scold or even fight with others at any time.

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(End of this chapter)

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