Farmer's Struggle

Chapter 201 Regret

Chapter 201 Regret
It was Ju Ying who took the initiative to dig a hole for Boss Ju.

Although Ju Ying is married, she is also a girl from the Ju family.

Ju Wenlin asked someone to figure out whether the ancestral graves of the Ju family were prosperous girls or not, so he asked Goddess Ruan to change Feng Shui to make the ancestral graves more prosperous, and the girls of the Ju family would definitely be affected in the future.It's unethical for him to do this kind of thing. What's more, he doesn't do it secretly and wants the girl from the Ju family to pay for it. Isn't this person a bad guy?

Ju Ying seized this point and complained to others.Although her acting skills are exaggerated, I have to say that the people in the village are pretty good at it. She said while crying, and there are people in the village who can scold along with her.

Ju Wenlin and his wife, who were happily waiting for their transfer, were so angry that they closed the door and scolded Ju Ying.

They feel that they have suffered from the boss, but there is no other way to do this loss except to suffer honestly.

There is no way to explain it, because when Cai Meiyu asked Zhao Fen about repairing the ancestral tomb, she mentioned the matter of whether the ancestral tomb was full of women or not.At that time, she just thought of a reason casually, and wanted to trick Zhao Fen into paying, but she didn't expect that the people in the next village who would count it actually figured out that the prosperous girl from the Ju family's ancestral grave was here.

She did say this in her own mouth, but she was not sure that Zhao Fen would not say it outside, so that was all she could do.

"Let her cry for the last time, and wait to see how she cries in the future." At the end, Cai Meiyu only said this sentence through gritted teeth.

Who knows whether Ju Ying will really cry from the bottom of her heart, but some people really cry.

This person is Ju Ling.

When there were more than ten days before the college entrance examination, a major event happened in Yunhe No. [-] Middle School.

A student who did not pass the three-mode test jumped off the building.

When the ambulance arrived, no one could be saved.

Ju Ling and the others were in class when it happened.

At first, a group of students didn't take it seriously when they heard the chaos outside, and they still listened to the class seriously. It wasn't until the sound of an ambulance came that the students realized that something serious might have happened.

A classmate brought back news during the class break that a third-year student in high school failed the exam and couldn't withstand the pressure and jumped off the building.

Ju Ling was shocked by this news alone, and what she didn't expect was that she still knew the person who couldn't stand the pressure.

It's Luo Lili.

That Luo Lili, who was admitted from a middle school in the countryside with great effort, studied every minute and every second during the first two and a half years of high school!
It was really sudden.

Ju Ling remembered seeing Luo Lili walking and chatting with that male classmate who didn't know what relationship she had with her while jogging in the morning a few days ago, but within a few days, why did she disappear!

The more she thought about it, the more uncomfortable she felt, and Ju Ling hid in a place where no one was around and couldn't help crying.

Really uncomfortable.

This was the first time she really felt a young life disappear forever in her life.

This incident had a huge impact, and the whole No. [-] Middle School was shrouded in gloom. Li Dagang, who doesn’t like to hold class meetings, held class meetings almost every day to remind students to combine work and rest, not to put too much pressure on themselves, and to tell students that life is above everything else. .

Was it really just the pressure of study that defeated Luo Lili?

One after another, Ju Ling also heard some other news.

Some people said that Luo Lili's jump from the building was not only failed in the three-model exam, but also related to the person she was with.

Her partner's grades are not very good but the family is rich. She wants to go to the Normal University in the provincial capital. After graduation, it will be great to be a teacher.But her partner would spend money to study three if she could not pass the second exam. If the three exams were not enough, she would go to a big city to study in some private universities that don't look at the score. In short, she would not stay in the province.

When I started dating, I probably just wanted to avoid leaving regrets in my high school, but after a long time, I developed true feelings and didn't want to be separated from my partner.

The combination of the shock of learning and the melancholy of being about to part with the object made this girl who looked tough and powerful but actually sensitive and delicate choose this path.

The following measures seem to confirm this rumor.

No. [-] Middle School began to fully control and manage the problem of early marriage among students. The head teachers of each class held special meetings to talk about this matter. Li Dagang, who never cared about this matter, also mentioned it a few times.

It is not too late for many people to make amends, but for Luo Lili, it is really too late.

During the days of the college entrance examination, the junior high school was on vacation, and Ju Ling stayed in the rental house and couldn't read at all, and always slipped away when doing papers.

The appearance of Luo Lili studying hard once inspired her to work hard and let her get rid of negative emotions. Luo Lili's departure made her fall into an unspeakable emotion.

Ju Jing was very worried about her, and talked to her several times, but found that the effect was not great.

For the sake of her little sister, Ju Jing spared no effort to seek the help of Qiao Jue, whom she had always looked down upon, and asked him to call Ju Ling to relieve her.

Ju Ling was lying on the bed in a daze when Qiao Jue called.

She didn't call at a fixed time. Ju Ling guessed that Qiao Jue should know about her affairs, and she didn't pretend to be relaxed. For many years, it seems that the dream is about to come true. I have always wondered why a failure in an exam and a failure in love are nothing compared to the hard work she has put in. How can she not think about it."

"She's not you, and you're not her. You definitely can't understand her thoughts [-]%. Little girl, that's her choice, and other people's regrets and regrets have nothing to do with her. If you don't agree with her approach Then manage your emotions well, and don't do the same thing as her." Qiao Jue said softly.

"When I think of the people I used to see suddenly disappearing from my sight, I feel very sad," Ju Ling said sullenly.

Qiao Jue said with a light smile: "You are only in your teens, and your life is still very long in the future. You will meet more people and lose more people. Whether you meet or leave is not up to you. You can If you are sad, you can regret it, but don't keep doing this, your second sister is very worried about you."

The last sentence is much better than the previous ones. Ju Ling suddenly sat up from the bed, let out a deep breath, and raised her voice: "Cheer up! Don't think about others, everything will be discussed after the high school entrance examination." Bar."

"I've prepared a lot of things to say, do you want to hear them?" Qiao Jue asked with a smile.

Ju Ling shook his head and said, "Don't tell me, I actually understand what you're saying, I just bump into the wall unconsciously."

Can a phone call make her feel better?Obviously not.

But Ju Ling is determined to work hard to adjust, and she can't be affected by anything, because her senior high school entrance examination is very important to her and her family, and she can't make mistakes.

Just when Ju Ling was trying to adjust her mood to face the senior high school entrance examination, Ju Jing suddenly received a call one night.

A phone call from someone she never dreamed of!
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(End of this chapter)

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