Farmer's Struggle

Chapter 205 Attitude

Chapter 205 Attitude
Sitang's sister-in-law's words suddenly reminded Ju Min of a very serious question.

She wanted to handle the matter well so that her parents wouldn't worry, but Lin Dezhi or the Lin family didn't necessarily think so. What if Lin Dezhi secretly called home to tell her about it?
After seeing Sitang's sister-in-law away, Ju Min immediately called Lin Dezhi, telling him not to involve others, and just the two of them to settle the matter.

Probably because she was too vague, Lin Dezhi didn't understand, so he just said: "My brothers and family members are not outsiders, they just want to help and have no other meaning. Minmin, you have seen the attitude of our family, we have something to say Just say it, don't mention the divorce, okay?"

"I don't care who you want to disturb, but I warn you, Lin Dezhi, don't bother my parents!" Ju Min said directly, not wanting to talk nonsense with him.

After hanging up the phone, the brothers of the Lin family who were standing next to Lin Dezhi gave him advice one after another.

To be honest, they really thought about calling Ju Min's family before, but they were afraid that when Ju Min's parents heard what Lin Dezhi had done, they would kill him and take Ju Min away in a fit of anger. Did not fight.

But Ju Min's phone call just now made them receive a special signal.

Ju Min didn't want her family to know about it, why?

The brothers of the Lin family discussed what they thought was the most likely outcome - Ju Min's family would not easily allow their daughter to divorce.

This is not uncommon. There are many couples around them who have a lot of trouble. The woman's family not only refuses to persuade the divorce, but also asks the woman not to fight and live a good life. The parents of the Ju family may be the same.

For Lin Dezhi, this is an opportunity, an opportunity to completely dispel Ju Min's idea of ​​divorce.

No matter whether they live separately or live their own lives in the future, Lin Dezhi has no objection. The only result he cannot accept is divorce.

Of course, there is also a premise for this separation, that is, Ju Min cannot find other men, and if outsiders know that Ju Min has cuckolded him, he will still lose face.As for himself, even if he finds seven or eight others, they will only say that he has the ability to envy him, so how can they laugh at him.

This was Lin Dezhi's idea, and also the Lin family's idea. Outsiders thought it was ridiculous, but the Lin family didn't think there was anything wrong.

Now that such a result has been negotiated, Lin Dezhi must use this to achieve his own goals.

Lin Dezhi knew Ju Min better than his brothers, and he still had a little concern, fearing that Ju Min would really be irritated and fight him desperately.

But his brother said indifferently: "Woman, if you let her make a fuss, she will still live a good life with you after the trouble. If you want her parents not to let her divorce, if she really divorces you Where can she go?"

Yeah, where are we going?
Stay in town?impossible.The Lin family is all here, and they can see each other every now and then, so she definitely doesn't want to stay here.

go back home?If her parents did not agree to her divorce, they would definitely not welcome her back. After all, divorce is not a glorious thing anywhere.

Lin Dezhi was finally persuaded by his brothers and decided to play the game of the Ju family.He wants Ju Min to face the reality, let her know about the divorce, and she will have nothing.

Lin Dezhi and even the Lin family thought well, but the reality was completely different from what they thought.

Lin Dezhi called Ju's house. Ju Wenqi and Zhang Yongmei didn't know what the eldest daughter had experienced outside, and they were chatting happily with their son-in-law.

After chatting until there was nothing to say, Lin Dezhi got to the point. He first apologized to his father-in-law and his mother-in-law, saying that he was sorry for Ju Min and the Ju family, and that he would call up his mistakes before Ju Wenqi and his wife asked him "what's the matter?" Say it with a [-]% discount, and then exaggerate how intense Ju Min's emotions are now, and finally swear that you will never make mistakes again and live a good life with Ju Min.

Not to mention, he still cried.

How many people can stand a big man apologizing sincerely on the phone with snot and tears?
Ju Wenqi and his wife resisted.

Lin Dezhi was still crying at the other end, so Ju Wenqi hung up the phone with trembling hands, and turned to Zhang Yongmei, "Are you listening? My uncle said that Minmin is going to divorce him."

"He let someone outside let Minmin know, so Minmin wants to leave him," Zhang Yongmei's voice trembled.

She pointed to the phone and said to Ju Wenqi: "Hurry up, call Minmin quickly and ask her what's going on. Don't believe what Lin Dezhi said, let's listen to what Minmin said."

Ju Min took several deep breaths before she adjusted her mood and picked up the phone at home, thinking about chatting with them as usual for a while, so as not to let them notice the difference.

But when the phone was connected, Ju Wenqi asked at the beginning: "Minmin, you want to divorce Xiao Lin? What's going on? He told us that he was out with a woman. Is it true?"

Ju Min was furious all of a sudden.

If Lin Dezhi was in front of her, she would definitely throw her mobile phone in his face without hesitation.

How can a man be so cheap.

But now is not the time to get angry, she has to appease her parents first.

If you don't want them to worry, try to keep things as light as possible.

But neither Ju Wenqi nor Zhang Yongmei believed it.

They knew their girl well, and she would definitely not be able to ask for a divorce if something serious happened.

Both Ju Wenqi and Zhang Yongmei asked her to tell the truth, and Ju Wenqi even said: "Minmin, why don't you say that I will buy a bus ticket to go to your place now!"

No way, I can only tell the truth.

Ju Min told them the ins and outs of the matter and the current situation one by one, and finally comforted Zhang Yongmei who was already crying: "Mom, don't cry, I was afraid that you would be worried if I didn't tell you at the beginning. I'm fine, really. It's okay, don't worry about me."

"What do you mean it's okay?" Ju Wenqi said in a trembling voice: "My girl is being bullied like this. How can you call it okay?! The Lin surname is not a joke. If I knew he was such a person, I couldn't say anything at the beginning. Let you marry him."

Money is hard to buy, I knew it earlier.

Who would have thought that Lin Dezhi, who looked honest and honest before, was such a person.

Sure enough, it confirms the saying that "a person should not be judged by his appearance". Being ugly does not mean that he will not cheat, and looking honest does not mean that he will not make mistakes. Don't judge a person by his appearance. A person's good or bad has nothing to do with his appearance.

"Mom and Dad, do you agree with my divorce?" Ju Min asked.

Zhang Yongmei sniffed and said vaguely: "Girl, your father is good-faced, but no matter how good-looking you are, you can't let your girl be bullied. Even if you want to live with him, your father and I are not happy! Minmin, what do you want?" Do whatever you want, don't be afraid, we have land and restaurants, and you won't be hungry when you come back."

Zhang Yongmei was still crying when she hung up the phone, but at least she persuaded Ju Wenqi, so he stopped clamoring to buy a ticket and went over to vent his anger on the girl.

"Old buddy, why is our Minmin's life so hard!" Ju Wenqi, who tried to keep calm in front of the girl, finally stopped suppressing his emotions when facing his wife, and burst into tears.

 Thank you for your support, thank you for voting and subscribing, thank you Luo Xuan and maybe, the monthly pass that should be forgotten, thank you, thank you.

(End of this chapter)

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