Chapter 207
"Who is with you and us? This is our Ju family's matter, what does it have to do with your surname Qiao?" Ju Jing subconsciously said.

Feeling a little regretful after being beaten, it is very necessary for Qiao Jue to go with him.

There are so many people in the Lin family, and the two sisters were only three sisters in the past. They are weak, and it may not be good to have a conflict with the Lin family.With Qiao Jue around, the Lin family would have some scruples.

Qiao Jue didn't want to quarrel with her at this time, so he just said, "If you have no objection, I'll book a plane ticket. Let's take the train to the provincial capital first, and then fly over there, all counted as the first day of departure and the second day It’s coming, pretty fast.”

"Is flying expensive?" Ju Jing asked.

Before Qiao Jue could answer the question, he gritted his teeth and said, "You have to go no matter how expensive it is. Eldest sister is the most important thing. You should book a plane ticket."

Just when they were about to come to find Ju Min, the situation faced by the most important elder sister, Ju Min, was already very bad.

After Lin Dezhi called the Ju's family, he was always worried, because he didn't know the attitude of Ju Wenqi and his wife.Just to be on the safe side, he went back to his hometown and brought his parents over, hoping that his parents would help persuade Ju Min to change her mind.

Ju Min was already very angry at involving her parents. Before she went to settle the score with Lin Dezhi, Lin Dezhi brought his parents here. In front of his parents, he took a rolling pin and gave Lin Dezhi a meal.

Lin Dezhi's parents are quite old, and tremblingly went to protect their son, Ju Min was furious but did not lose his mind, and he had a sense of who should be hit and who should not be hit, so Lin Dezhi's parents rescued him.

Ju Min has only one request for Lin Dezhi, Ma Liu divorce, hello, hello, hello everyone.

Lin Dezhi, who was beaten, was very depressed and depressed, and he really couldn't do anything about the fierce and aggressive Ju Min.

His brothers gave him advice again.

They agreed that the main reason why Ju Min has such a big temper and dared to fight with the Lin family is because she can make money herself and has money in her hand. If she has no money to earn, no place to live, and no one to rely on, she will definitely be obedient. Make peace with Lin Dezhi!

Don't let Ju Min make money?It's easy to handle, the Lin family sent a few half-grown children to follow Ju Min out of the stall, and they went there to make trouble wherever she sold roasted cold noodles, so that she couldn't sell it.

Let Ju Min have no place to live?It's easy to handle, just contact Ju Min's landlord directly, whether it's a good deal or a malicious threat, in short, don't let the landlord rent a house to Ju Min.Not only this landlord, but Ju Min will do this wherever she rents a house in the future!
Let Ju Min have no one to rely on?It's easy to handle, besides the Lin family, there are only two fellow villagers who can rely on Ju Min here, as long as Ruan Xiaofeng and his wife stay away from Ju Min and don't mind their own business.

They thought beautifully, but the result of the three-pronged approach was that all three were severely damaged.

Kids going to make trouble?Did they think Ju Min was made of mud?Too lazy to argue with a group of children or even fight, Ju Min called the police directly, and the police gave the children a criticism and education, and called the parents of the children to educate them.

Ju Min also put down harsh words to the Lin family in front of the police: "In the future, if these children come to make troubles and let me do business, I will continue to call the police. I can't deal with you if you don't change after repeated admonitions. The police will deal with you."

Half-grown children may not be afraid of their parents, but they are definitely afraid of the police. After this experience, the Lin family's children really calmed down, and Ju Min's business can continue.

The smooth settlement of renting a house is thanks to the fact that Ju Min met a good landlord.The Lin family thought that their large family could scare the landlord, but they encountered some difficulties, and the landlord also had a lot of family members, and they were more powerful than the Lin family, which was even worse.

After learning what was going on from Ju Min, the landlord's family expressed deep sympathy for Ju Min, and promised that as long as Ju Min was willing to live here for a day, their house would be rented to Ju Min.

The last is to deal with Ruan Xiaofeng and Wang Xiuhong.

Don't look at the couple who usually don't show their mountains and dews, but they are actually not easy to mess with, especially Ruan Xiaofeng.

He has been jumping up and down in the village since he was a child and loves to cause trouble. After he took Wang Xiuhong away from home, he did a lot of things to protect his own woman.

Threats didn't work, and making trouble didn't work. After entering the police station again, the Lin family realized that they were kings and hegemons in their hometown village, but they really dare not say they are invincible in the town.

The Lin family stopped temporarily, but Ju Min was still worried.

After all, the Lin family has lived here for generations, and they can't treat her like Ruan Xiaofeng and Wang Xiuhong for a day or two. After a long time, who knows what harm they can come up with and what bad things they can do, so they still have to divorce Lin Dezhi as soon as possible and leave here as soon as possible .

But this is not as soon as she wants, and she called Lin Dezhi several times to ask him to go for a divorce, but Lin Dezhi refused.

If he doesn't agree, will this marriage be inseparable?

Ju Min was worrying, and her good helper came over.

After several setbacks, Ju Jing and his entourage came to the town to join Ju Min.

How did it change from three people to a group of four?Who is the extra one?

No need to guess, of course it was Yin Kaixuan.

The Agricultural University entered the review stage before the final exam, and there was no class for about a week. Yin Kaixuan went online to leave a message for Ju Jing to ask her to play games.

The snub did not make Yin Kaixuan flinch, he started sending text messages to Ju Jing, and called if he didn't reply the text messages.

That day, the three of Ju Jing received a call from Yin Kaixuan on the train to the provincial capital. Yin Kaixuan not only heard the rattling sound of the train but also heard Qiao Jue's voice. Qiao Jue begged in private, so angry with Ju Jing that he hung up the phone directly.

Immediately afterwards, Yin Kaixuan called Qiao Jue and asked him what was going on.

Qiao Jue didn't say anything about Ju Min, only that they were going to play with Ju Min together.

Yin Kaixuan was very sad to go out to play without him.So after finding out what time their flight arrived at their destination, they immediately bought a ticket, and arrived more than an hour earlier than Ju Jing and the other three, so they couldn't get rid of him even if they wanted to.

Everyone is here, so naturally the matter of Ju Min can no longer be concealed.

Yin Kaixuan was very angry when he knew that Ju Jing's elder sister was being bullied. He patted Ju Jing's shoulder and said seriously: "Don't worry, with me here, whoever dares to touch our elder sister with a finger, I will slap her to death." .”

Ju Jingbai glanced at him, and said helplessly: "If you can solve the problem by pumping people to death, wouldn't this matter be resolved sooner? It's that bastard who refuses to divorce my sister. This is the most troublesome thing."

"He won't leave if he doesn't want to. His family made the law!" Yin Kaixuan said angrily.

Although it was an angry word, this sentence reminded everyone.Naturally, marriage is not something that Lin Dezhi can stay in if he wants to. There is no way to negotiate a divorce, and he can sue for divorce.

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(End of this chapter)

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