Farmer's Struggle

Chapter 212 Surprised

Chapter 212 Surprised
Peng Yan was quite mature both in his conduct and appearance, and Ju Min felt uncomfortable being called by him, so he asked Peng Yan how old he was.

One person's age report becomes the size of several people in a row.

Among the six people, Qiao Jue and Ju Min are the oldest.They are the same age, but Qiao Jue's birthday is slightly older, so everyone has to call him "Brother Qiao" or "Brother Xiao Jue".

To be honest, except for Ju Ling, whoever called him that called him felt guilty, and hurriedly said: "Don't, don't introduce, just call me by my first name, don't call me brother, really don't call me."

"That's fine, I'll call you Qiao Jue from now on." It was Ju Ling who answered him.

Qiao Jue reached out and rubbed Ju Ling's head, and said with a smile, "Not including you, you'd better call me brother obediently when you're so small."

Yin Kaixuan was ranked third in age. Ju Jing and Peng Yan were the same age, both one year younger than Yin Kaixuan. Among them, Ju Jing's birthday was older than Peng Yan's. At the bottom of the list, Peng Yan was the youngest besides Ju Ling.

This was beyond everyone's expectations, but Peng Yan wasn't too surprised, his brother and sister called him Shunliu.He dared to call, but the others were unwilling to respond, and they all said that he should just call him by his name, because everyone who called him brother or sister felt uncomfortable.

Young people are lively when they get together, and they can chat for a long time on any topic.

After talking about age, the big guy asked Peng Yan why he was here.

Speaking of this, Peng Yan remembered something, and hurriedly got up to grab his big luggage bag.With the help of Qiao Jue and Yin Kaixuan, Peng Yan pulled off the bag and took out a lot of delicious food from the bag as if by magic.

"My friend got married, and I came to attend the wedding. He was afraid that I would go home and have nothing to do in the car, so he packed a lot of food for me, and he would babble on the way," Peng Yan explained.

It's so old, don't talk about gagging, it's enough for a meal.

Peng Yan unwrapped a plastic bag and said to everyone: "It's all snacks here, some of which are not available in our hometown, so you can take whatever you want. This bag is wedding candy, everyone eat some, and feel happy."

Ju Min, who just got divorced, especially needs to be happy. She was the first to reach for the candy and said with a smile, "Then I really need to eat a few more yuan to get rid of bad luck."

"Why do you say that? Sister Min, what happened to you?" Peng Yan asked bluntly after distributing the sweets.

Ju Min didn't let him call her "Miss Min", but he really didn't know how to call her properly.It's awkward to call the big name Ju Min directly, and it's even more awkward to call the nickname Min Min, but Sister Min is better.

Ju Min didn't bother to entangle with the title issue, and replied quite straightforwardly: "I just got divorced, and there are a lot of messes, so it must be bad luck."

Everyone was surprised.

Peng Yan was surprised that such a good girl as Ju Min had a man who was willing to divorce her, and the others were surprised that Ju Min spoke out about her divorce so frankly.

"Why are you looking at me like that?" Ju Min said with a candy in his mouth, smiling calmly, "It's not my fault for the divorce, why don't I dare to say it? Besides, if I don't say it now, no one will know? It's just us In that little village, anyone who sleeps in the middle of the night and plays tricks can be pulled out, and I can't hide this matter even if I want to."

Peng Yan slapped the table with his hand, he didn't use much force, and he didn't make a lot of noise, but he was quite imposing.

He said: "Miss Min is right. Divorce is not murder and arson. There is no need to cover it up. Live as long as you can, and leave if you can't. You know whether it is bitter or sweet, and it doesn't matter what others say."

Having said that, some problems are still very difficult.

Ju Min himself doesn't care what others say, but can Ju Wenqi and Zhang Yongmei, who have been living in the village, not care?Even if they say they don't care, they definitely do.

Especially Ju Wenqi, who is such a face-saving person, used to brag in front of the villagers how well his eldest girl married. Now that the eldest girl divorces and comes home, it is equivalent to slapping himself in the face. Can he feel better?

The topic became heavy at this point, but Ju Min couldn't avoid it, because after dozens of hours, they would arrive home, and it seemed a bit late to think about countermeasures by then.

Several people racked their brains for a long time, but there was still no countermeasure.

No one can control other people's mouths, gossip must be inevitable, and Ju Wenqi and his wife are bound to feel uncomfortable.

"Sister, can they talk about it for a day or two? You can stay at home with peace of mind. After a month or two, there will be newer things in the village and no one will mention them." Ju Jing was helpless Said.

Yin Kaixuan hurriedly echoed: "That's right, there are a lot of things in your village, maybe there are bigger things that overwhelm you."

How big of a deal would it have to be to cover up the divorce of the eldest daughter of Ju's third family.

Ju Min felt no, at least not for the time being, so the consolation was useless.

Ju Ling, who has always had a lot of ghost ideas, had no choice but to say distressedly: "Sister, people in the village will definitely not talk less about you in a short time, and the most effective way to fight back is to be nice and let those who read the joke know Even if you get divorced, you can still live better than them."

These words reached Ju Min's heart.

"If you can't change others, then don't change them, try to live your own life well," Ju Min sighed and said, "It's just that we have wronged our parents, and we have spent half our lives worrying about the three of us until now. It still doesn't stop."

Live yourself well, so how do you live?This is another big problem.

Ju Jing hoped that Ju Min would stay at home, she said: "Our parents are getting older, you can just help them manage the restaurant when you go home, and they can be more relaxed. And I will be at home in the future, I will farm How nice it is for you to open a store and take care of each other."

A few words aroused thousands of waves.

"Are you going home to farm?" Ju Min, Ju Ling and Yin Kaixuan asked almost at the same time.

Ju Jing was also quite surprised: "Isn't my performance obvious enough before? I have to go to the Agricultural Science Institute to attend several classes every week. Do you think I am idle and have nothing to do to kill time? I planned to wait a long time ago. I went home to farm when I was a little kid in high school, but this time I came to the south, I didn’t ask for leave from my boss, I just resigned with him, and I won’t come out to work after returning home.”

Ju Jing is definitely the one with the biggest idea in the Ju family. She didn't discuss with anyone about such a big matter, and she didn't tell anyone. She just made a decision by herself and blocked her way out.

"Second Sister, why? Isn't it easier to work outside than to farm at home?" Ju Ling asked not very understanding.

Ju Jing shook her finger, and said with an inscrutable look: "You are wrong. It is indeed tiring to use soil methods to cultivate land, but mechanized large-scale planting is not so tiring. Tell you that you don't understand, you I haven't attended class, so don't worry about what you shouldn't worry about, your second sister knows it well."

She said it lightly, as if going home to farm was an easy decision, as if going home to farm would be really easy.In fact, she just didn't want them to worry about it. It's just that she alone knows how difficult this process is.

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(End of this chapter)

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