Chapter 219

Now not only university enrollment is expanding, but even high school enrollment is expanding.

Of course, this enrollment expansion does not refer to an increase in the number of admitted students who pass the senior high school entrance examination, but an increase in the number of self-funded students.

The results of the senior high school entrance examination are used as a reference. The closer the score line is, the less money will be paid, and the worse the difference, the more money will be paid.

Even so, there are still many parents who are willing to spend more money to send their children to high school, hoping that their children can make a comeback in the three years of high school and be admitted to a good university.

If more students are admitted, the number of classes in the first grade will increase, and the number of classes will increase, and the team of teachers will have to expand.

The No. [-] High School specially went to the best normal university in the province to recruit several graduates this year to add fresh blood to the teaching staff. It is hoped that the first grade can be more actively involved in learning under the leadership of young teachers.

The idea is very good, but the key question is, can young teachers with no teaching experience and management experience be qualified to work as subject teachers or even class teachers in the first grade?

Ju Ling is powerless to control this issue, but it is closely related to her.

Because Li Dagang has already obtained the class placement table of all the students admitted to No. [-] Middle School.

In the first grade of senior high school, there are 50 classes planned, and each class has about [-] students. The students who are admitted will be randomly assigned to these [-] classes, and it depends on the fate of which class teacher will be placed.

Ju Ling's luck is not good, at least in Li Dagang's opinion, because the head teacher of the class she is going to is a newly recruited college graduate.

A male teacher in his 20s, who teaches Chinese, only participated in a one-month teaching practice in the first semester of his senior year, and has no other practical teaching experience.

After Ju Ling told Qiao Jue the news, Qiao Jue also became worried.

He said: "At this stage of high school, sometimes experience is more important than knowledge. You didn't ask Mr. Li if you can transfer classes. If you can, you can transfer to a class with a reliable class teacher before school starts."

Of course Ju Ling asked. Li Dagang didn't say anything dead, but he also made it clear that it was very difficult to transfer shifts.It's easier to deal with people you know in grades or at school, but it's difficult to deal with people you don't know.

Of course, the Ju family didn't know anyone, so if they wanted to do this, they had to go round and round to find someone.Ju Ling didn't want her parents at such an age to beg for help, and she didn't want them to owe favors, so after careful consideration, she decided to resign herself to fate.

"Brother Xiaojue, I'll tell you about this, don't tell others, I don't want them to worry," Ju Ling instructed.

Qiao Jue frowned and sighed, feeling sorry for the sensible little girl in front of her.

"Don't think about it too much. The head teacher only manages the class and teaches one subject. It doesn't really have a big influence on you. You still have choices in the division of arts and sciences in the second year of high school. Don't worry about the future," Qiao Jue persuaded.

If Li Dagang didn't say this, he wouldn't be worried if he didn't know anything about it, but now that he knew it, of course he couldn't help thinking about it, after all, it was about the future.

But you can't blame Li Dagang, he is also for the good of his students.Li Dagang just wanted to mention Ju Ling, so he quickly figured out a way to transfer the shift, so as not to regret it later.

Fortunately, Ju Ling is not very stubborn, and she didn't struggle with this matter for a few days. She was busy every day consolidating the knowledge she had learned, reciting the words Qiao Jue hand-copied for her, and writing a novel to enrich her life. I don't have that much time to think about it.

Her second sister, Ju Jing, also lived a fulfilling life every day.

Since Ju Min started helping out in restaurants, Ju Jing didn't go to restaurants very often. Now she leaves early and returns late every day, wandering around the mountains and fields near the village, looking for geomantic treasures for herself.

When she went out, Yin Kaixuan naturally followed her every step.The two of them in the summer went out for a day, and within two days they turned into two black potatoes.

Black is black, but it is really rewarding.

Xiaofuqiangtun is not too big, but there are quite a lot of land types.

Dry fields include plain black soil, hillside black soil, and hillside loess.Among them, the plain black soil has the best soil quality and is a first-class fertile field.The worst thing is the loess on the hillside, which is barren and cannot hold water. In flood years, crops can be harvested, but in normal years, production will decrease, and in drought years, the harvest is likely to fail.

The forested mountain land of the Ju family belongs to the yellow land on the hillside. The land that has not been planted for so many years has been covered by weeds. Most of them were either infested by insects or gnawed and persecuted by the broken-in livestock.

In addition to the dry fields, Xiaofuqiangtun also has a large paddy field.There are roughly two types of paddy fields. One is paddy fields converted from dry fields, which are easy to irrigate and take care of; Gayou had a lot of problems, but the reclaimed land was really fertile and the yield was very high.

The Ju family used to have a paddy field for small land reclamation. When they were in trouble, they wanted to sell it to the old Zhao family in the village, but the Ju Wenlin family destroyed it and cut it off at a very low price.

After so many years, the three sisters of the Ju family still couldn't forget this matter. Ju Jing opened her little notebook of grudges and scratched it twice, and said bitterly: "Sooner or later, let them spit out everything they eat!"

Ju Ling was very curious about her second sister's little notebook of vengeance, so she went over to take a look, but was pulled aside by Ju Jing, and received a warm stare from her second sister for free.

Ju Ling pouted aggrievedly, found a step for herself and said, "Second Sister, how are you doing these days? Which piece of land are you looking at?"

Ju Jing hadn't said anything yet, and Ju Wenqi, who was soaking her feet aside, said first: "She seems to be useful, and they may not necessarily give it to her. If you want me to say that your second sister is just messing around, we don't have any at home. Well, if you want to grow it, let’s not contract it out next year.”

"I can plant any piece of our land I want?" Ju Jing asked, baring her teeth.

Ju Wenqi immediately became alert, feeling that his second girl was not holding back any good thoughts.

"Which area do you want to grow? The one at Daheyan'er? That is the best land, and many people want to lease it. This year, it was leased to Niuer's family, and his family took care of it carefully," Ju Wenqi said.

Ju Jing shook her head, and said unexpectedly: "I didn't like that piece of land, but I liked our family's hillside land, so I returned the farmland to forest."

"What can you do on the land where the forest is restored? The trees cannot be chopped down randomly, and the soil quality is not good and nothing can be planted," Ju Wenqi said puzzled.

Ju Jing explained patiently: "It's true that you can't cut down randomly, but you can apply to the forestry department. You can cut down trees as long as you get a permit. The soil in the mountain is really not good, but good land can be cultivated. With scientific fertilization and irrigation, a poor land can be turned into a fertile field in two or three years."

If Ju Wenqi had never planted land, she would still be fooled by her, but he had planted the land for half his life, so how could he not know how to raise the land?

 Thank you for your support, thank you for voting and subscribing, thank you.If there is no accident, there will be no third watch today, sorry.

(End of this chapter)

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