Farmer's Struggle

Chapter 222 Objects

Chapter 222 Objects

To be honest, he surprised Ju Jing.

She also deliberately picked a time when there were only two people and asked Yin Kaixuan: "You told me before that you like snakes and lizards the most, and you still keep them as pets, right? Why did you become afraid again?"

Lies cannot be concealed, Yin Kaixuan can only tell the truth.

"I'm afraid you'll laugh at me and think I'm not manly enough. In fact, I'm afraid of a lot of animals, just like caterpillars. I feel itchy when I look at them."

Ju Jing was very speechless: "Then you picked stingers from the tree with me before, and you didn't make yourself guilty. Besides this, what other lies did you tell? You are only given one chance. Don't say it again, I'll talk about it later"

Realizing that there was something wrong with this statement, Ju Jing quickly stopped.

It's a pity that it was too late, Yin Kaixuan not only heard it but also figured out what she meant.

"What will happen if we talk about it later? Deprive me of the qualification to be your boyfriend?" Yin Kaixuan smiled into a fool, and confessed sharply: "I must have never lied to you about big things, but I am afraid of you for some small things." You didn't like me so you told some little lies."

His so-called fibs are actually to maintain his tall and mighty image.

In addition to being afraid of snakes and other animals, he used to spend a lot of money in the game in order to lead Ju Jing to play games. He was obviously a money player, but he told Ju Jing that he chopped it out with a single knife.

When Ju Jing plays game power leveling, sometimes she not only needs to upgrade clients but also equips them. Some equipment or materials are very rare, and it may not be possible to get them out after playing for ten days and half a month. Yin Kaixuan secretly spends high prices from players. Limai then gave it to Ju Jing, and when he gave it to her, he said that he accidentally hit him and it was useless for him to give it to her.

At that time, Ju Jing only thought that Yin Kaixuan was lucky, no matter how rare materials or equipment he could get, unexpectedly he bought them with money.

"You're really good!" Ju Jing didn't know what to say, but said, "How much did it cost you to give me so many materials and equipment, what can I do with this money."

"It can make you feel more relaxed, I think it's worth the money," Yin Kaixuan said suddenly and affectionately.

It's not that Ju Jing is not moved, but besides being moved, she still thinks about more realistic issues.

"If the money is all yours, I won't say anything, but it's inappropriate for you to spend your parents' money to buy me a light box," Ju Jing said.

"I know," Yin Kaixuan sighed and said, "I used to spend money really lavishly. My parents didn't care about me, and I didn't count the money I spent. But when I came to your house and saw the situation in your house , Seeing your parents and your sisters' efforts for this family, I feel that I was too lavish before. You don't need to criticize me. I will definitely not be like this in the future. I am also a man in his twenties. How can you protect others if you can’t even support yourself.”

I didn't expect that the depth of chattering came out.

In fact, Ju Jing is very reluctant to chat with Yin Kaixuan deeply, because she is afraid, afraid that Yin Kaixuan will suddenly say that she likes it or something, and she will not know how to answer it.


To be honest, since Ju Min's divorce, her attitude towards love has changed a little, and she has a slight idea of ​​trying it out.

Then accept?
It is also difficult.After all, she is still a very realistic person in her bones, and she cannot ignore some problems that exist in reality.

For the time being, there can't be a result yet, so let's do it first, maybe one day we will know what to do, or one day Yin Kaixuan is not interested in her and leaves by himself, so it will save her troubles.

It's a pity that Yin Kaixuan is not a roundworm in her stomach, so she can't guess these small thoughts in her heart.

He felt that the timing was right and the atmosphere was good, so he repeated the old saying, and said to Ju Jing: "Jing Jing, you know that I like you, I really like you very much. I don't even know how to say sweet words, so I hope you can give me a chance , a chance to accompany you up the mountain to cut trees and farm the fields as a boyfriend, okay?"

This is also called not being able to speak sweet words?

So what does it mean to be able to speak sweet words?

Seeing that Ju Jing didn't speak, Yin Kaixuan held Ju Jing's hand boldly, looked at her sincerely and said anxiously: "Ju Jing, let's not think about it, and live the current life in a down-to-earth manner." , Isn't it good to enjoy the present time? There are so many accidents in this life, who can guarantee that the future will come according to your plan? Even if you find someone to marry according to your most conservative standards, you can guarantee that he Is it what you imagined?"

Almost every word Yin Kaixuan said hit Ju Jing's heart, making her soften a little bit, and making her constantly waver.

Ju Jing lowered her head slightly, as if she was distracted or thinking.

But it doesn't matter, the important thing is that she never let go of Yin Kaixuan's hand.

They are all smart people, and they will not fail to notice such small details.

A smile spread on the corner of Yin Kaixuan's mouth, and his dark and handsome face looked like the most gorgeous little daisy under the sun when he smiled.

He really didn't expect that there would be such gains from self-exploding his shortcomings and shortcomings.Before this moment, he had envisioned countless scenarios where Ju Jing would accept him, but he never expected it to be in such an unremarkable situation.

It is more reasonable to think about it like this, life is inherently ordinary, there are not so many earth-shattering events, and naturally there are not so many earth-shattering love affairs.

Ordinary men and women, talking about an ordinary love, the road ahead may be full of thorns, and the future is also full of countless possibilities, but at least at this moment, their hearts are very close, very close.

Turning around, Yin Kaixuan announced the happy event. Ju Min and Ju Ling were quite happy. The good guy and the good girl are finally together.

As for Qiao Jue, either he was unhappy, or his heart was very sour, so sour that he wanted to punch him and make him cry when he saw Yin Kaixuan laughing silly.

The feelings of Ju Wenqi and his wife are more complicated.

On the one hand, they all think that Yin Kaixuan is good, he is a good guy, and it is good to be with their second girl.But on the other hand, they felt that there was too much difference between the two families, and they were afraid that the Yin family would look down on their daughter and that Ju Jing would be angry.

Seeing her parents moaning and sighing for several days, Ju Ling seized the opportunity to comfort them and said: "Parents, don't worry about my second sister, she knows what she is doing when she is so old. Don't think that the Yin family's conditions are too poor. Well, what will happen to my second sister in the future, think about my eldest sister, Lin Dezhi’s family’s conditions are similar to ours, so my eldest sister should be angry or not. So whether life is good or not depends not entirely on the family, but also on people.”

What Ju Ling said is quite clear, and Ju Wenqi and his wife also know these reasons, but they still worry about it.

Children are the debt of parents.Once born, this debt has to be paid for a lifetime.Worry about a good life, and worry even more about a bad life. In short, there is no time when you don’t worry. People who are not parents will never be able to experience this feeling.

 Thank you for your support, thank you for voting and subscribing, thank you.Letting the second sister and the second brother-in-law together in Chapter 222 is a special kind of fate.

(End of this chapter)

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