Farmer's Struggle

Chapter 229 Blog

Chapter 229 Blog
After taking photos for half a day, when I got home in the evening, Zhang Yongmei had already prepared dinner and was changing clothes for grandma.

"Quiet, if you don't have anything to do, don't go out and wander around. Stay at home and watch your mother, so that your father and I can concentrate on watching the restaurant," Zhang Yongmei said in a discussing tone.

Ju Jing, who was turning on the computer, paused her hands in the air, probably understood what Zhang Yongmei meant, and explained: "Mom, I'm not just wandering around, I have my own things to do, you and my dad don't expect me to stay at home for a day. , take care of grandma all day or watch restaurants for you and my dad. Mom, you and my dad support the elder sister’s career and support the younger one’s study. While you still have energy and physical strength, can you also support my career?”

What she said was a little pitiful, but it was definitely from the heart.

Ju Wenqi and Zhang Yongmei may think that she is just like the farmers at home when she returns home to farm. She is busy for two and a half seasons a year, and the rest of the time is very leisurely. If she has nothing to do, she just runs around. It is best to stay at home. Yes, you should help them manage the restaurant and help them serve grandma.

If she has time and energy, Ju Jing is of course willing to lighten the burden on her parents and take care of her grandma, but before that, she has to finish her own work.She is willing to go home to be with her parents and grandma, and being willing to take care of them at close range does not mean that she will give up her pursuit and career. She just wants to find a balance between the two.

Now everything is in its infancy, and she really needs the support of her parents. When everything is on the right track, even if Zhang Yongmei doesn't say anything, she will take care of her family more.

Zhang Yongmei froze there, and it took a long while to recover.

Guilt welled up in her heart, and Zhang Yongmei immediately said: "Support and support, your father and I support whatever you do. I have no other intentions, just want to."

Zhang Yongmei found that she couldn't explain it, because that's what she thought.

Now that she knew what the girl meant, she regretted that she hadn't thought about it for the second girl.

"Jingjing, don't blame me and your dad, just tell us what's on your mind and don't let us guess, we may not be able to guess," Zhang Yongmei said guiltily.

Sometimes Ju Jing feels aggrieved in her heart.

From childhood to adulthood, parents valued the elder sister and loved the younger sister, and she was always ignored by them in the middle.She is willing to contribute to this family and is willing to do a lot of things for her family. Apart from the fact that she values ​​family and family, she also hopes that her parents can see her sacrifice and dedication, and care more about her.

She has been independent and strong since she was a child, and she doesn't know how to make her parents happy. She just wants to attract her parents' attention in her own way, and hopes that they can pay more attention to her.

Ju Ling said she had low self-esteem, yes, she just had low self-esteem.I have low self-esteem for love and low self-esteem for family affection.

There is a mountain hidden in her heart, a sea hidden, and countless little thoughts hidden in her heart.She is not willing to say, and she can't say it, she can only express herself in her own way.

At this moment, Zhang Yongmei's response to her poked her heart very much. She smiled happily and said, "Okay, I will tell you what I think in the future. I will definitely help grandma when I have time, but you and my dad don't expect me to come back. I don’t do anything at home and just hang around with you, my dad and my grandma every day, I also have to have my own career, I can’t wait for my elder sister to have a successful career and a little success in school, I’m nothing at home.”

To be honest, Zhang Yongmei never thought of this.

Ju Min has made money, Ju Ling has been admitted to university, and both of them have become promising people in the eyes of others. What will Ju Jing, who is farming at home, think?What would the people in the village think of her?If she didn't come up with something famous, wouldn't the matter between her and Yin Kaixuan be out of order!

Farming the land and wanting to grow famous is not as easy as getting into a university and doing a small business to make money, and it is even much more difficult. Ju Jing really needs the support of her family more.

After tidying up Zhang Yongmei for grandma, she went to the restaurant.Grandma played by herself, and Ju Jing cleaned up after eating and began to fiddle with the photos taken before.

Having a computer is really convenient.Import the photos taken into the computer, use the photo editing software to retouch the photos, and then open the Qzone and start writing the diary.There are suitable pictures under each paragraph of text, and she edited very carefully.

After editing the Qzone, she copied the content and posted it on social platforms such as blogs and post bars.

It took more than three hours to finish everything. Others might find it boring, but she enjoyed the process very much.She is willing to share her life, her hometown, and her favorite heaven and earth, mountains and water with friends on the Internet.

In fact, she wanted to do this when she decided to go home and start a business, but she never found the time. Now that the time is ripe, she really put her heart into it for the first time.

She also has a lot of netizens, and she called on them to look at the photos she took of the things she wrote, and then give her comments, and correct them immediately if there is something wrong.

She didn't go out for the next few days, and watched her grandma get these things online by the way, and edited the pictures and texts uploaded several times before she felt very satisfied.

While Ju Jing was tinkering with these things at home, Ju Min and Ju Ling had already moved into the rental house, and Yin Kaixuan and Qiao Jue had also returned to the capital. One was preparing to start school for make-up exams, and the other had dinner with classmates and professors to go abroad again.

As for Ju Min and Ju Ling, they are also busy with their respective careers and studies.

Ju Min wants to do a small business, saying it is a small business, and it is not easy to do well.She had done market research before starting a small food truck in a small southern town, and of course she had to do some research if she wanted to do something in Yunhe.

On the first day, she first walked through the streets and alleys of Yunhe, and when she met a stall selling snacks, she bought a portion to taste, and was extra careful when tasting the grilled cold noodles.

After a round of tasting, she was a little frustrated.

I thought about making cold noodles before, but after I really tasted the local cold noodles, I realized how ordinary I made it. It’s okay to fool some people who have never eaten authentic cold noodles. I want to share this here. It's almost impossible to do business.

If she doesn't cook cold noodles, what can she do?

Selling southern snacks in Yunhe?It's a good idea, but the key problem is that she hasn't learned any of the snacks at the other end!
I called Ruan Xiaofeng and Wang Xiuhong, hoping they would give me an idea, but the couple didn't have any ideas, and she had to make the decision by herself in the end.

Ju Min became confused again.

You can be confused for a while, but you can't always be confused. You still have to find a way out.

She divorced and returned to her hometown, which put a lot of pressure on her parents and family. She had no other way out except to make her life better. There really was no way out.

Therefore, the confusion and difficulties in front of her must be overcome, and the reality does not give her the option of shrinking or yielding.

So how to overcome confusion and difficulties?Ju Min also has her own method.

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(End of this chapter)

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