Chapter 238
When Ju Min went to Haishi, she went straight to the shop that posted a message on the Internet saying that she could teach people how to make milk tea, and met the owner of the shop.

The boss is a woman in her early thirties, divorced like Ju Min, the difference is that the boss has a six-year-old child with her.

The experience of the boss is also very tortuous. After the divorce, he suffered a lot. Fortunately, he has money in his hand to open the current store.

The two women who were frustrated in their marriage hit it off and talked a lot.Later, the boss taught Ju Min how to make milk tea, mix juice drinks, and how to run a small shop.

In just a few days, Ju Min really learned a lot.

She also saw the beauty of a woman's tenacity, indomitable beauty and self-confidence from her boss.

It turns out that a woman can have a thousand and ten thousand ways of living, and it is not the only way to get married and have children.Without marriage or even without children, women can create value with their own hands, gain respect and recognition, and gain self-satisfaction and joy.

Women don't necessarily need makeup, but every delicate makeup they put on must not be for others, but for themselves.

In addition to teaching Ju Min the skills, the boss also took Ju Min out for shopping, and Ju Min also tasted the fun of women's shopping.

This kind of shopping is different from going out to buy daily necessities and vegetables. It is purely for entertainment and shopping for yourself. Ju Min has experienced the joy of spending money that she has never experienced before!

When she called Ju Jing to tell her about it, Ju Jing felt incredible.

"How much money can you be happy? How much money do you have?" Ju Jing said, "I just went to buy the most needed things and spent so much money that I couldn't sleep because of the pain, but I didn't feel happy at all." .”

What Ju Jing is talking about is that when buying a computer and spending money, it really hurts. I count the money in my dreams, and my heart is bleeding.

"When I think about it afterwards, I feel pain, but I was really happy when I was spending money. So we should make more money, make a lot of money, and enjoy the joy of spending more money," Ju Min said with a smile .

After returning, Ju Min told Ju Ling these things again, and Ju Ling's thinking was quite strange.

She nodded in agreement and said to Ju Min: "Sister, you are so right. Spending money can really make people happy. For example, let's buy books. I don't have money, so I feel tied up when I go to buy books. This one is too expensive to buy, and that one is too thin. It’s a good deal, and I can only pick a few books in the end. If I have money to buy books, I can buy whatever I want and buy as many books as I want, just think about it.”

Therefore, the prerequisite for enjoying the happiness of spending money is to have money, and you cannot enjoy this kind of happiness without money.

"Sister, have you really decided to contract the canteen berth?" Ju Ling asked.

Ju Min was trying to figure out if he had enough money. Hearing this, he raised his head and smiled and replied, "Of course, I've bought all the things I need to open a beverage store. I'm on the road and I can get there in a few days. When the time comes, I will I have learned how to make milk tea for you. I am sure you will like it. By the way, you can also invite your classmates and teachers to drink. Aren’t you kids popular with treats? You treat him this time, and he treats you next time. .”

Speaking of teachers and classmates, Ju Ling thought of what happened these days.

You can't hide it, so Ju Ling told Ju Min everything.

Unable to settle Ju Min's account, she threw away her pen and poked Ju Ling's forehead with her finger.

"You! You are so brave, why don't you know how to call me? If I can't come back, you can call your head teacher!"

It is useless to say anything now, Ju Ling did everything that should be done and should not be done, and solved the matter by himself.

However, it is impossible for Ju Min to do nothing. The next day, before going to the school logistics to discuss the matter of renting a shop, she first went to Teacher Wang and apologized to Teacher Wang with a very good attitude. Spirit is better.

Teacher Wang didn't say anything, but told Ju Min to go back and look after Ju Ling and not let her cause trouble.

After solving this matter, Ju Min immediately went to the school's logistics director to talk about the canteen.

The uncle of the fourth canteen said that several people wanted to rent that place, which is true, but they all felt that the price of that place could be lowered, and they were all waiting.Ju Min was more happy than them. After negotiating the price and thinking it was right, he could sign the contract and pay the deposit immediately.

Just renting a place is not enough, there are other procedures to go through, so Ju Min can use the time for other procedures to simply renovate her one-acre three-point land, and consolidate the skills she has learned by the way.

Let's go through all kinds of procedures. It's easy to say, but it's not easy to say.

People you know are just a matter of one sentence.If you don’t know anyone, you have to go back and forth.

Ju Min is the kind who doesn't know anyone, but she only made two trips because Peng Yan helped in the later stage.

Peng Yan sent her a message asking what she was up to recently, Ju Min called him back and told him that he had gone to Haishi and was going to sell milk tea drinks in the cafeteria of No. [-] Middle School. Peng Yan thought she was very thoughtful. Offered to help her with various formalities.

Not only did Peng Yan know people in the township, but he also had many friends in Yunhe, so doing things was much more enjoyable than Ju Min running around.

Things went smoothly, but the favor became more and more indebted.

Peng Yan asked Ju Min not to have a psychological burden, and if he really wanted to repay the favor, he would treat him to a good meal.

A meal must be invited, but it is not enough to invite such a big favor for a meal, and you have to return it in the future.

The formalities are completed, all kinds of things purchased have been mailed one after another, and the small shop has been simply decorated. Everything is ready, and it is just a matter of opening!
The name of the drink shop was thought up by Ju Min all night, it's called Zhuangyuan Beverage Shop!

Ju Ling thinks that this name is not good, so it is better to choose something sweet and nice.But Ju Min doesn't think so, she thinks the champion is good, what sweetness do you want to drink milk tea and juice at school, and she has to study hard to become the champion, what a good implication.

On the day when the store was officially opened, Ju Min also organized an event, regardless of buying milk tea, fruit juice, or carbonated drinks, all were half price.

Ju Ling also advertised the store in advance, and told her classmates that they can make reservations, and they can pick it up directly after class or at noon and evening, so there is no need to queue up to save time.

Even so, the business on the opening day of Zhuangyuan Beverage Store was still very bleak.

Mainly because of the opening of new stores, everyone is waiting and watching, and no one dares to try.

Ju Min didn't get angry either, she made more than 50 cups of milk tea, packaged them all up and put them in several boxes, and asked Ju Ling to bring two classmates over and move them back, and she wanted Ju Ling to treat the whole class to drink milk tea!

In the last few days of the military training, everyone was more relaxed. Most of the time in each class gathered together to play songs and have fun. There was really not much time for serious training.

Ju Ling and a few classmates moved a few boxes of milk tea to their own classes and distributed them. Everyone had a glass of milk tea and played while drinking. Wouldn't the students in other classes be envious when they saw it?

To be honest, which class doesn't have one or two wealthy students, and if one class takes the lead in treating guests, there must be students from other classes following in the invitations. I'm afraid the business won't catch on!
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(End of this chapter)

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